Try Organic Farm Milk Obtained by Using No Cruelty Approach

organic farm milk
| Nov 30, 2022

There was a time when a major chunk of the population used to worship Mother cows and take their blessings. However, the scenario has changed in the last two decades. You might be aware of the relationship between Lord Shri Krishna and the sacred cows. Our adorable Kanha Ji grew up as a cow herder, and he used to roam around cows playing the flute and spreading love. Organic farm milk was normal in those days as cows were probably found in most houses.

In this write-up, we have thrown light on organic farm milk, its benefits, nutritional information, and much more.

What is Organic Farm Milk all about? 

Organic farm milk refers to 100% pure, fresh farm milk obtained using natural means without hurting special moo creatures. Nowadays, adulteration has deteriorated the quality of food products leading to several health issues in children, youngsters, and adults. Thus, getting hygienically produced fresh and adulteration-free items is an unusual scene to see these days.

It is gaining the attention of folks throughout India as it entails carbohydrates, protein, calories, A2 Beta-casein, Vitamin A, B12, and D, Omega 3 fatty acids, etc. When Shuddh doodh is obtained from desi cows such as Gir, Rathi, Sahiwal, Tharparkar, Badri, etc., then one thing is sure that in terms of quality, such milk is far better. In order to produce organic farm milk, cows must receive green hydroponic fodder and adequate living conditions. Natural and fresh dairy products are free from any form of adulteration & mixing. They are in their purest state. When cows are treated like family members, they are left unharmed during the entire process of milking.

No Cruelty Approach

No cruelty approach stands for the applicability of cruelty-free and ethical practices. Cows should be worshipped and respected as they give milk that helps in improving health. Also, we all know that Lord Krishna was fond of cows and used to spend a lot of time spreading love and happiness in their lives. He got the name Gopala during his babyhood. Loving cows from the core of your heart will help you connect with Lord Krishna and seek his blessings. As Lord Shri Krishna was the protector of cows, it’s our responsibility to preserve them and won’t cause any harm to them.

Organic Farm Milk: Nutritional Details 

Before moving to the benefits associated with organic farm milk, understand the nutritional value attached to this form of natural drink.

   Nutritional Info   Per 100 G
Energy75 Kcal
Calcium223 mg
Total Fat4.5 g
Protein3 g
Total Carbohydrate4.7 g
Vitamin A27 mg
Saturated Fat2.9 g
Trans Fat0 g

8 Health Benefits of Organic Farm Milk that one must know 

The significant health benefits of organic farm milk are showcased below- 

 Benefits of Organic Farm Milk

Tummy considers it as Best Companion

As it is light on the stomach and can be digested easily without discomfort, A2 milk has gained prominence in the current scenario. The presence of A2 Beta-casein protein ensures better digestion and suits the tummy. An easily digestible amino acid, Proline, is also found in it. Even folks battling against milk intolerance can feel comfortable after consuming it.  

Ensures Better Functioning of Muscles 

One cup of A2 organic farm milk contains 8 grams of protein. Also, it is loaded with three branched-chain amino acids, i.e., Leucine, Valine, and Isoleucine. These branched-chain amino acids play a significant role in muscle protein synthesis. Thus, consuming desi cow milk on a regular basis will improve your muscular health. Nowadays, folks associated with different sports have started consuming it due to the fact that it’s a health recovery drink. Very few people know that intake of this Shuddh doodh diminishes muscle function loss.

Higher Glutathione Concentration 

Glutathione is a disease-fighting antioxidant present in A2 Organic Farm Milk in higher concentrations. It improves the immune performance and provides the fighting capacity of the body against viral infections & diseases. Moreover, it won’t let autoimmune diseases attack the mitochondria in some of the significant cells. Glutathione is responsible for the elimination of free radicals. As reduced amounts of Glutathione increase blood sugar levels, it’s time to start consuming A2 organic farm milk containing a substantial amount of Glutathione.

Inhibits Growth of Cancer Cells

Its regular consumption may restrict the growth of cancer cells. Since A2 milk is one of the calcium-enriched foods, it may minimize the chances of bowel cancer development and can control it at the initial stage. As per the research conducted by Dr Vivek Singh and Dr Ranjana Singh from King George’s Medical University, a form of protein found in milk helps in winning the battle against cancer. Especially In the case of Blood cancer, it acts as a panacea. However, a clinical trial is yet to be conducted on it.

Vata-pitta Disorder Management

Weak people, who face health-related issues frequently or suffer from chronic Jwaras such as Dengue, Malaria, Chikungunya, etc., must consume this healthy drink for quick healing results as it is known for Vata-Pitta disorder management capacity. In case you are battling hard against Vata disorders such as anxiety, degeneration of joints & nerves, Anorexia Nervosa[1], Vertigo (a sense of spinning dizziness), Spasms, etc., you must make this drink a consistent part of your diet plan. Also, increase the intake of organic farm milk if you are suffering from Pitta disorders such as excessive thirst, burning sensation, anaemia, Acid regurgitation, and other issues.

Ideal for Reproduction-related Issues 

A2 Gir cow milk is ideal for women suffering from reproductive issues, vaginal discharge, urinary tract infection, repeated miscarriage, etc. As per the reports, a pregnant woman must consume calcium on a daily basis in the range of 1000-1300 mg. It’s beneficial for pregnant mothers as it’s a perfect source of Folic Acid. It’s a known fact that Folic Acid aids in maintaining endometrium as well as the neural tube of the foetus. As it’s a vital source of Vitamin B, it maintains & elevates the energy level in pregnant women.

Nourishes the body & Maintains Well-being

A2 Organic Farm Milk is a complete food in itself. It acts as a true source of nourishment for the body. In addition to this, it maintains well-being and keeps overall health in a better state. Due to the presence of multivitamins & a wide range of minerals, its regular consumption will meet the diet requirements of the body. The advantages of this pure liquid for physical & mental health and attaining disease-free life are widely known and acknowledged by the top health experts in the country.

Leave no Room for Cholesterol & Triglycerides 

A2 Organic Farm Milk is packed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids. It initially reduces the level of cholesterol in the body and then eventually removes it. Omega-3 fatty acid plays a substantial role in maintaining Triglyceride levels. The core causes of High Blood Pressure are elevated cholesterol levels and triglycerides. After making this drink a part of the daily diet schedule, high blood pressure can be controlled. The combination of high cholesterol & high triglycerides can increase the chances of life-threatening health issues such as stroke, heart attack, and pancreatitis.

The Final Words 

A2 Organic farm milk is a product obtained using traditional milking techniques without the help of machines and without causing any harm to our lovely moo creatures. When it comes to purity and rawness, it’s unmatchable and, thus, preferred by children, pregnant women, and adults. No cruelty approach is all about the intent of understanding the worth of Mother Cows and respecting them in all conditions. These creatures deserve love and respect as they provide a significant source of survival, i.e., A2 organic farm milk. To learn more about this form of natural potion, keep reading our blogs. Also, you can order organic dairy products via our app or website.

Read our Article: Which Brand is Delivering the Pure Gir Cow Milk in Noida?

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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