History of Rose Tea & is it a Good Choice for Your Health?

Rose tea
| Mar 15, 2023

In the last few years, rose tea has gained a permanent spot in the heart of several folks. Roses have been used since the 16th century, and since then, it is known for expressing love and purity. These small petals are used for a lot of things, rose water, perfume, soaps, you name it, and rose can be used for it. Rose has a lot of healing and nutritional properties. We all know that roses are famous for their symbol and fragrance. One might have come across a lot of roses, yellow, white, pink, red and whatnot. Rose can be dated back to Greek mythology. The story of Cleopatra, who used to fill her room with rose petals so that her room would be filled with the scent, and Mark Antony, the Roman general, would be haunted by the scent. Another fable behind it is about the Persian poets who had dedicated an entire poem to the roses, which were the centrepieces of a garden. From the purity of the white rose to the passion of the orange rose, the rose flower, which comes along in different colours, has also become synonymous with representing sentiments, with mystery, friendship, and true love also found in the floral spectrum. All the emotions are loaded in rose tea.

Origin of Rose Tea

Let’s begin with the origin of natural rose tea. It was during the Han tradition the rose tradition began. It obtained its popularity as a tool for trade and regular medicine. The unopened buds began a routine. The rose bushes thrived in ancient Persia’s desert conditions, in which the hot sunny days and cold weather were ideal for growing the plants. The parks and gardens of Persia have been known to be regularly visited by the rulers of the day as early as the 6th century BCE, and gardening itself was a popular pastime. This gave rise to the first ‘Chahar bagh[1]‘, the renowned quadrilateral garden layout, often referred to by the ancient Persians as ‘paradaida’, meaning a walled garden, as well as the origin of the term ‘paradise’.

It’s no surprise that by the 8th century, advances in perfumes, oils, and, most popularly, rose water had made rose cultivation a very profitable activity in Persia. Organic rose buds are used to make the most flavourful teas. This is due to the fact that organic teas are free of pesticide chemicals, which can change the inherent flavour of herbal teas. Rose flower tea is different from rose hips tea as that is made with fresh flowers, whereas rose hips tea is made with fruit that starts to grow after the rose petals have begun to fall off the plant. 

Health Benefits

Roses have been counted back and used in herbal treatments for thousands of years and have many health benefits. Different teas may incorporate different parts of the rose plant into their blends: rose petals are frequently added to light, mellow teas to add a floral note, whereas rose hips are frequently added in fruit-forward blends to add sweetness and tartness. While rose petals and rose hips have different tastes and benefits, they’re both healthy, tasty components and herbal blends. Have a look at some of the significant and incredible health benefits of rose tea.

● Drinking rose tea is beneficial as it is high in vitamins and antioxidants. It contains Vitamins E as well as C, which are two of the best vitamins for encouraging healthy skin, particularly when taken together.

● It is packed with vitamin C, an antioxidant that is essential to our bodies’ healing process and ability to fight infection. According to one study, rose tea may also help with flu-like symptoms such as coughing and congestion. However, more analysis is required to fully comprehend its impact on human immune systems.

● According to studies, the aroma of rose tea may alleviate anxiety and stress. Stress is known to lower the body’s immunity, increasing the likelihood of becoming ill. While research into the positive benefits of rose for individuals is ongoing, inhaling the aroma of your tea before drinking could help you relax.

● Rose petals comprise polyphenols, which are antioxidants that protect your body’s cells from damage. Rose tea polyphenols have been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, cognitive diseases, obesity and diabetes.

● According to one study, powdered rose petals have the same anti-inflammatory activity as medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Rose tea may also aid in the prevention of pain resulting from inflammation caused by physical injury or constraints such as arthritis. More research is needed to determine whether roses’ anti-arthritic properties are available to humans. Because chronic inflammation can lead to weight gain, these properties may support rose tea’s weight-loss claims.

● The anti-inflammatory properties of rose tea, as well as its vitamin profile, aid in the reduction of dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain. One study found that women who drank rose tea had less period cramping, bloating, and pain, and they also identified fewer anxiety and mood swings.

● The treatment of stomach problems is one of the most popular conventional uses of rose tea. According to current research, this could be due to rose tea’s ability to increase bile production in our liver. This aids digestion, prevents constipation and improves nutrient absorption.

● Rose petals have antimicrobial properties that really can protect you from harmful bacteria. It thus explains that one cup of rose tea can easily contribute to improving your overall health and wellness while also warding off harmful microorganisms before they cause illness.

● Rose hips are believed to promote healthy skin by increasing cell longevity and decreasing ageing signs. Drinking it can help you stay hydrated, which is good for your skin.

● Rose hips also are loaded with Vitamin C. Vitamin C has numerous health benefits, including immune system support and iron absorption.

How to brew your own cup of Rose Tea?

It all depends or relies on how you want to drink your rose tea; you can make it in a variety of ways. You can buy dried rose petals and mix them with your favourite tea powder, or you can get fresh rose flower petals and boil them with water to brew your cup of tea. A cup of pesticide-free rose petals are required to make rose tea from fresh rose petals. Place the petals under running water to clean them thoroughly. Then, in a large saucepan, combine them with three cups of water. Allow the water with the petals to boiling for about five minutes before turning off the heat. Strain the water of the prepared tea into cups and add any sweetener of your choice. You can also make the tea more flavourful by adding your favourite spices. While boiling the petals in rose tea, cinnamon or fresh ginger can be added. Drink this tea once or twice a day to aid in weight loss. Drinking rose with milk is a great idea. You will get the authentic taste when you consume it with desi cow milk, i.e., A2 milk. If you are highly susceptible to food intolerances, you should consult your doctor before incorporating this herbal tea into your diet.

The Bottom line

Rose tea is a delicious herbal tisane with a mild and sweet flavour. You can add up a few petals to a tea infuser and steep it in a teapot full of hot water to let the flavour develop. The flavour will become stronger as the steeping time increases. You can also make this tea into a refreshing drink by serving it iced rather than hot. To experiment with new flavours and create unique tea blends, combine them with some other loose teas or herbal infusions.

Read our Article: 10 Benefits of Organic Darjeeling Tea handpicked from Top Tea Garden


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