What is Cuddle a Cow Trend, and why do Cows Love Humans?

Cow Cuddling
| Apr 15, 2023
Cow Cuddling

Cuddle a cow trend is one of the amazing therapies enjoyed by a major chunk of Gau-lovers across the world. Can you believe that for 90 minutes of cow cuddling sessions, people are spending more than 20k happily? Well, it seems unbelievable, but it’s a reality. This wellness trend came to light for the first time in the dairy farms of the Netherlands. Cow Cuddling therapy is popularly regarded as Koe Knuffelen in Dutch.

Doctors and therapists are recommending this therapy to patients suffering from mental disorders, high blood pressure, respiratory diseases, depression, etc. It’s not just therapy; it’s a global revolution that has won the heart of people in top countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, India, the Netherlands, and other countries all over the world.

What is Cuddle a Cow Trend?

Cuddle a Cow trend or cow hugging therapy or Cow cuddling is an activity that involves a deep, unshakeable bond between cows and humans. Under this therapy, human beings go for hugging mother cows and spend wonderful moments of togetherness. By taking multiple rounds of cow cuddling sessions, people can reduce their stress and mental pressure. According to the sources, people who underwent the therapy sessions have been able to keep their high blood pressure under control.

Cuddle a cow trend showcases the beautiful relationship between humans and mother cows. Also, by taking part in therapy sessions, one can gain the utmost pleasure and happiness. Let’s move back to the time when cows were kept in almost every Indian house. People were so fond of moo creatures that they used to begin their day by spending precious moments with them. Since the Vedic ages[1], cows are always considered the most respected and revered animal. Their presence was viewed as auspicious. This trend has been in existence for ages in India. However, it got its name and getting more popular with each passing day.

Why do Cows love Humans?

The heart of mother cows is filled with love, kindness, affection, and heaps of emotions. They are intelligent, gentle animals that are specialists in making new relationships without uttering a single word. Humans need words to express their feelings, while mother cows express such feelings and emotions just through their gestures and eyes. Cows are fond of humans, and they understand the language of love as well as we human beings can.

Cows prefer staying in a calm and homely environment. They know how to adjust to the changes taking place in the environment. They also feel sad and happy like us and emote as well. When cows find the company of good humans, they feel like not leaving their company. They can identify who is right for them and who is just pretending to be right. They are good observers and excellent listeners. Can you name an animal that can understand emotions better than cows? Well, we don’t think so.

Cows recognize good people in the first meeting and interact with them happily. Just rub the back of mother cows, shower love on them, and you will find that they will chase you, come close to you and form a long-term bond. Cows love humans because they get a sense of true companionship. The same feelings we get in the company of divine moo creatures of God. They cherish maintaining eye contact with humans.

Have you ever considered taking the Consent of Mother Cows before hugging them?

It’s better to take the consent of mother cows before hugging them. It might be possible that you are hugging mother cows, and they are not happy and satisfied with your presence. However, the approval or disapproval of the mother cow is reflected in her body language and behaviour. The question is how you will come to know whether the mother cow is ready for cuddling or not. You will get the answer by reading the facial expression and body language. Don’t harm mother cows while hugging, and try not to be forceful in your approach.

What does it actually mean when a Cow licks you?

If a cow licks you, it shows her love and affection for you. It’s a way through which mother cows express their feelings and love. A cow licking you shows that it is fond of your presence. Also, very few people know that when a cow licks you, it is truly a sign of a deep friendship bond.

5 Significant Benefits of Cuddle a Cow Trend

The benefits of Cuddle a Cow Trend are mentioned below-

Keeps Blood Pressure under Control

Cow hugging therapy minimizes the symptoms of high blood pressure and lessens the chance of elevated blood pressure. It throws a calming as well as relaxing effect on the mind of cow cuddling enthusiasts. Rubbing a cow from the back towards the neck region helps in keeping high blood pressure at bay.

A Therapy that Works Well Against Depression

Opting for the numerous sessions of cow cuddling- A wellness Trend and receiving the warmth and love from desi cows minimizes the scope for anxiety and depression. Therefore, if you encounter the symptoms of depression in your life, move to a Gaushala or a dairy farm and devote some time. In addition to this, you need to understand that one session of cow cuddling is not enough to get permanent relief from depression. If you want to defeat depression, go for several rounds of this therapy.

 Lowers the Risk of Heart-related Ailments

 As mentioned in The New Indian Express, one of the popular cardiologists of India pointed out that India will hold the bright spot for the highest number of cardiac deaths on a global level by 2030, with every 4th death taking place due to cardiovascular disease. Cow cuddling exercise ensures a rhythmic heartbeat, improves heart functioning, and strengthens the heart.

Effective against Spinal Pain

Cuddle a Cow Trend is an effective therapy against spinal pain. As per one of the survey reports, 80 out of 100 people that were suffering from spinal pain practised Cuddle a Cow Trend and witnessed a vital improvement in their health. Thus, we can say that this therapy is highly beneficial for folks who are struggling with spinal-related issues.

Releases Happy Hormones

The well-known happy hormones such as Dopamine and Serotonin are released while performing cow cuddling activity. With the circulation of these happy hormones, there is a reduction in Cortisol, the stress hormone. In case you are going through a low phase in your life, you can opt for this ongoing trend and build a strong bond with cows. `

Besides the above-mentioned benefits, you can also use our products, such as A2 Sahiwal Cow Milk, A2 Gir Cow Milk, A2 Gir Cow Ghee, A2 Milk Paneer, and other organic products for your good health.

In a Nutshell

Cuddle a Cow Trend is a magical therapy that entails beautiful and amazing human-cow interaction. People are getting a lot of health benefits by exercising this healing therapy. For a significant transformation in health and to break the monotony of your routine work, you can visit our farm with your family members. 

Read our Article:Cow Cuddling Therapy: Cow Hugging has emerged as the New Wellness Trend

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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