How to Make Gajar ka Halwa? Can Desi Cow Ghee boost the taste?

Gajar ka Halwa
| Feb 02, 2023

A traditional Indian delicacy called gajar ka halwa is prepared from carrots, milk, ghee, dry fruits, sugar, and cardamom. It’s quite luscious, creamy, and delicious. It’s impossible to ever get enough of this dessert because of the way the flavour of the dried fruits and carrots dissolve in the mouth and also the comfort that the milk provides. It is a winter delicacy that is frequently eaten at celebrations, weddings, and important events. Learn how to prepare gajar ka halwa using the traditional Indian method.


Several names, one delicious dessert: carrot halwa, gajar ka halwa, gajar Pak, or gajrela. In India’s northern area, the gajar ka halwa dessert is so well-known that it is difficult to imagine a winter without this. One can never get enough of this dish because of the way the flavour of the carrots and dry fruits melt in your mouth and the warmth it provides from the milk. It is not critical to use condensed milk or khoya in the classic gajar ka halwa recipe; it only calls for fresh carrots, pure cow ghee, milk, and sugar.

Here are some interesting scientific facts for you, in case the flavour isn’t enough to convince you to try this delicacy. Beta carotene, a type of vitamin A, is found in carrots. Our immunity is boosted by this antioxidant[1], which also aids in preventing serious diseases. Ghee is one of the most essential foods according to Ayurveda since it contains a lot of vitamin A and Omega-3 fatty acids, which has a tonne of fantastic health advantages. Additionally, dry fruits, milk, and spices all have their unique benefits. Let’s discuss the fundamentals of the gajar ka halwa recipe now that we are aware of the taste and its numerous health advantages.

How to Make Gajar ka Halwa: Ingredients Required

To make the best gajar ka halwa, you only need six basic ingredients, patience and strength.

  1. Carrots (1 kg carrots): Red carrots are necessary for preparing a delicious, authentic gajar ka halwa. The gajar halwa must be made with red carrots, which are readily accessible during the winter at every grocery store. You can also use fresh orange carrots if red carrots are not available. Look for fresh carrots that are juicily coloured in a bright red (or orange) with no brown stains. For this recipe, using medium-sized carrots is ideal as smaller carrots will be difficult to grate, and bigger ones will have some wood-like core.
  2. Pure Ghee (¼ cup ghee): To create the ideal nutty flavour in the halwa, we can use ghee to roast the dry fruits at the end. Opting for A2 Premium Gir Cow ghee is the best option. It is a wonderful nutrient that improves the flavour of our delicious dessert while also providing several health advantages. Ghee’s creamy consistency will give our dish a delicate, creamy texture. 
  3. Milk (3 cups of milk): This halwa will have a thick, creamy texture from using only pure milk. All the advantages milk has for our health are already known to us. But milk leaves behind a distinctive, creamy texture. Our dish is now nutritious and loaded with all the necessary components. However, for best results, use only pure cow milk.
  4. Sugar (3/4 cup sugar): Granulated sugar should be used as the sweetener in this recipe. Since red carrots are naturally sweet, the sugar content can be adjusted to taste.
  5. Nuts (10 almonds, cashews, and raisins): For the garnish, you can choose any nuts you like. Both chopped raisins and almond slices work well. If you have nut allergies or prefer a nut-free gajar ka halwa, eliminate the nuts.
  6. Cardamom Powder (3/4 tablespoons): To achieve the ideal flavour and aroma, add cardamom powder. To get the finest flavours, use freshly ground powder.

Step-by-Step Process of Preparing Gajar Ka Halwa 

  • Use a hand grater or the thicker side/blade of a food processor to peel and shred the carrots. Place it aside.
  • In a heavy-bottomed pan, preheat 1 tablespoon of ghee. A few seconds later, stir in the almonds and the raisins. Place it on a plate.
  • Heat the same pan over medium-high heat before adding the grated carrots (it’s okay if there is some ghee remaining in the pan).
  • For about 2 minutes, sauté the carrots while stirring regularly.
  • Add the milk now. Relatively thorough stirring
  • Cook the carrots and milk over medium heat for about 30 minutes. Keep stirring in between. And watch it closely.
  • Be sure to watch over the gajar ka halwa.
  • You’ll see the milk has dropped to half or somewhat more after 30 minutes. Remember to stir frequently; otherwise, the milk and carrot may burn on the bottom of the pan.
  • Cooking should go on. Cook the halwa on medium heat, often stirring until the carrots have absorbed all the milk and the mixture has reduced to milk solids.
  • You may see tiny milk-solid flecks in the halwa. It could take ten to fifteen minutes to do this. Keep the medium hot flame.
  • At this stage, add the sugar. The halwa could become quite liquid when you’ve added the sugar, which will melt once you do.
  • Until all of the sugar juice has been absorbed, continue to boil the halwa while stirring constantly. It will take roughly 10 to 15 minutes to finish this.
  • Keep the halwa from drying out too much because it will start to thicken as it cools.
  • After that is finished, roast the nuts for 3–4 minutes while adding the final 1 tablespoon of pure ghee and cardamom powder.
  • Serve it hot. You can also serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, kulfi, or whipped cream. 


Gajar ka halwa is a traditional dessert that never goes out of tone or loses its appeal. What is keeping you from making gajar ka halwa now that we have shown you the step-by-step procedure? To keep an eye on the health of your loved ones, make sure you only use pure and organic products. Make this wonderful dessert for your family, and they’ll lick their plates.

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