BCM-7, Harmful Effects of BCM-7, and Side Effects

BCM-7, Harmful Effects of BCM-7, and Side Effects

Beta-casomorphin-7 is a group of narcotic or opioid peptides which are released during the food processing process or digestible gastrointestinal process from the Beta-casein during the consumption of A1 milk type. Milk is scientifically divided into two different types, A1 milk type and A2 milk type. This division depends upon the absence and presence of histidine and proline at the 67th position of amino acid. A1 milk type is proposed to be the wellspring of BCM-7 as it has histidine on the 67th position, which stimulates the production of Beta-casomorphin-7, whereas the A2 milk type contains proline that completely resists hydrolysis. On the other hand, various studies have proven Beta-casomorphin-7 to be harmful to the development of Type-1 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. So, the question here lies, is BCM-7 harmful? Let’s check it out.

What Is Beta-casomorphin-7(BCM-7)? 

The word casomorphin[1] is a combination of two words, caso and morphine. The word caso means casein, and the word morphine is derived from the Greek word morphs which means sleep. These peptides are derived from the β-casein of milk, which later produces pharmacological and opioid activities. These peptides tie together μ-receptors (present in the central nervous system), immune cells, and the gastrointestinal tract. Is BCM-7 harmful to our bodies? Yes, it is known as BCM opioid receptor that creates an impact on the gastrointestinal tract, and it can be harmful to other body organs, like the cardiovascular, neurological, and endocrine frameworks.

Side Effects 

To know if BCM-7 is harmful that’s read through the side effects of consuming milk type that produces BCM-7 during the digestive process. 

Side Effects of BCM-7
  1. Heart Disease: Is BCM-7 harmful for individuals suffering from heart disease? Yes, it is harmful. Two observational investigations have linked regular consumption of A1 milk type, which leads to the production of a group of opioid peptides, to an increased risk of coronary illness. One experimental test in rabbits has shown that Beta-casomorphin-7 leads to fat development, which can cause harmful effects on our arteries. The risk of coronary disease development was much lower when the rabbits were fed A2 beta-casein. Harmful fat production may stop our arteries and cause coronary illness and strokes. In any case, the human pertinence of the outcomes has been discussed. Up until this point, two experiments have explored the impacts of BCM-7 on coronary illness risk factors in individuals. In one concentrate on 15 grown-ups at high risk of coronary illness, no huge, unfriendly impacts were noticed. Potent opioid peptide affected vein capability, circulatory strain, blood fats, and provocative markers. Another review tracked down no huge differences in the impacts of BCM-7 and A2 milk types. 
  • Type-1 Diabetes: Everyday consumption of BCM is harmful as it increases the risk of Type-1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes is regularly analyzed in kids and described by an absence of insulin. A few examinations demonstrate that the production of potent opioid peptide in children builds your risk of developing type 1 diabetes. Notwithstanding, these investigations are observational. They can’t demonstrate that a group of opioid peptides causes type 1 diabetes — just that the people who are consuming a greater amount of it are at a higher risk. Up until this point, no clinical preliminaries in people have researched the impact of BCM-7 on type 1 diabetes.
  • Autism: Chemical imbalance is a state of mind described by poor social collaboration and repetitive behaviour. So, is BCM-7 harmful to children? Yes, theoretically, peptides like BCM-7 have played a part in the development of autism and mental imbalance. Be that as it may, studies don’t uphold the proposed systems in general. In one experiment on newborn children, we found that more significant levels of Beta-casomorphin-7 were found in children who were given cow’s milk in comparison to infants who were breastfed. Eminently, levels of potent opioid peptide dropped rapidly in a portion of the newborn children while staying high in others. For the infants who held these significant levels, Beta-casomorphin-7 was emphatically connected with a weakened capacity to plan and perform activities. Another review shows that drinking cow’s milk might trigger side effects in kids already suffering from autism and other chemical imbalance. 
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: SIDS is a syndrome that is the most widely recognized reason for death in newborn children under a year old. It is the startling passing of a newborn child without a clear reason. So, is BCM-7 harmful for infants? Yes, a few specialists have theorized that a group of opioid peptides might be engaged with certain instances of SIDS. One review tracked down elevated degrees of potent opioid peptide in the blood of babies who briefly quit breathing during rest. This condition, known as rest apnea, is connected to an expanded risk of SIDS. These outcomes demonstrate that a few youngsters might be delicate to the A1 beta-casein tracked down in cow’s milk. However, further investigations are required before any firm ends can be reached.

Harmful Effects Of BCM-7: Is BCM-7 Harmful?

Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7) is a narcotic peptide delivered during the absorption of A1 beta-casein. It’s the justification for why certain individuals believe regular milk to be less healthy than the A2 milk type. A couple of researchers have recommended that Beta-casomorphin-7 might be connected to autism, type 1 diabetes, coronary illness, digestive problems, and sudden infant deaths. So Is BCM-7 harmful for everyday consumption? Yes, it is.

While Beta-casomorphin-7 might influence our digestive framework, it’s as yet unclear how much potent opioid peptide is absorbed into your blood. Researchers have not found BCM-7 in the bloodstream of healthy grown-ups who consumed cow’s milk, yet a couple of tests demonstrate that μ-opioid receptor agonist might be available in newborn children. While Beta-casomorphin-7 has been widely explored, its general health benefits are still unknown. So let’s read about what makes BCM-7 harmful.


The debate about the potential health impacts of BCM-7 is yet ongoing. Research recommends that A1 beta-casein, which prompts the production of potent opioid peptides, causes adverse stomach-related side effects in specific people. Be that as it may, the validation is still excessively unclear for any strong ends to be made about the alleged connections between BCM-7 and different circumstances, like type 1 diabetes and autism. At SwadeshiVIP, we deliver 100% organic and BCM-7-free, A2 milk that is tasty & nutritious.

Read Our Article: 5 Proven Health Benefits of the A2 Cow Milk for Senior Citizens

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