Top 20 Foods High in Vitamin E: Everything you should know

Foods high in Vitamin E
| Jan 05, 2023

Vitamin E is sometimes noticed as a single particle or molecule when it is really a combination of eight fat-soluble substances with strong and effective antioxidant properties. The nutritional needs of people are best met by Alpha-Tocopherol out of its eight chemical types. Some foods, such as seeds, nuts, various veggies, and some enriched goods, naturally contain Vitamin E. Additionally, it is available as a dietary supplement. Including foods high in Vitamin E in the daily diet is important. 

It has numerous functions in your body. It’s most well-known for its antioxidant properties, which guard your tissues against oxidative losses by eliminating dangerous chemicals called free radicals. Additionally, it is necessary for healthy immune system functioning and cellular signalling. Therefore, it is not unexpected that studies indicate that taking Vitamin E foods may have a number of positive effects on your wellness.     

In this article, we talk about 20 foods high in Vitamin E!

Foods High in Vitamin E

Given below are some significant nutritious foods high in Vitamin E- 

Foods High in Vitamin E

Wheat Bran Oil

Wheat bran oil is the highest naturally occurring source of Vitamin E, with 20 milligrams per spoonful, or 135% of your daily caloric intake. It may be utilized as a replacement for the majority of other cooking oils, albeit high-temperature heating can lessen the number of vitamins it contains. Hazelnut, almond, and safflower oils are also excellent providers of Vitamin E but only have roughly a fourth as much as wheat bran oil. 


 Almonds not only help you achieve your daily requirements but also have many positive health effects, such as lowering your danger of cardiovascular disease[1] and obesity. You can include almonds in your diet by simply tossing a few in your mouth every morning and night. Or by drinking a glass of refreshing and delicious Almond milk once a day.


One of the most delicious foods high in Vitamin E is avocados. It contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants and low fiber content. The Vitamin E content of one avocado is 20%. Begin your day off right with avocado and baked egg. You can also make some avocado toast or mashed avocado sandwiches. There are tonnes of recipes on YouTube if you’re an avocado beginner.

Foods High in Vitamin E: A2 Ghee

Ghee is another one of the foods high in Vitamin E. Research has shown that Vitamin E has strong antioxidant qualities. Vitamin E and other antioxidants have reduced the risk of glaucoma, arthritis, and cancer cells. Additionally, Vitamin E may help minimize the likelihood of heart disease. Plus, A2 Ghee is absolutely tasty, with a strong aromatic smell and nutrients, and it has become one of the best food items to consume.


It ranks as one of the finest providers of a number of vital elements, including fiber, iron, vitamins, and minerals. You can get 16% of your daily Vitamin E needs with only a half-cup of fresh spinach. Spinach can be a bit bitter, but the positives outrun this negative. Spinach can be tossed with meals or eaten fresh. You can consider making a salad with it or making the classic Methi Sabji. Spinach also helps you in times of winter to get rid of cold.


It is one of the healthiest foods high in Vitamin E. Broccoli is incredibly high in protein and Vitamin E. One of the cleansing foods, broccoli also decreases levels of unhealthy cholesterol and has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects. Broccoli can be included in your soup. Another way to have broccoli is to stir-fry it and mix it with other veggies. It can be used as toppings in many Italian dishes like pizzas and pasta.

Sunflower Seeds

The majority of seeds are excellent sources of Vitamin E, but sunflower seeds are extremely effective. Half of your daily requirement of 7.4 milligrams of Vitamin E is contained in one ounce when added to a drink, porridge, or sandwich. Sunflower oil is a phenomenal source of Vitamin E despite having just around one-third of the Vitamin E concentration of entire seeds.

Pine Nut

Pine nuts, which contain roughly 3 milligrams of Vitamin E in each two-tablespoon portion, are an important source of Vitamin E in your meals, while almonds are the nut with the greatest concentration. Pine nuts are pricey, but they are frequently used in pesto, bakery products, and condiments.

Foods High in Vitamin E: A2 Milk

Milk is one of the vital foods high in Vitamin E. Plus, A2 milk is one of the purest forms of milk that comes from Desi Indian cows. It can be consumed in many ways, like milkshakes, halwa, sweets, kheer, or just a glass full of milk. Also, it is effective against numerous health issues. 


Monounsaturated lipids, Vitamin E, and antioxidants are all abundant in peanuts. Nearly 20% of Vitamin E can be found in a bunch of peanuts. Resveratrol, an antioxidant that lowers the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, is another component of Vitamin E. You can nibble on salted peanuts. Or, you can add them to salads or as components of dishes like Sabudana. It is one of the significant foods high in Vitamin E.


Hazelnuts are also foods high in Vitamin E. Proteins, folate, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A are also present. It aids in lowering levels of harmful cholesterol. These nuts can be consumed raw or added to pastries and biscuits.

Foods High in Vitamin E: Vegetable Oils

Vegetable oils are the base of any and every Indian food dish – From curries, dal, roti, or other delicacies. The finest sources of Vitamin E are vegetable oils like sunflower and olive oil. You can successfully use them in food preparation. You can use it to shallow or deep-fry some ingredients. However, it is always best to avoid too much consumption of oils.


Omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for both external and mental health, are abundant in fish. Along with Vitamin E benefits, when you consume fish, it also retains Omega-3 molecules that further enhance and protects your body. Atlantic salmon has 4 milligrams of Vitamin E per piece, and rainbow trout has 2 milligrams per piece. You can make so many Bengali dishes with fish like Doi Maach, curries, fried Macchi, and loads more.

Red Bell Peppers

Research reveals that red bell peppers are particularly high in vitamins and minerals compared to other sweeter pepper kinds. A moderate pepper has about 2 milligrams of Vitamin E while it is raw, but boiling it cuts this amount in half. Red bell peppers are quite a versatile dish; blend it and make a sauce, use it as a topping, or simply an addition to your sabji.


People adore the tasty, rich, and luscious fruit known as the mango. A 100 g serving of mango fruit can supply up to 6% of the recommended requirement for Vitamin E, making them one of the foods high in Vitamin E. And, who doesn’t love mangoes, at least we Indians have tonnes of it every summer, in the forms of smoothies, aam ras, and just the fruit itself is such a delight.

Foods High in Vitamin E: Berries

Both blueberries and strawberries are excellent sources of Vitamin E and are high in antioxidants. They’ll offer a splash of colour and flavour to your everyday diet, whether you incorporate them as a treat or as an ingredient in fruit salads and shakes. Other berries like Cranberries and blackberries each provide about 14% of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin E. 


A few types of shellfish offer a good quantity of Vitamin E. As an illustration, a 3-ounce dish of prawns (corresponding to 12 prawns) contains roughly 2mg. Together with elements like magnesium, calcium, zinc, and Vitamin B12—all essential for the creation of energy and the transmission of nerve impulses—blue lobster, crustaceans, and shrimp also offer roughly 12% of the daily amount. Prawns are one of the most famous Goan and Maharashtrian dishes that can be twisted in many recipes.

Butternut Squash

Fall and winter season favourites include butternut squash. Beta-carotene and Vitamin A, which enhance eye health, are abundant in the delicious, smooth flesh. 2.6mg of Vitamin E is also present in one cup of roasted butternut squash. Despite having a lower Vitamin E content, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are still healthy options to help you achieve your daily needs for this antioxidant. It is one of the known foods high in Vitamin E.

Dried Apricots

Dried apricots contain a whopping 5.6 milligrams of Vitamin E per 130 grams. Moderate levels of ingestible fiber and several vital vitamins, particularly Vitamin E, are present in dried apricots. Their fiber content helps with digestion and cholesterol management. And Vitamin E improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Foods High in Vitamin E: Granola

Another excellent source of Vitamin E is granola, which has 3.5 milligrams per 45 grams. Fiber, a food that helps prevent obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, is also included in granola. The Nuts in Granola also include omega-3 fatty acids, which have a number of additional benefits, such as a better heart and mind, good health and clearer skin. Granola is usually consumed in bars and after gym sessions, because it is also a great source of protein.

The Bottom Line

An essential fat-soluble nutrient is Vitamin E. It is a potent antioxidant that your body needs for cellular signalling and immunological function. Vitamin E is included in numerous products, but it is also available in nutritional supplements. 

However, tablets are frequently not necessary since the majority of individuals consume sufficient Vitamin E from their diets. High Vitamin E supplement dosages can also have adverse effects and combine negatively with some drugs. If you’re thinking about increasing your intake of Vitamin E, discuss your particular health issues with a medical expert beforehand, and also follow the above list of foods high in Vitamin E. As A2 milk is also one of the prominent foods high in Vitamin E, you can order it from our website or via our app. 

Read our Article: Buy Gir Cow A2 Milk Online and Get Rid of Health Issues


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