Vata, Pitta, and Kapha? – Identify Your Ayurvedic Dosha

Vata Pitta and Kapha
| Dec 20, 2022

Vata, Pitta, or Kapha belong to the group of Ayurvedic Doshas. They are deemed as energetic forces of nature in the universe of Ayurveda. Besides this, they are known for creating balance and imbalance, and each of them plays a substantial role in our life. When these doshas go out of balance, they may lead to health-related disorders and can give birth to new diseases. Thus, keeping them in balance is a need of time.

These doshas are directly connected with the elements of nature. Vata is related to wind, Kapha is connected to water, and Pitta is related to fire. In order to live a healthy & vigorous life, we need vitality and energy. Being a natural healing mechanism, Ayurveda considers there is a connection between the primary functional energies of our body & elements of nature.

The Elements and Vata, Pitta, and Kapha (The Tridoshas) 

All three of the doshas are present in everyone in varied proportions. The ratio of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha provides us with the true picture of physical and mental health. They combine to form different weather conditions, different species, a variety of foods, and different individuals. Each dosha is composed of two significant elements showcased below in the table.

                    Types of Doshas                     Key Elements
PittaFire + Water 
VataAir + Space 
KaphaWater + Earth

Ayurveda & Doshas- What’s the Connection?

The sphere of Ayurveda revolves around five significant elements- 

urveda & Doshas

These doshas are primarily linked to the mental, physiological, and emotional health of an individual. An individual can be with Vata Dosha, while other individuals can be with Pitta Dosha. Ayurvedic constitution is defined by the unique ratio of an individual’s Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. Several research activities take place every day to bring out more pieces of evidence pertaining to the Tridoshas of Ayurveda.

Qualitative Traits of Pitta, Kapha, and Vata 

A wide range of qualities is linked with each dosha.

The qualities of Pitta Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Sharp
  • Light
  • Hot
  • Oily
  • Liquid

The qualities of Kapha Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Heavy
  • Smooth
  • Slow
  • Soft
  • Cool
  • Dense
  • Oily
  • Sticky

The qualities of Vata Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Light
  • Dry
  • Mobile
  • Cold
  • Rough
  • Clear
  • Subtle

A Brief Overview of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas

On the basis of behavioural, mental, physical, and emotional traits, the dosha of an individual can be ascertained.

Let’s have a look at all the strengths and weaknesses of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha- 

Vata Dosha 

  • It is associated with two elements- air & space.
  • It is defined as light, cold, rough, spacious, dry, and subtle.  
  • Vata Dosha is represented by the cooling-off season known as autumn for its cool days of enthusiasm.
  • Folks who are associated with this form of Tridoshas are usually creative, slim, and full of energy.
  • They believe in thinking out of the box and being different from the crowd.
  • They easily get distracted.
  • The mood of Individuals with Vata Dosha depends on the weather, folks close to them and the food they consume.


  • Out-of-the-box Creative Thinker
  • Quick Learning Potential
  • Kind-hearted Individual
  • Multitasker
  • Naturally Slim
  • Flexible Thought Process


  • Scatterbrained
  • Worried & Afraid in different Circumstances
  • Unstable Mind
  • Feel Overwhelmed all the time
  • Difficulty in Sleeping
  • Easily Affected by Cold
  • Prone to gastric disorders and digestion-related ailments
  • Poor Blood Circulation[1]

Pitta Dosha

  • It is associated with two elements- Fire and Water.
  • You are an individual with Pitta Dosha if you are determined to accomplish the goals of your life and never give up easily.
  • Pitta Dosha is represented by the summer season known for its hot summery days.
  • It is defined as hot, light, oily, mobile, sharp, and liquid.
  • Folks with this Dosha are known for their bulky and muscular structure.
  • They have the potential to serve as powerful and influential leaders.
  • They are known for their athletic ability.
  • They believe in marching ahead with a goal-centric approach.
  • Folks with Pitta Dosha leave an impact by showcasing their competitive side.
  • As they can be aggressive most of the time, they may get entangled in the web of conflicts, arguments, and fights.


  • Self-determined
  • Passionate about Work
  • Intelligent
  • Desire in the Heart to Reach the Top
  • Quick Metabolism
  • Good Blood Circulation
  • Born Leader
  • Shining and Strong Hair
  • Healthy Skin
  • Ambitious


  • Uneasy and restless
  • Mood Swings are Common, especially when they are hungry
  • Face Difficulty in Battling against High Temperatures
  • Susceptible to Inflammation & Acne
  • Likely to Face Conflicts

Kapha Dosha

  • It is associated with two elements- Earth & Water.
  • It is defined as heavy, slow, cold, soft, steady, and stable.
  • Kapha Dosha is represented by the spring season.
  • Folks with Kapha Dosha are thick-boned, caring and kind and carry strong personalities.
  • They believe in putting things together.
  • They are like a backbone for people around them.
  • They think twice before making any move or taking any decision.
  • They get upset in rare circumstances.


  • Caring
  • Loving
  • Joyous
  • Empathetic
  • Prefer Peace of Mind & Serenity
  • Strong Immune System
  • Strong Bones & Joints
  • Reliable


  • Sleeping and Feeling of Tiredness throughout the Day
  • Issues Related to Breathing, such as Asthma & Allergies
  • Lack of Energy and Alertness
  • High Risks Associated with Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Needs Motivational Factors and Words of Encouragement
  • Mucus Buildup

The Doshas and their Functions

The functions of Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) vary from individual to individual. Given below are the doshas and their functions-

  • The primary functions of Vata Dosha include communication & movement.
  • The primary functions of Pitta Dosha comprise digestion & transformation.
  • The primary functions of Kapha Dosha include Structure, Viscidity, and Lubrication.

Foods to Eat and Avoid During Vata Dosha 

Warm, soft, and moist foods should be consumed during Vata Dosha. Bitter, cold and dried foods must be avoided.

Foods to eat during Vata Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Cooked Vegetables
  • Brown Rice
  • Bananas
  • Eggs
  • Berries
  • Oats
  • Peaches
  • Lean Meat
  • Other Food Items
  • A2 Gir Cow Milk

Foods to Avoid during Vata Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Raw Materials
  • Nuts
  • Dried Fruit
  • Seeds
  • Cold Desserts

Foods to Eat & Avoid during Kapha Dosha

Spicy and filling foods must be consumed, while heavy & fatty foods should be avoided.

Foods to eat during Kapha Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Whole Grains
  • Most Vegetables & Fruits
  • Hot Spices
  • Unprocessed Meats

Foods to avoid during Kapha Dosha are showcased below- 

  • Processed Foods
  • Fats
  • Nuts
  • Oils
  • Seeds

Foods to Eat & Avoid during Pitta Dosha

Sweet, light, cold, and energizing foods must be consumed. Foods that are heavy-on-the-belly, spicy, and sour should be avoided.

Foods to Eat during Pitta Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Oats
  • Non-starchy Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Eggs
  • A2 Milk

Foods to Avoid during Pitta Dosha are mentioned below- 

  • Potatoes
  • Red Meat
  • Hot Spices

Imbalances in Doshas

Poor eating habits, wrong lifestyle choices, emotional trauma, stress and anxiety are some of the factors that lead to imbalances in Doshas. An individual can start facing numerous challenges on the health front due to an imbalance in any of the three doshas.

Imbalanced Vata Dosha

When there is an imbalance in Vata, you may face loneliness, fear, anxiety, and exhaustion. It may lead to abnormal movement in an individual’s body. Besides this, it can break the flow of communication.

Imbalanced Pitta Dosha 

When there is an imbalance in Pitta, it triggers fiery emotions such as jealousy, anger, frustration & criticism. It can give birth to inflammatory disorders of moderate and severe types.

Imbalanced Kapha Dosha 

When there is an imbalance in Kapha, it will bring out the greedy and possessive side of yours, and you will start getting a sense of attachment & stubbornness. It may lead to congestion in tissues and organs.

Types of Exercise in the case of Vata, Pitta, or Kapha Dosha

As these doshas(Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are unique, the exercises associated with them vary from person to person.

1- In the case of Vata Dosa, activities that demand constant movement will be useful. You can focus on walking, cycling, yoga, running, Tai chi, etc.

2- In the case of Pitta Dosha, activities that demand exercising, long-distance walks, and closeness to nature will be useful. You can focus on running, cycling, gardening, long walks in nature, etc.

3- In the case of Kapha Dosha, activities that demand cardio and movement-related exercise will be beneficial. You can focus on swimming, martial art, brisk walking, running, hiking, etc.

The Final Words 

To live a healthful and blissful life, balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Dosha is crucial. Change in lifestyle and eating patterns will also do wonders. A2 milk is one of the significant dairy food items that control pitta and Vata. It’s a proven medicine that can accelerate the healing process. After going through this write-up, you must have understood the Tridoshas and identified your dosha, if any. To learn more about different topics related to health and well-being, keep reading our blogs.

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Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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