Where to Buy 100% Pure Vedic A2 Cow Milk in Delhi NCR?

Vedic A2 Cow Milk
| Mar 01, 2023
A2 Milk

Vedic A2 Gir Cow Milk is gradually emerging as the more favoured and healthy milk type as the globe moves towards a better and more organic lifestyle. In a world where freshly extracted cow milk is slowly being replaced by packaged milk, people in Indian villages still favour freshly extracted cow milk. That explains why people in rural areas are generally more physically fit and healthier than urban residents. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t worry because SwadeshiVIP delivers pure Vedic A2 Gir Cow Milk to your house in Delhi NCR. Together with a variety of other A2 dairy products like buttermilk, ghee, dahi, and more, we provide pure and fresh Vedic A2 cow milk.

About SwadeshiVIP

A2 dairy brand SwadeshiVIP was created with the intention of offering pure and fresh A2 milk, including A2 Gir cow milk, Sahiwal milk, and other A2 dairy products. The single most successful strategy for living a healthy life, according to our Founder, Shri Narendra Kumar, is to eat organic, unprocessed, and natural food. And when he discovered that the dairy sector is tainted and supplies poor milk (often known as A1 milk), which contributed to a number of health issues like Type 1 Diabetes, Autism[1], and others. And when he realised how important A2 Gir Cow Milk was, he made the decision to expand his small family business. His goal is to become India’s top provider of Vedic A2 cow milk.

More than 100 indigenous cows are raised in an organic environment and nurtured ethically at SwadeshiVIP farm. Our indigenous cows are fed only chemical-free, organically-grown fodder. To strengthen the soil on our farm, we apply desi cow manure made from cow dung and urine. Because they graze on natural grass and are fed nutritional diets, they produce healthy and wholesome A2 milk, which we then supply to you in its fresh state. Our A2 milk and A2 milk-based products are subjected to a variety of quality tests to ensure that they meet the highest quality and safety standards. At SwadeshiVIP, we want to support you in forming a close connection with, taking good care of, and valuing organic life. To maintain tradition and promote good health, we believe that adopting SwadeshiVIP A2 Gir Cow Milk should become the new standard.

Like every Hindu, we worship the cows that we breed, making our organisation more than just a dairy brand. By giving them a clean shelter, organic food, open-air grazing, and round-the-clock medical care, we give them a loving and secure environment. 

We, as a company, believe in implementing environmentally friendly and safe procedures to remove milk, store it, and then use the surplus milk to create various dairy products. At SwadeshiVIP, we make sure that every employee and Gausevak follow the safety procedures and take the utmost care when using gloves and masks. Our first objective is to leave no possibility for contamination or adulteration in any way. The purity of the milk is maintained by our fully furnished, environmentally friendly Vedic Gaushala. You’d be at ease and secure in the milk we deliver because of our eco-friendly packing method. In addition to promoting a sustainable way of life, we hope to provide you with a farm-to-door experience. Thus, SwadeshiVIP is your go-to location or website if you’re seeking Pure Vedic A2 Cow Milk in Delhi NCR.

About SwadeshiVIP Vedic A2 Cow Milk

The promise of purity is what distinguishes SwadeshiVIP from other milk brands. To deliver you the purest, most wholesome, and most fresh cow milk possible, we created SwadeshiVIP. One of the cleanest and purest milk varieties, SwadeshiVIP Vedic A2 Cow Milk, is packed with several health advantages. Pure breeds of Gir cows that are fed well are loved and are happy to stay around and produce our A2 Gir Cow Milk.

Our A2 Gir Cow Milk is loaded with all the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of our human health, including calcium, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, proteins, and many others. Regular consumption of desi Cow Milk can help with weight loss, heart health, Type-1 diabetes prevention, immune system boosting, and digestion improvement.

We invite you to think of SwadeshiVIP as your very own dairy farm, where native cow breeds like Gir and Sahiwal are raised with the highest love and care in a natural environment. To ensure that the milk is fresh and packed with nutrients, these free-grazing cows are only fed organic fodder. No cows are ever given hormones or artificial insemination on our farms so they can breed or produce a lot of milk. After the cows’ calves have been fed, our expert milks them by hand twice a day. The raw milk is then chilled, put into glass bottles, and refrigerated until it is sold or gets to your door. It may be used to make delectably creamy A2 makkhan, dahi, and other A2 dairy items. Because A2 Gir cow milk has an amino acid chain comparable to that of human breast milk, studies have proven that it is the greatest substitute for breast milk for your child. Other factors that make our Vedic A2 Cow Milk the healthiest include:

Vedic A2 Cow Milk

How Can One Order SwadeshiVIP A2 Gir Cow Milk?

Download our delivery app or register on our official website to order your own pack of unadulterated and Vedic A2 Cow Milk. To begin, download the SwadeshiVIP app, register by providing all required information, and log in. Simply choose the items you want to purchase and add them to your shopping cart. Complete the payment and track the status of your order’s delivery. Your order will arrive at your door within hours. With a single click, you can enjoy a hassle-free and easy dairy experience. For more information, please see our official website. Download our app for a hassle-free buying experience. So, what are you waiting for?

The Final Words

When we talk about the dairy industry, purity is a key matter of concern. At SwadeshiVIP, we deliver 100% pure Vedic A2 Cow Milk to the doorstep. Visit our website or download our app to buy A2 milk. 

Read our Article: A2 Cow Milk: Benefits, Difference between A2 Milk and Regular Milk & More


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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