Natural Home Remedies for Laryngitis

Home Remedies for Laryngiti
| Aug 30, 2024
Health Tips

The human voice is not just God’s greatest gift, but it is merely the most precious thing to be taken care of. It is used to express our emotions, messages, and stories. The human voice is an excellent way to interact, break cultural boundaries, and touch the hearts of humanity.

The vocal cords present in our body come along, and the sound is created when they vibrate together. However, if you are not speaking anything or your vocal cords are at rest, the cords stay relaxed. Similarly, the passage remains open so that the air can pass through and one can breathe normally. This is how the primary vocal cords work, making it easy for us to create sounds and speak.

The larynx, also known as the voice box, is the home of the vocal cords. They stand very important for talking, breathing, and swallowing. If we understand it scientifically, the two vocal cords are small folds of mucous membranes that cover the cartilage and muscles that vibrate to generate sound.

Laryngitis is a viral infection that occurs with acute viral irritation. The infection stays mild and lasts for 3–7 days. Viral infections happen with the harsh overuse of voice, smoking, and exposure to allergens. With this blog, we will try to learn the essential natural home remedies for laryngitis to cure it more efficiently.

What is Laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an inflammation irritation in the larynx, known as our voice box (स्वर पेटी); this can happen due to the intensive use of the cords or infection. The larynx is the home for vocal cords, two folds of mucous membranes that cover muscle and cartilage. Under normal circumstances, these vocal cords open and close smoothly, allowing sound production through their movement and vibration. However, when the vocal cords become inflamed, the smooth functioning is disrupted, leading to symptoms such as a weak or hoarse voice.

Normal surrounding factors such as inhaling cigarette smoke or polluted air, irritation from asthma inhalers, vocal misuse, or gastrointestinal oesophageal reflux are the common base factors of laryngitis. Chronic laryngitis exerts an increased force on the vocal folds, leading to increased contact and friction between them, which causes the area to become more swollen.

Symptoms of Laryngitis

In most cases of laryngitis, the symptoms last for less than a couple of weeks and are caused by some minor virus that enters our body through the mouth. Often, the laryngitis symptoms are caused by something more severe or long-lasting. Some prominent signs and symptoms of laryngitis include-

  1. Hoarseness
  2. Voice loss or weak voice
  3. Tickling sensation
  4. Sore throat
  5. Dry throat
  6. Dry cough
  7. Irritating cough
  8. Mild fever

What are the Causes of Laryngitis?

This viral infection is caused by colds or flu, and this laryngitis infection is caused by rare conditions. The population suffering from COVID-19 has also led to a hoarse voice. Laryngitis can also stain your voice if you yell or for a long period. Singing, shouting, or loud talking may also lead to this infection.

This is said to be chronic when it lasts more than three weeks. The leading causes are listed below-

  • Smoking or alcohol consumption
  • Irritation in breathing, such as fumes, dust, and chemicals
  • Reflux
  • Repeated strain on the vocal cords
  • Injury to the vocal cords or the presence of growths on the vocal cords should be kept in mind.
  • Allergies
  • Sinus infection

8 Natural Home Remedies for Laryngitis

Individuals suffering from laryngitis can speed up their healing process by using natural home remedies. These suggestions for self-care, such as taking a break from talking, using salt water to gargle, and other methods, are worth trying. Let us learn through 8 effective natural home remedies for laryngitis-

1.      Resting the Voice

Always give your voice some rest time to reduce the vocal cords’ inflammation and irritation. It is essential to provide some relief when speaking. People also should not whisper; whispering is not a good practice for the vocal membranes, as it causes even more irritation than speaking quietly.

2.      Salt Water Gargle

Salt water helps kill harmful bacteria and reduce pain. Add a half teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and mix it well until the salt dissolves completely. Gargle with the salt water at the back of the throat, then spit it out; do not swallow the water. Young children should not be tried on, as they can accidentally swallow the water, which is not correct. It is one of the effective home remedies for laryngitis.

3.      Installing a Humidifier

Adding moisture to the air through the humidifier can help soothe dry and inflamed throats. Cooling essential oils are available, but there is little high-quality evidence to support the notion that they help ease the symptoms of laryngitis.

4.      Eating Garlic

Some people find it easy to manage cold and flu symptoms after consuming garlic cloves directly. Garlic has antibacterial properties that help the person get well soon from the infection.

5.      Eating Ginger roots

Ginger roots have been used for generations to treat illnesses; ginger has antibacterial properties that reduce inflammation. Try drinking ginger tea or adding ginger root to hot water to get instant relief from sore throat pain.

6.      Honey and Hot Water

Honey and warm water are great for relieving pain and inflammation. Honey has its natural antibacterial substances. It helps reduce the pain and discomfort in the throat. Also, some people like adding lemon juice to the hot water, as pure honey and lemon work as one of the most successful home remedies for laryngitis.

7.      Increase Fluid Intake

It is always important to stay hydrated; drinking warm or cold liquids can help soothe the vocal cords and hydrate the dry throat. However, not including soda, scorching beverages, and milk or dairy products can also increase mucus production and worsen symptoms.

8.      Restriction on Smoking and Alcohol

Laryngitis can be acute or chronic if you avoid smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol can help relieve inflammation. It is essential to know that cigarette or alcohol use is the trigger for laryngitis.


Laryngitis is a general condition with various causes and presentations to cure it. These natural home remedies for laryngitis help them manage fully, focusing on symptom relief, keeping its underlying causes, and giving speedy recovery. It is seen in both acute and chronic forms, with acute laryngitis typically reducing on its own within a week or two, and chronic laryngitis stays for more than three weeks and may require medicinal support.

Awareness and timely self-care are crucial to minimizing the impact of laryngitis on our affected bodies and improving their quality of life. If you are looking for pure honey and other organic dairy products, visit Swadeshivip.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. What is laryngitis caused by?

    The most common cause of laryngitis is a virus; poor vocal hygiene can lead to inflammation of the vocal folds.

  2. How laryngitis can be cured?

    Acute laryngitis often gets better within a week, or some natural home remedies for laryngitis are voice rest, fluid drinking, and humidifying the air. Give your voice ample rest and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. If symptoms continue, consult a doctor for the same.

  3. How long does laryngitis last?

    Laryngitis is the inflammation of the larynx. It gets better without treatment in about a week. In some cases, it gets worsen with each passing day. Thus, taking precaution and following appropriate measures is recommended.

  4. Can Laryngitis be harmful?

    A temporary viral infection triggers laryngitis, but it isn’t severe.

  5. Is honey good for laryngitis?

    Honey contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which could potentially alleviate laryngitis resulting from an infection.

  6. What is the fastest way to cure laryngitis?

    Some of the fastest self-care ways to cure laryngitis are-
    Breathe moist air
    Rest your voice as much as possible
    Keep the throat moisten
    Avoid whispering

  7. Do cough syrups help in laryngitis?

    No, cough syrups don’t treat hoarseness because that cool menthol will dry out the vocal passage more.


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