Benefits of Gir Cow Farming: All you Need to Know 

Gir cow farming
| Mar 06, 2024
A2 Milk

An ancient practice passed down from generation to generation is Gir cow farming; this desi indigenous breed has started to become very popular among the high milk yield production farming. These cows can tackle any hard climate and are well-trained. Their production and living terms are biologically affordable and appropriate for low maintenance. This article will try to find and know what it takes to work on Gir Cow farming. Here, we will sum up every possible aspect regarding this farming and management and especially why Gir cow has taken the spotlight of providing the best A2 milk in the dairy industrial market.  

Introduction to Gir Cow Farming 

Gir cow farming has become a new add-on to the dairy industry that is sustainable and futuristically effective. Gir cows are professional breeders. This breed of Gujarat was nurtured and developed for its capacity for milk production, and the advantages of growing this breed are an absolute decision to wisdom. The Maldhari tribe has mastered the art of cow care over the past 200 years; they are humble, brave, nomadic, and enjoy simple living. Gujarat is the birthplace of Gir cows, Maldhari men travelled the entire Gir forest along with the Gir cows, these men had their pride and soulful eyes, rendering and making their Gir cows practice pasteurizing early in the morning back in time. 

They enjoyed lush green long grasses, green leaves, herbs, shrubs, and forest land. Gir is a breed of cow that teaches happiness, comfort, and the feeling of togetherness. The cows understand the Law of Nature. Indian Gir cow breeds were a treasure that was shared with Brazil and Mexico and took a lot of interest in shared development. It happened during the early 1900s. Unfortunately, today the efficiency and importance of our Indian desi breeds are unnoticed and reserved to some unmatched level. However, how the entire world is going to take full utilization of these off-shoring advantages is ignored. Moreover, nowadays, people have started understanding the usefulness of Gir cow milk and have become conscious of its nutritional benefits. Suddenly it’s the new trend for the entire new generation that consumes Gir Cow A2 quality milk for health assistance.

People tend to doubt starting a dairy farming business that is a high investment with low milk production. Desi cows and their capacities are often questioned. But Gir cow farming is among those efficiently high milk-producing cows that can compete with Jersey breed cows or HF breed cows in some sense. Gir cows are very productive and useful in sustainable dairy farming projects. 

Physical Qualities of Gir Cow 

If we consider them keeping after the desi tag, Gir cows are far superior to showcase their capabilities in dairy farming in most the countries’ regions in India or whichever world it has made its place. The managing cost in Gir cow farming is very low, and the caring and feeding happens in low maintenance. The result of production is high quality, name it. Be it Gir cow milk or ghee, the produce and products are unique and high. 

  1. The Gir cow has a medium or large body proportionally; the maximum weight of a cow is 400 to 475 kg, and bulls weigh around 550 to 650 kg. Height varies for a cow or bull, 1.30 m for a cow and 1.35 m on average for a bull. The body shines with glossy and soft skin that helps prevent the attacks of parasite infections and protects the body in warm climates. The skin fluid secreted is called sebum, which is a repellent to insects. Mostly, the skin colour is red and white. Yellowish with black, brown, or red spots. 
  2. The face of the cow is long and narrower from the front, along with a bulged forehead. The convex-shaped forehead saves the brain. 
  3. The curled- leaf-like ears help to drive away the insects and flies. It is considered sacred to Indian culture about the alienation of the eyes with the horn.  
  4. The horns grow thick from the base and curved from the upward end. Horns grow in a backward fashion behind the back of the head. 
  5. The prominent high hip bone in between the long tail. It has hard feet with black hooves and walks very slowly. 
  6. The active sweat glands present in their body help them adapt to any atmospheric condition and are resistant to sunlight and diseases. The wide body structure helps the heat to indulge easily. 
  7. The Gir cow breed is gentle and social. They can be very easily taken under control, and sometimes they react to their owner’s command, too. Their oestrous cycle happens in 21 days and lasts for one day only.  
  8. The feeding and caring if done properly and the cow is taken good care then can start its first oestrous. 

Advantages of Gir Cow Farming 

Gir cattles are used locally for the actual improvement of the other breeds present like Red Sindhi and Sahiwal. In total, if we look at milk production significantly these breeds contribute the largest amount of production. Gir Cow Farming is an effective manner of production where Milk is the main source of profit and this breed of desi cow will never let out of milk. If the feeding is proper for the cattle the production is always higher, might be their produce is comparatively not as much as the A1 cow breeds but the quality shows a magnificent difference. 

  1. In their native state, Gujarat, Gir cows yield more milk. But on average, Gir cows yield about 10-15 litres of milk per day, depending on the good climate conditions. 
  2. The milk produced by the cows is considered to be premium-quality milk due to the presence of A2 beta-casein protein. High capacity of milk production happens. 
  3. The Gir cows can sustain themselves in different environments and habitat conditions. 
  4. In the entire lifespan of a Gir cow, it can produce 8-10 calves. 
  5. The need for maintenance structure for Gir cow farming is very low. 
  6. This cattle breed has a high resistance to deal with any diseases apart from various climate conditions. Also, Gir cows live for 12-15 years on an average life span. 
  7. The value of the milk produced by the Gir cows in the market is high. With that, the cow is adaptable to mechanical milking techniques, but the milking of the desi cows preferably happens in the ethical hand techniques. 
  8. Natural mating is the natural act of reproduction. Artificial insemination techniques are a deliberate act. Thus, natural mating is preferred. 
  9. The estimated production of a strong Gir cow is 1590 kg of milk per lactation on average. During and after the first calving process, the milk per lactation is produced at 1600 to 1700 kg. But for mature cows, the production is higher, at 1800 to 2000 kg per lactation. 
  10. Per litre cost of milk varies from place to place, i.e.; Rs 80 to Rs 100 per litre which is comparatively high because the milk that is yielded contains two protein groups: casein and whey protein. 
  11. According to the research, this Gir cow milk contains 80% casein protein, which eventually is categorised as A2 milk, and consumption of A2 milk improves health such as reducing autism, type 1 diabetes, neurological disorders, problems regarding immunity, endocrine disorders, and also symptoms of schizophrenia. The cow’s milk has an average of 4.69 to 4.97% of fat content present in the milk. 

Housing Facilities for Gir Cow Farming 

The management of a proper Gir cow farm with adequate supply and supervision is a crucial success to date. There are various factors that should be looked upon and overviewed with the current changing times and the need for desi cow milk, enriched with all the nutrients for this fast-moving lifestyle. There are a few points in the aspect of management that should be looked upon while practising Gir Cow farming;

  • Shelter: Gir cows are to be given proper shelter to shed and protect them from the harsh climate conditions and extreme weather change. 
  • Hygiene: The place where Gir cows are kept should be kept clean and free from pathogens (microorganisms that have the potential to cause infectious diseases) that can get inside their bodies through the skin and infect their well-being. 
  • Health: To check that the cows are healthy and free from any diseases, regular check-ups should be conducted, and also one or two veterinary physicians should be allotted on every farm.
  • Breeding: To ensure the offspring are healthy and productive, appropriate breeding should happen time and again.
  • Milk production: Regular monitoring of the cows ensures that prominent production happens from each cow on the farm. 

Other general facilities like drainage systems, a clean environment, and daily trash removal a normal agendas to be fulfilled and looked upon while practicing Gir cow farming. 

Healthcare Facilities of Gir Cow Farming

To maintain a Gir cow farm, there are a few significant healthcare facilities that should not be unnoticed. There are some health-related issues for the Gir cows while they are farming. However, the mortality rate is very low, but infants just after they are born at the age of one month are at risk of death. 

There are two main reasons for the morality of these calves, Broncho-pneumonia and Pneumo-Enteritis. When the calves are 2-3 weeks old, the viral respiratory vaccine is induced in them. Clostridial vaccination should also be done for the calves when they are 1 to 3 months old.   

Every 30 days, deworming treatments should be done for the cows at an interval of 30 days. There are also some common diseases they can get affected by, such as digestive disorders, jaundice, anaemia, ringworms, and foot and mouth worm disorders. Keeping in mind all these health and proper care of the cattles along with suitable treatment can help the Gir cows live longer.  

Yield and Benefits of Milk from Gir cow farming 

Achieving a higher yield from Gir cow farming is a beneficial fact with the yielding capacities, and this breed of cows can produce up to 2063 litres of milk in the lactation period of 326 days. Upto 1600-1700 litres of milk is the average lactation produced during the first calving process by these cows. The mature cows produce 1800-2000 litres of milk for each of their lactation period. One litre of milk should be priced between 75-90 Rupees which is comparatively higher than the other kinds of milk that are adulterated, and acquired from jersey cows their beta-casein protein is A1. The quality of the milk from gir cow farming is thicker and healthier. It is enjoyed and demanded more in the market because of the presence of casein and whey protein in the milk. Additionally, 4.69 to 4.97 is the fat per cent in the Gir cow milk. 

The milk benefits from Gir Cow Farming: –

  1. Gir cow milk is a rich source of calcium that helps in building strong bones.
  2. Gir cow milk is rich in antioxidant properties.
  3. A robust immune system is developed with the help of Gir cow milk. 
  4. The heart functions better due to the potassium present in the milk. 
  5. The colon cells are protected from chemicals that lead to cancer-like diseases. A2 Gir cow milk helps prevent them. 
  6. Arthritis problems are also cured with regular intake of gir cow milk 
  7. Amino acids in Gir cow milk help the body fight against diseases like joint pain, Asthma, obesity, insomnia, etc. 
  8. It prevents the formation of cholesterol serum in the body. 
  9. The acidity problem is reduced, and the metabolism is increased. 
  10. The intake of Gir cow milk is good for the kidneys. 

Economic/Cost of Profit of Gir Cow Farming

For beginning the farming of Gir Cows, the minimum basic investments are listed below, the cost details can vary depending on the location and demands of cattle in the area.

Type of FacilityCOST
The cost of the cow shed for 4 cows, 40sqft/cow@ Rs 250/sqft          40,000
The cost of the cow shed for 4 cows, 20sqft/cow@ Rs 250/sqft          20,000
Cows produce 10 liters milk @ Rs 30000 transports       1,20,000
Transportation per cow is Rs 1000 so for 4 cows            4,000
Hand-operated chaff cutter          10,000
Appliances needed for the dairy is Rs 1000 per cow            4,000
Electrification of the farm          12,000
Total recurring capital       2,10.000
Feed cost for cows for one month            5,000
Animal insurance about 5% of the animal cost            6,000
Cultivation of fodder in 1-acre land          10,000
Cost of vaccine and electricity, extra emergency costs            9,000
Total expenditure          30,000
Total Farm cost       2,40,000

Estimates are based on the following scenarios:

The cost of a Gir cow is Rs 30000/cow (Usually, a good milk-yielding cow costs Rs 60,000 and may exceed Rs 2,00,000, but we took on a very low side price in this project report).

Milk yield (average): 10 litres per day

  • The space required for each animal is 40 sqft. (Cow)
  • The space required for each animal is: 20 sqft (calf)
  • Construction cost of 1 sqft area: Rs 250
  • Cost of equipment required per animal: Rs 1000
  • Concrete feed cost: Rs 16/kg
  • Dry fodder cost: Rs 1/kg
  • Animals reared: 4

As a result of the above estimation, Gir Cow Farming can be analyzed as follows:

Each cow produces average milk each day: 10 litres (4 cows: 40 litres)

  • The selling price of 1 litre of milk is Rs 27
  • The price of 40 litres of milk for 1 day: Rs 1080
  • The total income for a month is: Rs 32,400
  • Annual Income: Rs 3, 88,800

So, the net profit in Gir Cow Farming is (annually): Rs 1,48,800

The price of the cow and the value of milk both have changed because these cows produce nutritious milk that can help people overcome health problems.

Conservation and Improvement Practices on Gir Cow Farming

Research conducted by several institutes has started the development to preserve the breed and improve its current condition. The All India Coordinated Research Project on Cattle for Genetic Improvement has developed a crossbreed of Gir with other breeds for today’s environment. The Animal Husbandry Department and Project Directorate on Cattle are testing the progeny of Gir for gene improvement. Bulls are tested for gene improvement, and superior germplasm is used for development projects. The breed is considered vulnerable, according to the IUCN. The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources is handling conservation projects for Gir cattle. The breed’s genes and traits are being studied to conserve its germplasm.


Gir cows are a breed of cattle that have the potential to produce high-quality milk and other dairy products, with a proper standardized way of Gir cow farming. With their drought resistance, hardiness, disease resistance, and low maintenance requirements, Gir cow farming can be looked upon to make an ideal addition to many farm owners who are looking for more sustainable sources of dairy production. By investing in these cows, you will be helping to improve the quality of your farm’s produce as well as ensuring that it can remain profitable for years to come. Additionally, this breed is also becoming increasingly popular due to its delicious taste and nutritional benefits which makes them highly sought after by today’s health-conscious consumers.


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