Where to Buy Cow Milk in Noida & What Makes it a Wholesome Food?

Buy Cow Milk in Noida
| Dec 26, 2022

We are living in an era where purity hardly exists, whether you look at food products or dairy items. Here, we are throwing on the dairy industry. In the current scenario, people either consume adulterated milk products or use packet milk. The deteriorating health condition of folks and the increase in the cases of cancer, heart-related ailments, high BP, diabetes, neurological diseases, and other health issues are the outcome of poor food consumption choices and lack of physical activity. It’s time to make a shift and buy cow milk in Noida that will keep diseases at a distance and enhance health.

A2 Beta-casein Protein in Desi cow milk makes it an excellent dairy mate. This Shuddh doodh, loaded with nutritional merits and good taste, is one of the vital organic dairy products. When it is obtained using ethical & no-mechanical means, it is a form of utmost purity that meets the dairy diet requirements of an individual. Through this write-up, we will let you know about the benefits of A2 desi cow milk and where to buy cow milk in Noida.

Buy Cow Milk in Noida: Interesting Nutrition Facts 

You can buy cow milk in Noida after learning the nutritional value it provides in comparison with other food products. 

Some interesting nutrition details related to desi cow milk are mentioned below- 

  • Eight grams of high-quality protein can be gained by consuming one 8-ounce glass of Desi cow milk. 
  • One 8-ounce glass of this dairy goodness yields you calcium equivalent to 7 cups of raw broccoli. 
  • The presence of Potassium in an 8-ounce glass of milk is equivalent to Potassium in a small banana. 
  • In order to gain 15% of your daily suggested amount of Vitamin D, you need to consume one 8-ounce glass of desi cow milk. 
  • One serving of milk fulfils the body’s requirement of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin B12. 
  • The value provided by one 8-ounce glass of milk is similar to 35% of the recommended amount of Riboflavin. 
  • The value provided by one 8-ounce glass of milk is similar to 10% of the recommended amount of Riboflavin. 
  • The value provided by a serving of milk is similar to 20% of the daily recommended amount of Phosphorus. 
  • The value provided by a serving of milk is equivalent to 15% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin A.
  • On the one hand, 6 grams of protein is present in a large egg. On the other hand, each serving of milk is loaded with more protein than 6 grams. 

Which Cow’s Milk is Healthiest?

Milk obtained from desi Indian cows such as Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Tharparkar, etc., is the healthiest. People should opt for low-fat adulteration-free milk obtained using natural techniques without causing any harm to moo souls. It’s a significant source of several essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium[1], carbohydrates, A2 protein, Potassium, Selenium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, B6, B12, D, and Vitamin K. Omega-3 fatty acids present in it reduce the risk of cardiovascular disorders and inflammation.

6 Health Benefits: What Happens If I drink Cow Milk Daily?

Regular intake of cow milk aids in improving your core strength and developing your immunity, ensuring that viral & bacterial infections won’t cause any harm to you. Since it is packed with Strontium, Cerebrosides and A2 Beta-casein Protein, drinking it daily may reduce the risk of heart disease, improves brain power, and keep cholesterol levels at the toe. 

6 Significant health benefits of drinking Gir & Sahiwal cow milk are mentioned below-   

Health Benefits

Better Stool Consistency

As A2 milk obtained from Indigenous cow breeds such as Gir & Sahiwal is light on the tummy; it ensures smooth functioning of the digestive system and better stool consistency. It’s an effective remedy for constipation & hyperacidity. 

A Fitting Drink for Rehydration

Staying hydrated plays a significant part in improving the overall health of an individual. When electrolytes and fluid consumption fails to meet the body’s requirements, the problem of dehydration may come into the picture. In order to tackle this situation, making A2 milk a core part of your daily diet plan is important. The electrolyte content of A2 milk makes it a perfect beverage for rehydration. Can you imagine a better combination of a thirst quencher and an immunity booster? Well, we don’t think so. 

Boosts Remembering Power 

The presence of Cerebrosides makes it a nutritious drink for brain development. Consumption of desi cow milk on a regular basis improves the capacity to remember things. Vitamin D, Calcium, Potassium, and Protein present in it ensures optimal brain health. 

Rejuvenates Skin 

The presence of Beta Hydroxy in it removes dirt & extra oil from the skin. Besides removing dead cells, it provides relief to the damaged skin and heals it. As it’s an excellent anti-tan agent, it aids in getting rid of skin tan and nourishes the skin deeply, thereby rejuvenating and adding life to the skin. 

Reduces Inflammation

BCM-7, a peptide produced by A1 milk, causes inflammation. However, A2 milk obtained from indigenous cow breeds does not produce BCM-7.

Thus, daily A2 milk intake leaves no scope for inflammation. 

Controls Stubborn High BP 

It’s a known fact that A2 Cow milk is an incomparable source of Potassium. It assists with blood vessel dilation and, thereby, keeps blood pressure under control. 

Who Should Drink A2 Milk?

As A2 milk is a complete food that boosts health, it must be consumed by folks from all age groups. It’s known for its antibacterial and anti-viral properties.

 It should be consumed by- 

  • Folks with Lactose Intolerance 
  • Athletes
  • People who are fond of Singing
  • Infants
  • Children
  • Adults
  • Pregnant Women
  • High Blood Pressure Patients
  • Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes
  • People with Neurological Disorders
  • Folks with Skin-related Ailments 

Where to Buy Cow Milk in Noida?

The combination of good taste and purity is very rare in the era of adulteration. If you are looking to buy cow milk in Noida for boost in health, you may switch to SwadeshiVIP A2 Gir cow milk & Sahiwal cow milk. Organic A2 milk is obtained by preserving the traditional value and culture, and thus, the milking process takes place without hurting the moo creatures. From the point of milking to packing and till the point of final delivery, eco-friendly standards are preserved. Our lab test reports ensure that the milk is free from chemicals, detergents, or any other additives. The delivery of organic green fodder and nutrient-packed food helps the moo animals give 100% pure milk that is a gift to mankind. 

The Final Words

The properties and benefits associated with desi cow milk are endless. That’s the main reason it has been admired by Lord Krishna and saints. Besides providing health benefits, it is beneficial for spiritual and religious purposes. Get in touch with the SwadeshiVIP team and buy cow milk in Noida. 

Read our Article: Where to Buy the Best Gir Cow A2 Milk in Noida?

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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