Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites: Easy Tips for Itch Relief

| Aug 05, 2024
Health Tips

It’s summer again, and everything looks playful for a picnic. Playdates are suitable for outdoor activities. While doing all these activities, there are several things to be attentive about. Apply good sunscreen and wear covered clothes to stay safe from mosquito bites.

Mostly, mosquito bites are mild in healthy people but can cause annoyance or discomfort. For people prone to specific allergies or sensitivities, mosquito bites can lead to severe reactions. Hives, swelling spreading the initial area bitten, or allergic reactions that might need medical care. When a mosquito bites you, it feels like a small, harsh prick on the skin. This happens when the mosquito’s proboscis pierces through the skin deep to drink blood. The bites are not noticeable initially, but they can become more visible over time, like a small red bump.

The bites cause discomfort and itching, but you will often find relief with kitchen staples like baking soda, oatmeal, or honey, as they are the best home remedies for mosquito bites. You don’t feel it directly when a mosquito bites you, but the bump after the bite leaves behind some stubborn itch that can disturb you for days. Creams and ointments can also be used as an antiseptic layer, but you can also get through this and beat the itch with things readily available around your house.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Consider trying one of these solutions for immediate relief from mosquito bites. The best way to prevent experiencing these itchy bites is by avoiding getting bitten. If you get bitten, you can quickly alleviate the swelling and itching with safe and affordable home remedies for mosquito bites.

Mosquito bites are typically round, often swollen, and extremely itchy. Keep in mind that these insects are most active in the evening and at night. If you want to spend time outdoors on a summer evening but are concerned about these small blood-sucking insects, cover your skin and avoid standing water to minimise exposure.

1. Onion

The juices extracted from the freshly cut onion bulb can reduce the bite and irritation. They contain antifungal and antibacterial properties that help reduce the chance of infection. Cut a slice of the onion and apply it directly to the bite for a few minutes. Rinse it with water well after the onion is removed.

2. Crushed Ice

Ice may reduce inflammation, but the cold numbs the skin, which can give you immediate or short-term relief. Wrap some ice in a washcloth to create a barrier between the skin and the ice. Apply a cold pack for 5-10 minutes daily to relieve the itch.

3. Oatmeal

This remedy for mosquito bites relieves itching and swelling because it contains unique compounds with anti-irritant qualities. Make a paste by mixing equal amounts of oatmeal and water; then apply it to the irritated skin for 10 minutes.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has many uses. The gel has many benefits, including reducing burn pain and helping burns heal faster. Cut open a section of the aloe vera plant and apply it directly to the itching area. Let the gel dry in the area, and use it again if needed.

5. Basil

The fragrant basil plant also has another essential duty to remedy mosquito bites. Basil is also an herbal remedy for skin infections; the antioxidants in basil leaves help reduce inflammation. Rub some basil leaves into the skin, stopping the irritation. It is one of the effective home remedies for mosquito bites.

6. Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy for many medical problems. It helps reduce burning and stinging sensations. Soak a washcloth in vinegar and dab it on the bite area. The irritation will most effectively stop; if not, stop the treatment.

7. Peppermint Oil

This is a century-old natural remedy used for relieving itching. Try applying it to the affected area. It works temporarily to treat an insect bite.

8. Desi Cow Ghee

It is an excellent source of antihistamines. It has emerged as one of the popular home remedies for mosquito bites. Try rubbing the A2 gir cow ghee in the affected area. It is highly effective in eliminating the itching and irritation of mosquito bites.

9. Chamomile Tea

This is a common natural remedy to cure many ailments. This oil is found to reduce redness, inflammation, and itching. To soothe a mosquito bite, steep a tea bag with crushed flowers in water for 30 minutes in the fridge. Apply it to the bite for 10 minutes, then wipe clean with a wet rag.

10.  Garlic

Applying some garlic on a bothersome insect bite can serve as a simple, homemade solution for a mosquito bite. To utilise garlic for alleviating wounds or insect bites, refrain from applying it directly to prevent burning and stinging. Combine finely chopped garlic with a fragrance-free lotion or petroleum jelly, allowing it to rest for 10 minutes before wiping it off and using a cold washcloth.


Mosquito bites are usually harmless but cause irritation and uncomfortableness. You experience swelling, itching, and pain at the bite site. Some ingredients are commonly available in households that work the best home remedies for mosquito bites. Herbs like chamomile, thyme, and aloe vera help reduce the inflammation and itching of mosquito bites.

Wearing covered clothes and staying indoors when the activity of mosquitoes is high is an excellent way to prevent yourself from getting bitten. Honey, oatmeal, or ice packs are a great relief to cure mosquito bites. It is possible sometimes that mosquitoes spread infectious diseases, like fever, vomiting, headache, nausea, and body aches. In that case, try contacting a healthcare expert and get help regarding the severe health condition.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. What stops itching fast from mosquito bites?

    Use over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to relieve the itching immediately; avoid scratching to prevent further irritation.

  2. Does toothpaste stop mosquito bite itch?

    Tooth gel is the most straightforward home remedy for mosquito bites. It helps calm the irritating itch that follows a bite.

  3. How to stop mosquito bites at night?

    Apply insect repellent. Look for repellent that includes picaridin and lemon eucalyptus oil, and put it on the uncovered parts of your skin before bedtime.

  4. How to avoid mosquito bites at home?

    Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, and socks to protect exposed skin from mosquitoes. If there’s a warning about a mosquito-borne disease, it’s best to stay indoors.

  5. Why do bites more at night?

    Mosquito bites and cortisol combat the inflammatory reaction that leads to itching. Itchiness is more prevalent at night due to higher morning cortisol levels and reduced distractions as we relax and attempt to sleep.

  6. Does ice help mosquitoes better?

    Use an ice pack for 10 minutes to decrease swelling and itching, and reapply as necessary.

  7. Does lemon juice stop mosquito bites from itching?

    Lemon juice or lemon peel can be applied to the affected area to reduce itchiness. However, this remedy is effective only if the affected area has not been scratched.

  8. What attracts mosquitoes?

    Mosquitoes are drawn to the carbon dioxide produced by humans and other animals. Additionally, they rely on their receptors and vision to detect signals such as body heat.

  9. How to make demos at home?

    Mash a few garlic cloves in water and warm it. Then, put the liquid in a spray bottle to cover your entire house. Garlic has a strong smell and is a highly effective natural mosquito repellent for indoor use.

  10. Can coconut oil prevent mosquito bites?

    The fatty acids found in coconut provide a 90% repellent effect against mosquitoes. Studies indicate that these compounds from coconut oil offer more durable protection than any other natural insect repellent against blood-feeding insects.

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