15 Health Benefits of Herbal Tea that makes it an Ideal Beverage

health benefits of herbal tea
| Feb 03, 2023
Herbal Tea

Herbal tea has been consumed for centuries and has been used to cure specific medical issues. Drinking a hot cup of herbal tea is indeed a simple and tasty method to enhance your health. Herbal teas are full of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that are good for your body, mind, and soul. In this article, we’ll go over the 15 health benefits of herbal tea and some tips for maximising your tea consumption. We’ll also mention some of our favourite herbal teas along with their related health advantages. So while reading this blog, sit back and relax, and enjoy a cup of tasty herbal tea.


For millennia, people have been consuming herbal teas to improve their health and well-being. Some of the earliest civilizations to recognise the health benefits of herbal tea were the Chinese and ancient Egyptians. There is proof that people were drinking herbal teas from earlier as 2700 BC! Herbal teas have also been a crucial part of medieval Chinese medicine since ancient times, and they became popular in Europe at that Time.

So what is herbal tea? Tea produced with steeped herbs, spices, or fruits are referred to as tisane or herbal tea. Soon, we’ll read more precisely about this. Herbal teas don’t contain caffeine like regular drinks (black, green, white, etc.). They are, therefore, a fantastic option for individuals who want to avoid coffee or who want a soothing yet nutritious beverage.

What Is Herbal Tea?

Tea comes in three primary varieties: true teas, herbal teas, and flavoured teas. The Camellia sinensis plant, which produces true teas, is noted for its tea leaves. Pu-erh tea, black tea, oolong tea, green tea, and white tea are real teas. Popular teas like ginger tea and peppermint tea fall under the broad category of “herbal tea.” The process of making herbal teas, also known as herbal tisanes, involves steeping different plant parts into boiling or hot water. They are created from flower petals, tree bark, leaves, and plant roots. Global plants are used to make herbal teas, some of which, like yerba mate, are cherished by indigenous cultures. These herbal teas are naturally caffeine free.

Due to its powerful flavour, aroma, and multiple health benefits, herbal tea has become very popular in recent years. History holds the fact that Tisane is where herbal tea first originated. The word “tisane,” in contrast, derives from the Greek word “ptisane,” which is a word for “crushed barley.” But in China, they refer to it as Liang Cha, which, when translated, means Cooling Tea. It is because tea can cool your body by reducing excessive body temperature.

Authentic teas which have been flavoured with herbal ingredients are called flavoured teas. Continue reading to learn 15 health advantages of herbal tea.

15 Health Benefits of Herbal Tea

The high concentration of bioactive substances, such as polyphenols, is responsible for the numerous health benefits of herbal tea. It has been suggested that polyphenols have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antioxidant properties. Depending on the plant utilised, herbal tea’s nutritional value can change.

 Let’s read about some of the health benefits of herbal tea:

Health Benefits of Herbal Tea
  1. Enhances Immune System: Regular consumption of herbal tea can strengthen our immune system[1], which is one of the crucial health benefits of herbal tea. Due to its high vitamin and antioxidant content, including polyphenols, this tea defends against infections and illnesses. Additionally, the concentration of all these solvents protects the body from harmful oxidative stress, lowering the chance of developing chronic diseases.
  2. Effects of Herbal Tea on Anti-Aging: Stop using harmful products and start drinking herbal tea instead if you want to look younger. Antioxidants combined with anti-aging characteristics slow down a person’s ageing process. Additionally, it prevents internal bodily damage brought on by free radicals. In addition to the usual health benefits of herbal tea, it also slows down cell ageing, which makes skin and hair appear younger.
  3. Healthy Digestive System Development: Herbal tea is renowned as a quick remedy for all digestive-related illnesses. These teas function by dissolving lipids and allowing the stomach to empty quickly. As a result, the digestive system becomes healthier and the signs of indigestion, vomiting and bloating decrease. It is one of the significant health benefits of herbal tea. 
  4. Calorie-free tea: Compared to caffeinated beverages, herbal tea tastes better. It can serve as a lovely alternative to plain old water during the day, even though the research on the direct impacts of herbal tea on weight loss is still ongoing. But keep in mind that adding extras like sugar or honey can increase the calorie count. As a result, to enjoy this health benefit of herbal tea, make sure you skip this step.
  5. Acts as a Fantastic Stress Reducer: One of the many health benefits of herbal tea is that it relieves stress of all types and calms our senses. Anxiety and stress reduction results in the effective treatment of sleep-related conditions like insomnia. You may therefore conclude that it acts as an antidepressant by stimulating brain activity and thereby reducing depression.
  6. Cure Cold and Cough: There are numerous health benefits of herbal tea, including its ability to tackle seasonal illnesses like the common cold and cough. Ginger herbal tea is a great herb for cold and cough treatment. It has several therapeutic qualities that help clear the nasal channel and treat cough. Additionally, it shields you from developing asthmatic problems.
  7. Herbal tea’s anti-inflammatory effects: Regularly drinking herbal tea is beneficial to you since it has a wide range of therapeutic effects. Ginger herbal tea is very effective for treating joint and muscular pain. Therefore, anyone with arthritis who frequently has joint discomfort can incorporate it into their daily diet and reap the health benefits of herbal tea.
  8. Protect Vital Minerals Within Body: Red blood cell production requires minerals in both men and women. Haemoglobin levels are supported by red blood cells. Another health benefit of herbal tea is that it can boost red blood cells because it contains sufficient amounts of calcium, iron, and other essential minerals that enable the body to maintain mineral balance.
  9. Balance blood pressure: Individuals who have high blood pressure should drink herbal tea. Hibiscus tea is one of the best herbal teas for lowering blood pressure. The daily consumption of 1-2 cups of hibiscus tea lowers blood pressure. Thus, the health benefits of herbal tea aid in lowering the risk of developing kidney and cardiac problems.
  10. Regulates blood sugar levels: Patients with mild diabetes have reported a significant improvement after routinely consuming herbal teas like bilberry and sage for their health. These two herbal teas help control blood sugar levels and are thus widely used to treat diabetic neuropathy. It is one of the crucial health benefits of herbal tea. 
  11. Chronic Diseases Are Prevented: Herbal teas are rich in flavonoids and tannins, which help the body get rid of free radicals. The health benefits of herbal tea include controlling blood cholesterol and preventing blood clots. Additionally, adequate antioxidant intake reduces the risk of osteoporosis, cancer, and brain degradation.
  12. Improves Skin Health: Acne, pimples, and blemishes are widespread skin issues nowadays. The removal of all toxins from the body is the specialty of both spearmint herbal tea and chamomile green tea. Additionally, they have antimicrobial qualities that eliminate or prevent skin outbreaks, keeping the skin healthy and radiant. You can sip tea or immediately apply it to the skin to experience the health benefits of the herbal tea mentioned above.
  13. Effects of herbal tea on weight loss: Teas made from herbs like carom, fennel, and cinnamon seeds are excellent for boosting your body’s metabolism. As a result, several fitness professionals advise using it in addition to weight loss efforts. Herbal teas act as a natural detox when combined with exercise, which aids in burning stubborn belly fat.
  14. Adequate For Oral Health: Oral health is one of many health benefits of herbal tea. It has antibacterial qualities that can reduce the incidence of oral decay, thrush, and fungal infections. Tea made from lemongrass helps stop bacteria like Streptococcus sanguinis from growing and causing cavities. However, doctors advise drinking herbal tea in moderation because, if used excessively, it can lead to dental enamel loss.
  15. Benefits of Herbal Tea for Pregnant Women: Pregnant women have used herbal tea as a uterine relaxation for generations. It eases cramping, aids hormone balancing, and increases fertility. Herbal tea helps with stomach pain and nausea because it is high in vitamin C.


Since herbal tea is better for our bodies than normal tea with sugar and milk, individuals are beginning to favour it in modern society. Health benefits of herbal tea include improved immunity, less inflammation, reduced stress, restful sleep, and many more. If you’re consuming tea for its therapeutic characteristics, boil the tea or tea leaves for a sufficient amount of time—even 15 minutes—to properly bring out the beneficial qualities. Keep reading our blogs for health and wellness trends, knowledge on A2 milk and other organic dairy products, etc. 

Read our Article: Himalayan Green Tea: Straight from the Lap of Nature


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