What is Cold Pressed Oil, and how is it Different from Refined Oil?

cold pressed oil

We began to believe that hot or refined oils are the ideal choice for cooking meals and that their nutritional content protects our body from obesity and heart diseases until scientists made a new revelation. Numerous new studies claimed that cold pressed oil, not hot or refined oil, is what we ought to be consuming instead. But what differentiates the two from one another? The similarities in the appearance between these oils type will naturally baffle a beginner. Let’s learn more about what is cold pressed oils, how they are different from hot or refined oil, and what makes them a healthier option.

What Is Cold Pressed Oil?

The process of extracting cold pressed oil is known as cold-press extraction. Like numerous other oil extraction processes, the cold press oil is extracted using an oilseed press. But as the process doesn’t involve any added chemicals or heat, it becomes more nutritious and special. The oil is extracted from vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts. Oilseeds like olives, sesame, coconut, canola, or sunflower are cold pressed without using any intense heat to extract it. The nutritious value and flavour diminish if any heat is used in the process. The cold pressed oil extraction method involves only crushing the nuts or seeds to force oil out through immense pressure. 

Ever wondered what it meant when the packaging of this stuff says it is “unrefined” or “cold-pressed”? Such terms allude to the advantageous extraction process that was used to obtain oil from its source, plus it also signifies that the oil you buy contains the greatest concentration of nutrients. If not mentioned on the packaging, one can also presume that the oil within has been manually purified using intense heat or perhaps chemicals. 

An Incredible Source of Good Health

Consumption of this form of natural oil will keep diseases away from you. The key benefits are mentioned below- 

key benefits of cold pressed oil

An essential component of the diet, edible cooking oil has a huge impact on your general well-being as well as the flavour of your meals. The risk of coronary heart disease[1], which is one of the noteworthy causes of death worldwide, can be decreased with the proper choice of cooking oil. The method used to prepare these oils is the key to selecting the nutritious one. Our cholesterol level is directly impacted by the quality of the cooking oil we use, which is in term determined by the pressing methods and raw materials used to extract it. Since cold-pressed oil is proven to be a healthier choice, people are becoming more and more interested in using them as a result of their health benefits. 

Difference between Refined Oil and Cold Pressed Oil

Refined oils, also known as hot-pressed oil, are prepared by utilising the traditional method of intense heat. The seeds and nuts are thoroughly rinsed and cleaned before being crushed in the machine, which also produces intense heat, at least 200°C. At various stages of the manufacturing process, several chemical components are added. These chemical substances give colour, good texture, and extended shelf life. Refined oils are extracted in a process that is different from the ways cold pressed oil is extracted. The seeds and nuts are cleaned and dried, which are then crushed to extract the oil. No heat is used at any stage during the manufacturing process. The extraction method of this oil is more labour-intensive because only the crushing and pressing of seeds are involved in extracting the oil. 

The amount of Trans fat gradually increases in refined oil during manufacturing, which mostly leads to heart illnesses. The excessive consumption of refined oil gradually attacks the general functionality of organs. According to scientific studies, excessive consumption of refined oil could cause a stroke or a heart attack. Because of its numerous medical benefits, many have started consuming cold pressed oil instead of refined oil. It is used for cooking because of its nutrient-dense and chemical-free properties. These properties are helpful for our general well-being and the growth of our body. Regularly consuming it can keep your body active, support your brain functions, and protect your heart. 

Why Is Cold Pressed Oil Better Than Refined Oil? 

Although both these oils are easily available at your nearby stores, how they are manufactured causes a huge difference between them. It is better to consume cold pressed oil instead of refined oil as it is much richer and healthier in nutritious value. However, when we compare these oils for their pricing, cold-pressed oil is more costly than refined oil because of its labour-intensive manufacturing procedure. Additionally, compared to the techniques, refined oil manufacturing techniques can extract more oil from the given amount of nuts or seeds. It makes cold-pressed oil generally more expensive. 

The shelf life of both this oil should be considered. In comparison to cold pressed oil, refined oil has a much higher shelf life since they contain numerous chemical components. As no chemical components or heat is added to increase the shelf life of cold-pressed oil, they tend to expire considerably sooner than refined oils. 

If you give more importance to your health than money, this form of organic goodness is undoubtedly the ideal choice for you. It must be used for daily consumption because of the health benefits it offers. Each time you decide which cooking oil is suitable for you and your loved ones, you should consider the numerous health benefits provided by cold pressed oil vs. the health risk caused by refined oil. 


Our health is the only most valuable asset we have. You must maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy food if you want to live a prolonged and healthy life. Since cooking oil is a fundamental component of our diet, you must be very careful while purchasing it. For centuries we have believed that refined oil is an ideal choice until scientists came up with the claims that it is unhealthy and can lead to numerous diseases. Scientists have claimed that cold pressed oil is healthy and an ideal choice for maintaining our general well-being and growth. In this article, we have mentioned all the necessary information that proves cold pressed oil to be a healthier choice than refined oil. To know more about organic dairy products and other health tips, keep reading our blogs.

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