Buy Cow Pure Ghee for a Boost in Health & Well-being

Cow pure ghee
| Nov 22, 2022
Cow Ghee

When there’s nothing cooking in the kitchen, and everyone is pretty much tired, cow pure ghee has always rescued mothers and grandmas. Cow pure ghee spread on rotis, or rice, is an appetizing and fulfilling dish. And along with its enriching aroma, it has some nourishing features that boost your health and keep you miles away from a potential fitness issue. Have you ever wondered why our parents or grandparents can battle a mild disease without much medical help while we have to swallow at least 10 pills to get rid of it? Well, the simple answer is cow pure ghee. 

About Cow Pure Ghee

Older folk recognized and cherished cow pure ghee, a purified type of butter made from just pure cow’s milk, for its outstanding health advantages and nutritional worth. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and vitamin A. Butter is simmered to create ghee, which lends it a rich flavour and fragrant perfume. A source of complete nourishment, pure ghee is a milk solid free of lactose and casein.

Pure ghee is ghee that has not been tampered with in terms of flavour, preservative, or colour. Grass-fed ghee is ghee that has been made entirely from butter from grass-fed cows. In comparison to grain-fed cow milk butter, it has at least five times as much CLA and beta carotene.

In order to gain maximum health benefits from cow pure ghee, professionals in the dairy industry advise including grass-fed ghee in your diet.

Now it is clear that consuming only cow pure ghee is necessary to reap the benefits of all the fantastic ghee uses. Assessing the purity of ghee, however, is the main conundrum, which can also be accomplished with some easy tests.

Nutritional Information

               Nutrition Details                Per 100 G
                 Energy (in the form of Kcal)                    897.3
                 Milk Protein(g)                      0
                 Sugar(g)                      0
                  Milk Fat(g)                     99.7
                  Vitamin E(mg)                     1.49
                   Saturated Fatty Acids(g)                     81.8
                    Vitamin A(µg)                  777.45
                    Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid(g)                     2.87
                    Transfatty Acids(mg)                     5.14
                    Carbohydrates(g)                      0
                    Monounsaturated Fatty Acid(g)                      25.68
                    Cholesterol(mg)                     256.8                    

Minerals and vitamins

Ghee’s micronutrient amount varies based on the manufacturer and the lifestyle of the cattle that provided the milk for it. A teaspoon typically provides 8% of the RDI for vitamin A, 2% of the RDI for vitamin E, and 1% of the RDI for vitamin K.

Why is Gir Cow Pure Ghee better than Buffalo Ghee?

Both types of ghee contain vitamins and calcium. A greater variety of nutrients, including proteins, minerals, plus antioxidants, are included in cow ghee. A great resource of magnesium and phosphorus is buffalo ghee. Additionally, the amount of calcium is increased. Further, buffalo ghee contains higher fat than cow ghee. Cow pure ghee, also referred to as Bilona Ghee, has less fat than buffalo ghee and is kept in storage for a shorter period of time. It aids in losing weight and fitness maintenance. Pure Cow Ghee is a crucial component of our healthy diet. In contrast to buffalo ghee, cow ghee has less fat and more cholesterol, both of which are vital for human health. It promotes tooth health and strong bones.

10 Health Benefits of Cow Pure Ghee

Cow pure ghee has pools of benefits that can help you uplift your health and lifestyle while enjoying its delicious taste.

Benefits of Cow Pure Ghee

Ghee for diets to lose weight

This cooking oil used to be regarded as a healthy component for meals. However, current nutrition experts have discovered that ghee’s healthy fat can be your saving grace if you follow high-fat, low-carb diets like the Keto diet, Paleo diet, etc., for weight loss. You can replace items high in carbohydrates in your diet with ghee, a dependable supply of fat. Ghee fats aid in regulating food cravings, which limits calorie intake and results in body weight loss naturally. You lead a balanced life and get enough rest.

A Natural Immunity Enhancer

With a healthy immune system, one may avoid any airborne bacteria and viruses without much medical assistance. Ghee made from desi cow milk is very nutritious. In addition to beneficial fatty acids like CLA, butyric acid, omega-3, omega-6, and 9, antioxidants, and fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E, and K2, the cooking oil from dairy products also include saturated fats. Let’s say that pure cow ghee is moderately incorporated into the meal. In that scenario, the body’s preventative ability, which is the ability to strengthen immunity, can be increased by a comprehensive diet of these fatty foods. A small amount of ghee consumed each day can help a child’s immune system develop early and keep them healthy as they age.

Keeps you warm internally

The winters in India are not complete without cow pure ghee. Ghee is often utilized in many winter recipes because, according to Ayurveda, consuming it helps you stay warm from the inside out. And with the temperature reaching new lows, this would be the ideal time to consume large quantities of ghee.

Beneficial For Heart

Ghee has been found to cause cholesterol levels to rise, just like all fats. Despite popular assumption, however, ghee is a significantly better investment for cardiovascular[1] health than oil products. Cow pure ghee’s fats are not linked to coronary heart disease in the same way that healthy long-chain fats are because the body uses them as energy instead of storing them as fat. Small amounts of ghee can be ingested every day as a source of saturated fats. Kids can choose to consume more throughout the day. Ghee can help lower blood cholesterol levels and raise HDL (good) cholesterol, according to studies.

Helps repair and enrich skin & hair

Cow ghee’s inherent moisturizing ability is just one of its special health advantages. Additionally, it enhances the beauty and well-being of hair and skin. Ghee’s nutritional value enables it to help anti-ageing skin care by preventing age-related skin issues like wrinkle development, facial blemishes, and unpleasant skin discoloration. Cow pure ghee is also beneficial for scalp care, and aids lessen the negative effects of aging on hair health when consumed in the diet.

Healthy for the intestine

Ghee is a great choice to support the condition of the gut wall because it is one of the best-grade food supplies of butyric acid, which provides a lot of energy to colonic cells. Therefore, it will also help accelerate the removal of undigested foods.

Strengthens bones

Cow pure ghee’s nutritional assistance for strong bones is one of its special health advantages. Vitamin K2 is present in pure ghee, which aids in absorbing calcium from meals and strengthening already-existing bones. Dietary ghee aids in the prevention of bone illnesses such as arthritis. Better movement is achieved by the use of ghee in the diet, which also contributes to preserving the lubrication of the bone joints.

One of the finest dietary recommendations for children’s bone development was to include ghee in the diet, according to Ayurvedic medicine. People in the athletics industry may include ghee in their diets to promote improved bone density.

Prevents Inflammation

Internal organ irritation is reduced by pure cow ghee. It has been noted that adding ghee to the meal will help mitigate muscular congestion and repair soreness brought on by burn injuries. Butyrate in cow pure ghee from grass-fed cows is connected to an immunological reaction associated with severe inflammation.

Prevents Constipation

 Are your bowel movements giving you trouble? Ghee might be able to save you. Constipation can be treated gently and effectively with milk and ghee. One or two teaspoonfuls of ghee mixed with a cup of warm milk is a powerful but mild way to relieve constipation before bed.

Beneficial to Vision

Vitamins A and D, which are good for the eyes, are present in pure ghee. Regular consumption of cow pure ghee in the food protects against dry eye syndrome, inhibits macular Atrophy, and promotes overall eye health. The omega-3 fatty acids in unadulterated, natural cow ghee help to maintain vision in a therapeutic way. To improve your eyesight, it would be beneficial if you utilized just pure, all-natural cow ghee.

Good Energy Source

An excellent storehouse of energy is cow pure ghee. It has mid- and short-chain fatty acids, of which lauric acid is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal compound. It might be a terrific complement to their supper because growing children need a lot of energy. Adults who are working could also gain a lot from using pure cow ghee. It might provide you with more energy and enable you to bid lethargy farewell.

What is Bilona Technique?

Ghee (bilona), as it sounds, is an ancient method of making ghee. Primarily, cow’s milk is boiled and later left to cool. The milk is then given a tablespoon of curd and left at room temperature for the night. The next step is to churn the curd to remove the butter. The extra liquid is evaporated from this butter by boiling it, leaving us with just pure cow ghee remaining. Typically, all of this was created at home without the assistance of any machinery, and the process is prolonged. Things changed as ghee production became a significant source of revenue for the dairy sector. Hardly any brands these days make bilona ghee. It is one of the most unadulterated forms of cow ghee.


From all the information, we can conclude that cow pure ghee is probably the lifesaver missing in your meals. Not only will it step up all your dishes, but it will also keep you fit and fine. You can use it in literally any recipe, from dal to sweets like Kaju Katli, laddoos, modaks, etc. Embrace A2 ghee in your diet plan and live a healthy life.

Read our Article:7 Reasons to Consume Desi Ghee during winter: An In-Depth Overview


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