Why Groundnut Oil is Good for Frying Food?

Groundnut Oil
| Mar 02, 2024

Peanut oil, popularly known as groundnut oil, is colourless to yellow with the non-drying fatty oil that is obtained entirely from peanuts. The production was originally situated in South America; this oil is high in Vitamin B complex, minerals, and proteins. There are several ways of consuming peanuts, whether eaten raw, roasted with processed butter, or in any form. This edible oil is produced by pressing the seeds and utilized as an essential health beneficiary cooking oil. It is also used in the cosmetics industry for the production of soaps and lubricants. This oil has a pharmaceutical base for the production of medicines, too. The oil cakes that are also fed and used as livestock are also made from pressed groundnut oil. As a commercial overview, peanuts or groundnuts are mostly grown in the United States, Asia, Africa, and Central and South America. 

With all these knowledgeable facts, if you are wondering if groundnut oil is a good and healthier option for daily cooking and frying, this article will help you resonate with your answers at once. The process of wood pressing and obtaining groundnut oil has been a basic part of Indian cuisine. Mostly from today’s perspective of global presence, the central part of India is the hub of its production. The unrefined groundnut oil has a high concentration of fatty acids, the smoking point is high and also, it’s good for your cardiovascular conditions. 

Importance of Choosing Groundnut Oil as Cooking or Frying Oil

Yes, groundnut oil is essentially rich in Vitamin E, the required amount of fatty acids; it is high in smoking point, and the taste is also pleasant with a neutral impact on the food. It is making its place as the ideal choice for cooking. This beautiful, naturally rich oil is extracted after several processes. Deshell the groundnuts or peanuts from their shells to get the seeds. Cleaning the seeds, drying them, roasting them, and then pressing the oil out is the fresh produce of Groundnut oil. 

In India, the traditional method of making this oil involves the use of wood-pressing. Cleaned and then segregated, in this way, the quality of yield is very high, and this quality cannot be used in the mass production of companies. The involvement of machine milling churns large-scale production, and this process of oil extraction is called refined groundnut oil. 

There is also a difference between cold-pressed groundnut oil and refined groundnut oil. The two types of pressing methods are the refined method and the cold-pressed method or wood-pressed method. The refining method of this oil is curated at a very high temperature (180-200 dg. C). When the oil is being treated at high temperatures, heavy loss of Vitamin E, sterol, wheat gram phenol, and other nutritional factors happen. But the wood-pressed groundnut oil has a more subtle smell than refined groundnut oil, that’s why people prefer choosing the less smelly and light textured oil but forget also to grasp the nutritional values that are lost when we choose refined groundnut oil.                                          

Composition & Characteristics of Peanut Oil or Groundnut Oil 

Peanut oil consists of an average of 50% triacylglycerol content, which is 95% in the range. Peanut or groundnut oil is a mixed composition of glycerides and contains a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. A comparative study suggests that the fatty acid content of some other vegetable oils shows that the level of linolenic acid stays undetectable. The peanut as a base product contains a higher level of oleic acid concentration that has recently become available commercially. 

Peanut oil is considered to be the premier frying oil at a worldwide level because it stays stable at a very high temperature. Also, it has a higher smoke point compared to other edible oils. Statistically, if it’s presented, the performance of peanut or groundnut oil has deep fat frying, according to the reports of DuPlessis. Potato chips and other stuff were taken into the survey after the oil was used over 5 days. It was interesting to note that groundnut oil was superior in capacity in comparison to other refined oils like cottonseed oil, etc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Health Benefits of Groundnut Oil

The scientific name of peanut oil is Arachis hypogaea; the demand for groundnut oil is increasing with its day-to-day demands, along with its health benefits. The more people are becoming aware of its health benefits, the more oil production has increased worldwide. Keeping the oil aside, groundnut itself is rich in bioactive compounds, proteins, minerals, and vitamins. At an industrial level, peanuts are used for oil, beverages, making flour, and sweet candies. 

  • Helps in Lowering High Blood Pressure

Resveratrol in groundnut helps the body lower high blood pressure and relieve the blood pressure into a static level. Also, there is a good quality of peanut oil/groundnut oil that calms down the nervous system and boots the aids for good metabolism. 

  • Helps in Improving Heart Health

The level of unsaturated fats and vitamin E in it helps promote blood circulation around the heart. Vitamin E always saves the heart from the damage created or done by the direct or indirect intake of chemicals. The chances of breast cancer and colon cancer tend to get low with the consumption of groundnut oil. Also, an ingredient called a phytochemical known as beta-sitosterol accumulates together as anti-cancer properties that can fight tumour cells and prevent cancer. 

  • Helps in Maintaining Low Cholesterol Level 

The presence of cholesterol is zero, and the amount of saturated fats is also very low. The presence of Phytosterol in the wood-pressed groundnut oil reduces cholesterol that is present in the body. As a whole, this organic oil can be a helpful tip for people who are suffering from high cholesterol and heart diseases.  

  • Helps in Aromatherapy and Body Massage

If you are suffering from joint or muscle pain, groundnut oil is your go-to remedy; it relaxes the area with pain. The presence of linoleic acid arouses prostaglandin to relax the blood vessels in the area affected. The fresh and nutty fragrance of this oil helps to relax and is considered perfect for aromatherapy. The massages done to newborn babies or toddlers should be done with peanut/ground nut oil to make their joints or bones strong and healthy.  

  • Skincare with Peanut Oil

This oil helps remove facial acne and blackheads, moisturizes the skin, and cures any itchiness or inflammation. It also stops the regrowth of blackheads and works best on open pores. This oil has anti-ageing properties due to the presence of Vitamin E and antioxidants. In addition to that, it can cure chapped lips. 

  • The Chances of Alzheimer Condition Can be Reduced to Less 

Vitamin E, B3, resveratrol, and specific compounds are present in groundnut oil, and these elements have the capacity to slow down the effects of Alzheimer’s. Brain health is maintained well, improving neural health too. 

  • Maintaining Hair Health 

Have you ever wondered why the people of South India induce curry leaves and mostly groundnut oil in their everyday meals or oiling routines? Because it works in the most amazing ways, from reducing dandruff to lessening hair fall, thinning hair, and split ends. The presence of Vitamin E richness oil flows through the hair follicles and also repairs quickly. 

Culinary Advantages of Groundnut Oil in Frying

Groundnut oil is very accessible for cooking because its smoking point is very high. There is no loss of any nutrients to high-heat or burnt taste. Groundnut oil can easily replace regular refined oil. The authentic nutty flavour that’s used for sauteing vegetables, pancakes, cheela, poha, deep French fries, cutlets, cupcakes, bread, and any other nutritious options, the list goes unending. 

However, according to Ayurveda and today’s nutritionists, overconsumption of oil is not always good for health. Also, it’s a study by nutritionists that recommends the multiple use of oils in the diet for balanced growth altogether. Examples of some oils are Ghee, Sesame, groundnut, flaxseed, and safflower. Some people face discomfort and allergies associated with the consumption of peanuts or the oil extracted from them. So, one should not consume these oils under any circumstances. 

It has unique properties that can be used for several different items, maintaining its great taste. It’s been a world-class tradition to use peanut oil for deep-frying because it can reach any high temperature. For example, restaurants selling fish and chips tend to use peanut oil as the best option, keeping the food crispy from the outside and moist from the inside. Peanut oil’s estimated smoke point is 450° F. 

The tempting mouth-watering recipes like deep-fried turkey are the best to make with peanut oil. The tolerance for high heat, clubbed with its mild nutty flavour, makes it exciting and delicious. 

Environmental and Sustainable Aspects of Using Groundnut Oil 

The biggest trouble with cooking oil these days includes the use of an explicit amount of land use, deforestation, chemical runoff, pollution, and emissions. The production of each oil has its unique environmental setbacks. There are two perspectives on every plant-oriented oil production. There is hope for sustainable health conditions, but exploitation is on the other hand. For example, palm oil is extremely efficient, but the amount of deforestation happening behind it is a cause of thought. Also, sunflower oil has less carbon footprint, but during production, water is used. 

Groundnut oil, on the other hand, is comparatively sustainable in nature and utilization because with their production, they fix nitrogen into content into the soil, and the use of water is also much less. These plants grow in monoculture and typically rely on the fungus or fungicides. The environmentally friendly cooking oils mostly minimize the adverse effects of production and distribution. The Environmental impacts created by each type of cooking oil vary from one another. To reduce the impact on the environment, cooking oil production can easily result in negative environmental consequences.   

But the other side of the story is that peanuts or peanut oil are both very sustainably refreshing like growth. Peanuts usually use 17 times less water than almonds, so next time you have it as a snack, feel good because you are a part of this effective, sustainable production. This oil extracted using organic and natural means is helpful. At SwadeshiVIP, we employ organic and natural techniques for the production of our dairy products and other eatables. 

The Concluding Words

Groundnut oil comes from a legume family, and in recent years, the urge and popularity of this high-content oil have been rising. It has somewhere become a rule that every restaurant on today’s date is or opts to choose this good fatty liquid. Groundnut oil comes with various benefits and multiple sustainable bearings. It alone has the qualities to reduce cholesterol levels, decrease the risk of heart disease, and lessen the chances of stroke. The oil extracted from the cold press is an excellent source of Vitamin E, also building up immunity and improving the metabolism rate. The point where any oil breaks its elements affects the odour and flavour that is its smoking point where peanut oil has a very high level of smoking point, making it easier to fry any food. 


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