Honey for Sore Throat: An Ayurvedic Potion of Nourishment and Care

Honey for Sore Throat: An Ayurvedic Potion of Nourishment and Care
| Oct 07, 2022

Sore throat is normal and, for the most is nothing to stress over. Nonetheless, on the off chance that an individual has a sore throat, it tends to be badly painful and inconvenient. Honey is an effective Vedic medicine that can provide relief from sore throat. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention suggests taking honey for sore throat and even cough. Nonetheless, they don’t prescribe giving honey to babies under 1 year or less. The explanation is that honey contains a microscopic organism, clostridium botulinum[1], which can be fatal for infants.

Honey for Sore Throat: An Introduction

Honey for sore throat is a Vedic solution that very few people are aware of. People think that sore throats are normal and not a ground for concern. However, if someone does have a sore throat, it usually is quite painful and uncomfortable. As recorded by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the most well-known reason for an irritated or sore throat is bacteria or viral infection. Other causes that can cause sore throat are allergies, group A strep, and smoking. In these cases, sore throat mostly lasts for a week or less. Meanwhile, one can also utilise various sore throat home remedies to reduce pain. One such cure is honey.

Honey is one of the most mind-blowing solutions for a sore throat because of its antibacterial properties, which permit it to go about as a healer, promptly offering help for torment while attempting to lessen the irritation. Honey can likewise kill microbes and assist with also fight viral diseases. If you’re experiencing a terrible cough notwithstanding your sore throat, honey may likewise go about as a powerful cough suppressant. Incorporate two tablespoons of honey with a cup of tea or a warm glass of water and mix it well. Drink it every day for a week, depending on the situation. Honey for sore throat during winter is a great option.

Side Effects and Causes of Sore Throat

One may experience a sore throat for several reasons.

The following are a few of the most typical causes of sore throat:

• Either the flu or a normal cold

• A few allergies, laryngitis, tonsillitis, glandular fever

• Exposure to second-hand smoke or smoking

Common side effects of sore throat can include:

• A difficult throat, particularly while gulping

• A dry or scratchy throat

• Swollen neck gland

• Redness toward the rear of the mouth

• Bad breath

• Mild cough

Honey: An Ayurvedic Miracle 

Honey has been commended since Vedic times for its well-being and restorative properties. Raw honey is significantly more advantageous for cough, and sore throat since its medical properties incorporate helpful compounds, supplements, and minerals. A sore throat is determined by some sort of irritation and pain in the throat while gulping, which can be caused by bacterial properties or viral infection, as well as other factors like yelling, smoking, alcohol and so on. Honey for sore throat works well.

It has been the focal pinpoint of considerable clinical issues, and recorded beneath are the purposes behind using honey for sore throat:

It has been the focal pinpoint of considerable clinical issues, and recorded beneath are the purposes behind using honey for sore throat:

Honey, particularly in its raw state, is loaded with minerals, nutrients, and beneficial enzymes, as well as natural pollen. How honey functions in treating the side effects of a sensitive throat isn’t completely demonstrated scientifically. Most examination recommends that it very well might be because of the known antimicrobial and wound-recuperating properties of honey, which might offer help with pain and irritation.

Does Honey Work for Sore Throat? If Yes, Then How?

A sore throat has long been successfully treated with honey. The CDC advises adults and children who are at least a year old to consume honey to treat sore throats. Additionally, since 2001, the World Health Organization (WHO) has also recommended honey for sore throats.

However, since infant botulism is indeed a risk, no one must feed honey to a child under the age of one. Consuming Clostridium botulinum spores found in honey items can result in this uncommon but serious type of poisoning.

Not everything is entirely clear about how honey works to treat the signs of a sore throat. The majority of research points to honey’s antibacterial and wound-healing qualities, which may provide pain relief and lower inflammation. Honey is recommended as the first line of defence against a cold or sore throat.

Benefits of Honey for Sore Throat

A sore throat can be treated by routinely drinking a cup of tea with lemon and honey. There are three ways that honey for sore throats works:

1. Honey Provides Immediate Relief: Honey for sore throat rapidly reduces throat discomfort while also preparing the body to fight off the infection. Honey helps in effectively treating fever or common cold in addition to providing relief for a sore throat.

2. Honey Helps In Boosting Immunity: To obtain relief from a sore throat, it is preferable to try an alternate treatment approach rather than consuming medicinal lozenges. Honey for sore throats suppresses coughs and itchy throats naturally. Additionally, it boosts the immune system’s capacity to fight throat infection.

3. Honey Tastes Good: Taste buds commonly become dormant while experiencing an illness or the common cold. The taste buds can be stimulated by a hot cup of tea with a tablespoon of honey for sore throats as well as some cinnamon or ginger.

3 Ways in Which You Can Consume Honey for Sore Throats

3 Ways in Which You Can Consume Honey for Sore Throats

• Warm Water: The simplest way to treat a sore throat is with this method. To consume, simply combine two teaspoons of honey with a warm glass of water. This can be ingested three to four times per day or all day long. There are no negative effects, and your condition will quickly become better.

• Cloves: Due to their anti-bacterial characteristics, cloves are a powerful treatment for a sore throat’s associated pain and infection. Additionally, it soothes the scratchy sensation in your throat. You need to march ahead by mixing a clove pod with a small amount of honey and let it sit for multiple hours or overnight. Sip the honey after removing the clove. Your sore throat will quickly get better due to this.

• Tulsi Leaves: Again, Tulsi leaves with honey are a highly powerful natural cough treatment. Just chew on three to four Tulsi leaves. Eat a teaspoon of honey after chewing on the Tulsi leaves and drinking the water. This must be done without food in your belly. Additionally, wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking anything after consuming this.

Which Type Of Honey—Pasteurized Or Raw—Should You Consume For A Sore Throat?

Honey is the most organic sweetener known to man. Honey is a standard natural sweetener that is also well-recognized for its therapeutic benefits. Nowadays, honey comes in a variety of forms, making it challenging to choose the most suitable one.

Honey that has been pasteurised or consumed raw does not provide the same health advantages or have the same antioxidant/anti-inflammatory effects. Although pasteurisation removes undesirable yeast, enhances colour and texture, and lengthens shelf life, raw honey remains unadulterated and retains all of its nutritional benefits. The majority of the honey sold in supermarkets has indeed been processed, according to labels.

Raw honey for sore throat is better as compared to pasteurized honey, and it must be consumed. Raw honey retains essential nutrients, and it is the original and pure form of Madhu Ras.

When to Consult a Doctor?

The majority of sore throats and ordinary coughs will eventually disappear on their own. It may be anything more severe if your cough or sore throat continues for more than a week or two, if it gets worse rather than better, or if you experience any additional symptoms. In these situations, we strongly advise contacting your doctor to get it examined, just in case. If the following symptoms are present together with your sore throat:

Chills, a fever, and an inability to swallow liquids


Since archaic times, honey has been utilised to treat sore throats. Honey for sore throat is a blessing in disguise. At SwadeshiVIP, we deliver 100% naturally obtained, raw, unprocessed, and adulteration-free pure honey. Besides this, we offer different variants of honey, such as Tulsi, lemon, and ginger. You can buy our supreme form of Ayurvedic honey by visiting our website or via the app.

Read Our Article: Honey Vs Sugar: Which One is a Better Choice and Why?

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