15 Natural Home Remedies for Burns that are Less Explored

Home remedies for burns
| Dec 16, 2022

There are numerous home remedies for burns that people are unaware of. In this blog, we are going to focus on the same. Not all forms of burns demand an urgent need for hospitalization. Some of the burns can be treated and cured at home by using natural means. The burns are generally measured on a scale that ranges from first to fourth degree. First and second-degree burns can be managed and controlled at home, while third and fourth degree may demand hospital visits.

It is one of the most consequential and prevalent household injuries. Most of us might have suffered through this either by unknowingly touching the frying pan or a hot iron accidentally. The burn symptoms vary from person to person, and it depends completely on how deep or serious the damage is. If the blisters are in the worst state, the burn will take a long time to recover. Try to treat burns at home. However, if your case is severe and you notice that the burn injury has affected all the layers of your skin, take medical help immediately, as it may deteriorate the skin’s condition. Before moving to home remedies for burns, let’s start with types.

Types of Burns 

On the basis of damage and severity associated with the condition, there are four types of burns- 

Types of Burns 
  • First-degree Burns

These burns are less harmful in comparison with other types. They are known for causing minimum damage to the skin. They usually cause harm to the outermost layer of the skin. The common signs of this category are inflammation and redness. In some rare cases, peeling of the skin may take place. It is also known as a superficial wound. Generally, medical treatment is not required, and they can be managed with natural home remedies for burns. Blisters are not formed in this case.

  • Second-degree Burns 

They are more severe and harmful in comparison with the first-degree category. Besides affecting the outer layers, they may cause harm to the deeper layers of the skin. In this type, blisters are formed on the skin. In case the blister seems to pop, the blister will appear in its wet form. The healing process in this category takes a lot of time and completely depends on the severity of the blisters. They penetrate through the epidermis and affect the next layer, known as Dermis.

  • Third-degree Burns

It penetrates through diverse layers of skin, causing major damage compared to the above-mentioned categories. Nerve damage is also a possibility in this case. It can lead an individual to a point where the feeling of pain will go away. It will lead to discolouration of the skin. The skin colour may turn dark brown or waxy white. Left untreated, it may cause excessive scarring that will be almost impossible to control. Self-treatment and home remedies will fail in the treatment of this type.

  • Fourth-degree Burns 

The severity, in this case, is more than other categories; if left untreated, it may turn out to be a life-threatening issue. They are not just confined to damaging the layers of skin as they can also harm the bones & tendons.

If a third-degree or fourth-degree category has injured you or your loved ones, you can consult your doctor to avoid permanent scarring. These burns can deteriorate the condition of your skin and bones and may even cause internal damage leading to an unfortunate death. The first two categories are under the control of home remedies for burns.

15 Home Remedies for Burns

Thermal sources such as hot liquids, fire, steam, iron, and contact with hot surfaces are some of the significant known causes of burn injuries. In some cases, treatment can be managed from home, while some cases are so severe that hospitalization without delay is the only option left. Given below are some of the natural home remedies for burns.

Home Remedies for Burns

Coconut Oil

The anti-inflammatory properties of coconut oil and the presence of sufficient antioxidants in it can help provide instant relief and prevent scarring of the burned skin and blister formation. The scientific term for coconut oil is Cocos Nucifera. It can penetrate the skin and can be effective in the process of internal and external healing. 

Ingredient Required

1-2 teaspoons of pure coconut oil

How to apply it? 

  1. Use your fingertips and apply it to the affected regions of the skin. 
  2. Leave it for some time and get it absorbed by the layers of the skin. 

Note– You must try this gifted remedy at least three times a day for quick results. 


As vinegar[1] entails acetic acid and is known for its antiseptic properties, it is useful in the treatment of injuries and blisters caused due to this skin health issue. Also, acetic acid is a natural pain reliever and is capable of reducing inflammation.

Ingredients Required 

  • 2 teaspoons of water
  • Cotton pads
  • 2 tsps of refrigerated vinegar

How to apply it?

  1. Use water in order to dilute refrigerated vinegar.
  2. Immerse a cotton pad in the vinegar.
  3. After that, apply it to the burned skin.
  4. Let the vinegar evaporates.

 Note– Apply it 2-3 times on a regular basis for excellent results.

Aloe Vera 

It is beneficial for the treatment of different degrees of burns as it is loaded with antioxidants. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also useful in reducing inflammation. It provides a cool and soothing effect as well. Due to its antibacterial nature, it prevents scarring and blistering and leaves no room for infection. It is one of the widely known home remedies for burns, especially in villages and semi-urban areas.

Ingredient Required 

1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel

How to apply it?

Apply aloe vera gel on the affected areas of the skin and get relief.

Note– You should try this effective measure 2 to 3 times daily.


It is an active herbal remedy beneficial for the treatment of cuts, burns, and other forms of skin irritation. Curcumin is a yellow pigment present in haldi(turmeric) and is effective against wounds and injuries of different forms. It eases pain, reduces the chance of inflammation, and won’t let blister formation survive for long.  

Ingredients Required 

  • Turmeric
  • Amla
  • Sandalwood
  • Rose water

How to apply it?

  1. Prepare a perfect mix of turmeric, Amla, and sandalwood.
  2. Add rose water to the mix to upgrade the quality and generate better results.

Note – You can try this pack 2-3 times a day.


The presence of the family of vitamins and multi-nutrients in cucumber is beneficial for the treatment of wounds. Different types of skin ailments can be cured by using cucumber. Applying it will provide a cooling sensation to the burn site. It will help you feel better and ensures quick recovery.

Ingredients Required 

Slices of cucumber

How to apply it?

  1. Put cucumber slices on a plate or a bowl.
  2. Extract the juice.
  3. Apply it to the affected region.
  4. Leave it there for some time.
  5. Get rid of the burning sensation.

Note- You can apply it 3-4 times a day.

A2 Ghee 

The classical texts of Ayurveda consider this Ayurvedic superfood as the healing lotion for cuts, wounds, and other forms of injuries. It gives a cooling touch to the injured or burned place. The repairing and restoring properties of desi cow ghee for the skin make it one of the best & useful home remedies for burns.

Ingredients Required 

Barks of Banyan & Peepal Tree

100% pure organic ghee

How to apply it?

  1. Bring the barks of Peepal & Banyan Tree.
  2. After that, mash them into pulpy form.
  3. Take A2 ghee and prepare a mixture.
  4. Apply on the affected parts of the skin.

Note- You can apply this mixture twice a day.


It is one of the highly effective home remedies for burns and cuts. As per the Ayurvedic books, it’s a natural antibiotic. Its natural pH balance can prevent any form of infection pertaining to the skin. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory nature of honey leaves a healing mark on the injured or affected regions.

Ingredient Required

2 teaspoons of natural & organic honey

How to apply it?

Take pure and organic honey.

Apply it on the affected parts of the skin.

Note- Try it 2-3 times regularly.

Tea Bags

The presence of tannic acid in tea makes it good enough to draw the heat away from the affected areas on the skin. Applying it on the burnt skin is like providing a soothing touch. It is one of the less-used home remedies for burns and cuts.

Ingredient Required 

2-3 tea bags (Used ones)

How to apply it?

  1. Preserve the used tea bags after making tea.
  2. Let them cool first.
  3. Apply the wet tea bags on the burnt areas.

Note- You can try this 2-3 times daily for better results.

Peppermint Oil 

Menthol-rich peppermint oil is a fantastic remedy for the treatment of all forms of wounds & injuries. Its cooling properties and antiseptic nature can leave a healing effect on the affected regions. It’s one of the most effective natural home remedies for burns. Also, it controls swelling.

Ingredients Required 

2-3 drops of peppermint oil

Cotton pad

How to apply it?

  1. Take 2-3 drops of peppermint oil.
  2. Put it on a cotton pad.
  3. Apply it to affected areas.

Note- Try it three times a day.

A2 Milk

The presence of Zinc and A2 Beta-casein Protein soothes and heals burns and cuts. Also, it can repair damaged skin. In addition, it can remove the mark in the long run. It is one of the nutrient-dense home remedies for burns and injuries.

Ingredients Required

2/4 cup of cold desi cow milk

Cotton Balls

How to apply it?

  1. Take cold milk and soak the cotton ball in it.
  2. Leave it on for around 10 to 20 minutes and rinse it with water.

Note- In order to reduce the pain and burning sensation, try it after every 2-3 hours.

Vitamin E Oil

It is popular in the books of medical science due to the benefits that it provides to the skin. Antioxidants present in it aid in reducing inflammation. Besides this, its ability to regenerate skin accelerates the healing process.

Ingredient Required

  1 teaspoon of Vitamin E oil

How to apply it?

  1. Take Vitamin E oil or extract it from the capsules.
  2. Apply it to the affected areas.
  3. Leave it on the skin till it gets absorbed.

Note- Apply it 3 to 4 times daily.


The trio of vital antioxidants (phytic acids, Vitamin E & Avenanthramides) in oats are beneficial for swelling reduction and treatment of injuries of different dispositions. The combination of these elements is helpful in pain reduction and speeds up the healing process.

Ingredients Required 

1 tablespoon of nutritious Oats

1 bowl of clean water

How to apply it?

  1. Put the oats in water.
  2. Let the oats stay in the water for a few minutes.
  3. After that, you can soak the affected parts of the skin in water for 10-20 minutes.

Note– Apply it on the skin two times a day.

Lavender Oil

It is one of the influential home remedies for burns and cuts. It helps stave off scarring & blisters. In the early 1900s, a French chemist burned his hand and used lavender oil on the same. He discovered the magical benefits of lavender oil that day.

Ingredient Required  

Lavender Oil

How to apply it?

Apply lavender oil to the affected region.

Note- Apply it 2-3 times a day.

Cool Water 

In case of minor burn injuries, you can apply cool water. However, don’t take the risk of applying it on second & third-degree burns. Also, make sure that the water is gold up to an extent.


Saffron is one of the tried and tested natural home remedies for burns. It encourages skin repair as well as regeneration.

Point to Consider 

These home remedies for burns are effective but in case of severe conditions, reach out to the nearby doctor and healthcare centre.

The Final Words 

Numerous effective home remedies for burns are listed and recommended by Ayurvedic books and medical science. We have listed the less-known but effective ones. To gain insight on more topics related to health and well-being, keep visiting our blog section.

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A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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