Where to Buy Best Ghee in Guwahati?

Ghee in Guwahat
| Sep 25, 2024
A2 Ghee

Guwahati is the heart of Assam, “The Gateway to North East India”, signified as the largest metropolis in north-eastern India. This major riverine port city with beautiful lush hills is becoming one of the fastest developing cities. The Assamese cuisine has a unique cooking style, serving an innovative blend of drying and fermentation and farm-fresh vegetables. Rice is the main staple ingredient in an Assamese platter. Cuisines prepared in the festival of Bihu, such as Pitha, Laddo, Khurma, etc., are all dipped with pure desi cow ghee.

Our brand, SwadeshiVIP, is expanding its arms towards the Northeastern part of our country, making its significant contribution to the culinary corners of Guwahati and the entire Assam. We take pride in making it possible to deliver our pure A2 best ghee in Guwahati within 6-10 days. As Assam celebrates its Bihu with all tradition, authenticity, and love, SwadeshiVIP takes up the responsibility to make it brighter and more beautiful with its influence in making Pithas and following the customs. Our new target is to serve the best ghee in Guwahati and other parts of the Northeast.

How is Our Pure Desi A2 Ghee Made?

At SwadeshiVIP, we are loyal to preserving the pure and traditional nature of our A2 ghee. Our products are designed to induce nostalgic memories of your childhood and the loving care of mothers who used to feed us ghee by hand. When you choose SwadeshiVIP ghee, you embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Our ghee is accurately crafted using fresh A2 milk from desi Gir cows, which is then transformed into curd. This curd is gently churned by hand using a wooden churner in a method known as the bilona method, which results in A2 butter. The butter is then slowly heated to produce ghee without compromising its nutritional value.

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality ghee by ensuring no impurities are introduced during production. Furthermore, we prioritise the well-being of our cows by providing them with the finest quality feed and maintaining a peaceful environment.

Miraculous Benefits of Desi Cow Ghee

For centuries, pure cow butter or clarified butter, known as desi cow ghee, has been a staple in traditional Indian cuisine. This valuable golden substance has a unique composition and offers a range of health benefits. However, consuming desi cow ghee in moderation is essential as excessive intake can disrupt the dietary fat balance. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare professional before significantly changing your diet or supplement routine. Let’s explore some of the exceptional benefits of desi cow ghee, which is highly regarded as the finest ghee in Guwahati:

1. Rich Source of Fat-Soluble Vitamins

A2 gir cow ghee provides a rich supply of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins play critical roles in various bodily functions, including immune system support, bone health, and cell membrane integrity. Vitamin A aids in preserving the health of the skin, mucous membranes, and vision; vitamin D promotes calcium absorption and mineralisation of bones; vitamin E is an antioxidant, shielding cells from oxidative stress; and vitamin K is crucial for blood clotting and bone metabolism.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

A2 desi cow ghee contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has potent anti-inflammatory properties. CLA helps mainly in reducing inflammation in the body, potentially alleviating conditions such as arthritis and improving overall health. It has been shown to modulate immune system function. It may help reduce body fat percentage and improve insulin sensitivity. The Anti-inflammatory effects can benefit cardiovascular health.

3. Supports Brain Health

The fatty acids in our A2 desi cow ghee support the brain’s functioning and overall neurological health. These fats are essential for maintaining healthy cell membranes in the brain and nervous system. The Saturated fats in the desi ghee can help protect against neurodegenerative diseases.

4. Promotes Digestive Health

A2 desi cow ghee has been traditionally used to aid digestion and relieve symptoms of various stomach-related disorders. Its fatty acids may help soothe the digestive tract and promote nutrient absorption. Ghee contains butyric acid, which feeds beneficial gut bacteria; it may help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Ghee can act as a carrier for fat-soluble vitamins during digestion.

5. Supports Immune System Function

The nutrients and compounds in A2 desi cow ghee support immune system function. This can help protect against infections and autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D in ghee supports immune cell development and activation. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may enhance immune system function; also, the antioxidants in ghee help neutralise free radicals that can damage cells.

6. May Help Manage Diabetes

Studies suggest that consuming moderate amounts of A2 desi cow ghee may help manage blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. Fatty acids in ghee may help regulate glucose metabolism. The ghee contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are quickly absorbed and don’t promote the raising of blood sugar levels.

7. Supports Bone Health

A2 desi cow ghee is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), important in maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. The CLA can help regulate bone turnover and density, and these fatty acids in ghee support overall bone health and strength.

8. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

The nutrients and fatty acids in A2 desi cow ghee help reduce stress and anxiety. MCTs may help increase the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Antioxidants in ghee help protect against oxidative stress, which can contribute to mental fatigue.

Summing Up

In concluding the health benefits of pure desi cow ghee, the best ghee in Guwahati is SwadeshiVIP. Our ghee is rich in essential vitamins and fatty acids that nourish the mind and body. It contains omega-3 and omega-9 unsaturated fats, with a balance of medium and long-chain fatty acids.

Our ghee is versatile and can be used in traditional Assamese recipes, ayurvedic treatments, sweets, and everyday cooking. This pure A2 ghee has a high smoke point and is nutrient-rich, promoting a healthy digestive system and strong immunity. Try SwadeshiVIP’s A2 ghee for your everyday well-being.

To order 100% pure ghee in Guwahati, use our SwadeshiVIP app or visit Swadeshivip.

Frequently Asked Question

  1. How do we know that the ghee is best?

    Whenever you plan to buy ghee, look for certifications like “organic’ or A2, which indicates the use of milk from pure desi cow breeds. Also, the colour should be golden yellow, not pale or white.

  2. Which ghee is best in Guwahati?

    SwadeshiVIP’s A2 cow ghee is the best in Guwahati. We assure you of the purity of the organic ghee across PAN India within 6-10 days of delivery.

  3. How do we know if the ghee is A1 or A2?

    The main difference between A1 ghee and A2 ghee is the texture. A2 ghee is grainier and made using the traditional bilona method. A2 ghee is preferred the most because of its much higher nutritional value and benefits. 

  4. Which ghee is best for digestion?

    Pure desi cow ghee is considered best for digestion as it contains vitamin A, which supports the system’s functioning. According to Ayurveda, pure ghee decreases the pH level of the gastrointestinal tract, helping the small intestine absorb more nutrition.

  5. How do you check the purity of ghee?

    There are numerous ways to check the purity of ghee. At home, we can try placing a small amount of ghee in a bowl and heating it using a double boiler. Pure ghee will melt uniformly without residue, while adulterated ghee can leave a residue.

  6. Does pure ghee expire?

    Pure ghee’s shelf life is indefinite if stored correctly. The best result stays when it is well-sealed and in an excellent dark spot. If you want to store it for a long time, the flavour, like fine wine, will change and develop over time.

  7. Which ghee brand is best?

    SwadeshiVIP is taking its place in serving the nation with high-nutrition, pure A2 cow ghee made with the Vedic bilona method. It provides supreme health benefits for healthy well-being.

  8. What is the best time to consume ghee?

    It is always said that consuming ghee on an empty stomach helps keep the cells in the body healthy. It provides intense hydration and turns dry skin into soft and supple skin. Since ghee on an empty stomach lends moisture, it reduces wrinkles and pimples.

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