Traditional Bilona Cultured Ghee: Is Organic A2 Ghee Worth Buying?

A2 Ghee
| Dec 12, 2022
A2 Ghee

In the books of Ayurveda, organic a2 ghee has positioned itself very well. The reason why ghee obtained from desi Indian cows has been considered a worth buying item is because of the numerous health benefits that it offers and the purity factor attached to it. Popular and acclaimed classical Ayurvedic texts such as Ashtanga Hridayam, Sushruta Samhita, and Charak Samhita underlined the importance and significance of this Ayurvedic Amrit.

If it is prepared as per the method prescribed in Ayurveda, i.e., Bilona Method, it will be loaded with medicinal values and cure several diseases. Its goodness is somewhat similar to Lord Rama, and doshas present in the human body with many faces resemble the properties of Ravana. As Lord Rama killed Ravana, Organic A2 ghee cures multifaceted doshas and helps the consumers live a healthy & wholesome life. This write-up will give you a complete picture of Vedic Amrit (Gaughritam) and what makes it a good-to-go dairy product in the current scenario.

Vedic A2 Ghee: A Powerhouse of Health-friendly Nutrients

Organic A2 ghee prepared by using the Vedic Bilona Method is a complete package of multivitamins including Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 & B3 & minerals including Zinc, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium.

Bilona churning is a 3000-year-old ancient practice showcased in our epics and Vedas. As the world has witnessed the consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic and fungal infections[1], people have started switching to organic products. The secret behind the sound health and well-being of saints and people living in the golden era is the consumption of 100% pure and natural Gaughritam. It’s not wrong to say that the adulteration-free era was the best, considering folks’ physical and mental fitness during that era.

Show me a family where cases of diabetes, heart-related ailments, high BP, hyperacidity, eyesight problems, etc., don’t exist. The reality is harsh and bitter to consume as things have worsened a lot in the last few years. Transformation in diet schedule and adoption of Vedic period eating habits has become the need of the time. A2 Ghee prepared during Brahma Muhurta must be included in the daily diet regime.

What Should a Cow be Fed for Producing Wholesome and Nutritious Milk?

If you want your cows to produce nutrient-dense milk, you must take care of their diet and feed organic green fodder and healthy food supplements to them.

The significant food supplements that cows must receive so that they can yield nutritious milk that eventually will result in the production of 100% organic A2 ghee are mentioned below-

Nutritious Milk

Crushed Corn

Cows should receive high-quality crushed corn as it will boost their energy level and prevent fatigue in holy moo-creatures. However, cattle owners must keep the quantity of corn in moderation as the excess of this foodstuff may turn out to affect their digestive system. 


Regular consumption of Ashwagandha by desi Gir and Sahiwal Cows will boost their immunity level and equip them with tolerance ability. As a regular feed to bull, Ashwagandha will strengthen its reproductive tract. 

Lemongrass Leaves 

By mixing 100 grams of dried lemongrass leaves into the daily cattle feed, a reduction in cattle methane emission is anticipated. In addition to this, lemongrass holds the capacity to reduce fatigue in dairy cows. 

Rice Bran

In order to uplift the health & well-being of sacred dairy creatures, feeding rice bran is an excellent option. It is one of the significant feed ingredients useful in the preparation of animal feed. It helps in the boosting the milk production capacity of cows. 

Crushed Soybean

Cows must be fed with crushed Soybean on a daily basis as it is advantageous in boosting their overall well-being. This food supplement is loaded with minerals and proteins. Furthermore, our moo creatures enjoy having it. 


It plays a crucial role in reducing the stress of Mother cows, thereby boosting their milk production potential. It is effective in the treatment of infection of reproductive organs & udder. 

Is Organic A2 Ghee Worth Buying- 6 Health Benefits 

The books of ancient times have prescribed organic A2 Ghee as a perfect remedy for numerous health issues. Before the discovery of this term, people used to consume it as it was the most recommended superfood by Daadiji and Naaniji. Have a look at the 6 health benefits of A2 ghee and find the answer to your question- “Is A2 Ghee worth Buying?”

 Is A2 Ghee Worth Buyin

Reduces the Risk of Heart Attack

As per an estimate, 19,000+ people in the age bracket of 30 to 60 years fell prey to heart attacks and lost their valuable lives. These scary numbers are likely to increase in the forthcoming period. You must have heard the famous line, “Prevention is better than Cure.” Omega-3 Fatty Acids present in this Ayurvedic potion of good health minimize the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It controls and eradicates bad cholesterol and reduces the chance of a heart attack.

Lowers the Risk of Cancer 

According to ICMR Report, Cases pertaining to Cancer in India may touch the disheartening mark of 29.8 million by 2025 end. The poor diet structure and consumption of adulterated food deteriorates health condition and give birth to life-threatening disease such as Cancer. The presence of Folic Acid in A2 milk-based ghee reduces the risk of Cancer. It can restrict the growth of Cancer cells and prevent its spread.

A Tailor-made Medicine for Diabetes

The presence of Linoleic Aid in it makes it a perfect medicine for controlling and minimizing the chances of Diabetes. Increased Linoleic Acid consumption for a long time span can prevent Type 2 Diabetes. As per one of the recent studies, High Linoleic Acid Level can minimize the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 43%. Since one in 12 Indians belongs to the less fortunate group of diabetes patients. In order to improve the situation and change the scenario, A2 Ghee intake must be encouraged as well as increased. 

Ensures High BP Control

The presence of Potassium in Golden Elixir ensures appropriate heart functioning, nerve transmission, as well as contraction of muscles. It keeps high blood pressure under restrictions and won’t let the numbers soar high. Also, Magnesium in it plays a significant role in blood pressure management.

Beneficial in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease 

Panchakarma Treatment yields fruitful results in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. It’s an effective treatment in which external and internal oleation takes place. This therapy is useful in removing toxins from the body. The patient suffering from Parkinson’s disease ingests Gir organic A2 ghee for 4-7 days based on the digestive capability. A sharp rise in the cases of Parkinson’s disease is predicted by 2030. Thus, bringing Shuddham Gaughritam home and utilizing it will keep this disease at bay. Besides this, various other neurological disorders can be prevented & controlled.

Prevents Kidney Stones & Detox Liver 

The presence of Calcium & Potassium in abundance can hinder the growth of kidney stones. It won’t even allow the formation of stone at any point. It is a detoxifying agent that strengthens the liver and keeps it clean.

In the Nutshell

The benefits of Organic A2 ghee are not confined to the boundaries of Ayurvedic books and Vedic times. Its worth and importance are ascertained from the fact that many doctors across the world recommend its consumption. I hope you’ve understood whether it’s worth buying or not. If you want to buy A2 Gir cow ghee, you can make an order from our website. For hassle-free delivery, you can download SwadeshiVIP App.

Read our Article: Buy Pure and Organic A2 Desi Cow Ghee for Your Family’s Well-Being

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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