How is A2 Milk Produced & Benefits of Baby Formula : An Overview

Baby Formula
| Dec 19, 2022
A2 Milk

Is regular milk creating tummy-related trouble for your little soul? Well, you can explore other options that may act as a great companion for the tummy. In the recent course of time, people have started taking their health seriously and are looking for healthy alternatives to stay fit and live a joyous, disease-free life. A2 Milk-based baby formula has become the talk of the town due to its nutritional density and the benefits it provides to newborn babies.

Through this write-up, we are enlightening you with what baby formula stands for, what A2 milk is, the difference between the two key forms of Proteins, A2 milk production, the benefits of baby formula, and so on.

What Baby Formula Stands for?

Baby formula is basically a food or food supplement that is suitable to feed newborn babies and little kids. Infant Formula or baby formula is a healthy option for those who need something that is very close to a mother’s breast milk in terms of quality & nutritional advantages. Generally, this form of dairy goodness is obtained in such a manner that it retains purity, taste, mild nature, and the calcium-infused properties of the milk a breastfeeding mother gives.  

What is A2 Milk, & how is it Produced?

It’s not just milk; it’s a wave the dairy industry has witnessed in the last few years. It is better than regular milk obtained from foreign cow breeds. Also, people are consuming it in place of powder milk which may contain detergent or chemicals harmful to the body.  

In simple terms, A2 milk, as the name suggests, is a form of milk obtained from A2 cows (Indigenous desi cow breeds such as Gir, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi, and other cow breeds). As A1 Milk is linked to digestive discomfort, affects brain development, skin irritation, etc., in babies, parents must think of a perfect replacement. This A1 type is obtained from foreign cow breeds such as Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, etc. 

Different forms of milk available in the market entail two beta-casein proteins, i.e., A1 and A2 Beta-casein protein. However, there was a time when all the cows used to produce A2 Beta-casein protein only. A mutation took place at a point, and our Moo creatures started producing an A1 form of protein. A2 milk is produced by A2 DNA-tested cows and is also known as A2 Certified Milk. It constitutes 87% water and 13% fat, minerals, vitamins, and protein that make up the solids. The presence of Surya Ketu Nadi Vein around the hump area in desi cows increases the medicinal value of milk obtained. We are fortunate that we still have Desi Indian cow breeds that give A2 protein and help us enhance our way of eating habits amid the dark layer of adulteration. 

A1 vs. A2 Protein: Learn the Difference

There is a minor structural difference between A1 and A2 Protein, but even the minor one matter a lot in terms of digestion support and functioning of the stomach & liver. One amino acid is the differentiating factor between the two. However, in terms of health & well-being, they are poles apart. A2 Protein is easily digestible and suits the stomach, liver, and intestine. At the same time, the A1 protein, the devil, slows down the digestion process, affects the liver & intestine and may lead to constipation, hyperacidity, and other gastric disorders. As per some of the studies, the A1 protein is connected to the growth of cancer cells, low immunity, increased Triglycerides & cholesterol levels, etc. These harmful effects are controlled & prevented by A2 milk consumption, including A2 Beta-casein protein. Here, we are discussing A2 Milk baby formula rich in A2 Beta-casein Protein. 

Benefits of A2 Milk Baby Formula in Brief 

How do you feel when you see your little ones crying due to upset stomach or discomfort? I think it becomes a matter of concern, and we start looking for instant solutions. Aren’t we? When milk is not digested properly, it may cause stomach bloating and gas. These symptoms hurt the soft & tender souls, and they started crying out of pain. 

Formula with A2 milk (A2 Shishu Milk Baby Formula) works well when consumed on a daily basis. It is easy to digest and leaves a soothing effect as it is enriched with an A2 protein type. It is obtained from desi cows that are kept in an amazing & blossoming environment. These dairy animals deliver the best when they are treated with growth hormones or antibiotics.  

The benefits of A2 Milk baby formula are mentioned below- 

its of A2 Milk Baby Formula
  • Calcium in it ensures healthy bones and strong teeth. 
  • It is a good source of nourishment, especially for newborn babies and children. 
  • During the digestion process of A1 Beta-casein, an opioid peptide, Beta-casomorphin-7, is released. BCM-7 affects the performance of the gut, slows down food passage, and harms the gastrointestinal tract[1]. As the baby milk formula contains A2 Beta-casein protein, it is much-needed and beneficial for a smooth digestive system. It prevents gas and provides the same nutritional value as food items. 
  • As it is packed with Phosphorus & Calcium, it gives a shining touch to the teeth. This minerals & Vitamins-infused dairy item enhances oral health. 
  • Significant elements such as Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Protein, Vitamin B12, Niacin, Fatty Acids, etc., are present in A2 milk in balanced proportion. 
  • It helps in the proper development of the brain and prevents neurological disorders linked to A1 beta-casein protein. 

How is A2 Milk Different from Regular Milk?

Visit a grocery store, and you will find loads of options in the dairy segment and milk categories. However, not all items are equally beneficial for health & well-being. Today, people are educated, and they keep on researching what will add value to their good health and what not. 

A2 milk is obtained from DNA-tested desi cows such as Gir, Badri, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Rathi, etc., that is easily digestible by babies, children, pregnant women, and adults. As it is light, digesting it is easier than other forms of “Doodh.” It contains A2 Beta-casein protein. 

On the other hand, regular milk is obtained from foreign breed cows such as Red Dane, Guernsey cattle breed, Brown Swiss, Ayrshire, etc. It is not easily digestible; especially babies find it the most difficult. It contains A1 Beta-casein Protein. 

Where does SwadeshiVIP’s Dairy Treasure based on Baby Formula Come From?

SwadeshiVIP’s dairy treasure (A2 Shishu Milk) is obtained at the A2 Gir cow milk farm under the roof of the Noida-based dairy farm, Hindrise Gau Sanvardhan Aashram. The milk is obtained without hurting the Indigenous cattle breeds, and the ethical milking process is followed. Cows get organic fodder grown in healthy soil, and that’s the main secret behind the quality of their milk. 

How can we say that our Baby Formula is 100% Pure?

Our A2 milk Shishu milk passes through 30+ rigorous tests. All the cows at our farm go through DNA Tests by top authorized labs in the country. The milking process begins only when we ensure that the A1 protein is completely absent. Before initiating the process of delivery, we again check the quality and conduct protein tests as we believe that our goal of serving purity and disrupting bad milk is only achievable if we never compromise the quality at any point. 

Also, we have become the favourite of leading media houses in very less time due to the fact that we stick to our motto. You can try our A2 Shishu Milk formula for your babies without any fear or doubt. 

The Final Words 

It’s time to discard the bad milk and start feeding pure and organic A2 Shishu milk to babies. As we all know, health is wealth; we need to take care of babies so that they can flourish well. You can try our A2 Shishu Milk, which is based on Baby Formula and is a blessing for babies. 

Read our Article: 5 Significant Benefits of Gir Cow Milk for Newborns

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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