Top 10 High Vitamin D Foods That Health Conscious Ones Must Know

Top 10 High Vitamin D Foods That Health Conscious Ones Must Know

As soon as we hear Vitamin D, our mind is redirected to the nutrient that we receive from the sun. And the sun is indeed the largest and never-ending source of Vitamin D, but it cannot suffice for the Vitamin D content of 8 billion Earth’s inhabitants. A lot of regions like Atlanta are not blessed with the best sunlight at most times around the year. And so, as our own caretakers, we must find alternatives to attain high Vitamin D foods. 

Top 10 High Vitamin D Foods

You can always consult a doctor to examine your Vitamin D levels and decide if you want to add to them or not. However, it’s still a great idea to increase its content by eating high Vitamin D foods. We have designed a quick checklist of the best high vitamin D foods that you can consume on a regular basis based on your requirement and preference.

Top 10 High Vitamin D Foods


Cereals are regarded as the finest breakfast option since they provide appropriate levels of key vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin D. It might give you a simpler approach to eating a nutritious breakfast. Oatmeal and cereals have 40–100 IU per 100 grams. Cereal is an excellent way to Kickstart the day or a satisfying late-night snack. Museli and cornflakes are some delicious and healthy cereals to munch on. Just keep in mind that not all oats include vitamin D. Finding out how much vitamin D is in a food by looking at the nutritional info is a good idea. Oatmeal and enriched cereals offer lesser vitamin D than many natural materials, but they can still be useful for increasing your consumption.


Everyone’s favourite fatty fish, like salmon, is a fantastic store of vitamin D. The amount of vitamin D in salmon may greatly vary depending if it is natural or cultivated. Wild-caught salmon typically have a higher vitamin D content. Based on the salmon’s origin and the season, different amounts of vitamin D will be present. Salmon is an unimaginable source of protein as well as vitamin D from the sun. Anyone’s diet would benefit from including salmon, which is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids[1]. Salmon can be utilised in many different recipes, but the simplest is salmon bits baked or fried in butter. 

High Vitamin D Foods: Mushrooms 

The sole other adequate non-animal vitamin D provider than enhanced food. Mushrooms may produce vitamin D if subjected to ultraviolet radiation, much like humans produce. But humans create vitamin D3, whilst mushrooms make vitamin D2. Despite helping to increase blood concentrations of vitamin D, vitamin D2 might be less efficient than vitamin D3. Because of their UV sunlight absorption, many wild mushrooms are exceptional suppliers of vitamin D2. Mushrooms that flourish in the open include morels. A total of 136 IU of vitamin D are present in one mug of these mushrooms.

A2 Cow Milk

Vegetarians must choose A2 cow milk because vitamin D is nearly solely present in animal foods. 8 fluid ounces (floz) of milk offers around 115 and 124 IU of vitamin D; according to the NIH, furthermore being a wonderful calcium source. Although the amount of vitamin D in each product varies, A2 cows impart organic vitamin D to the milk they produce. So, make sure to look at the box of your preferred brand to get the precise amount. You can consume milk in a variety of ways, such as by brewing flavoured smoothies, coffee, tea, or just drinking plain milk.

High Vitamin D Foods: Egg Yolks

There are diverse sources of vitamin D besides fish. One of the significant high vitamin D foods is whole eggs, which are also very healthy. While the yolk incorporates the majority of the oil, vitamins, and minerals in an egg, the white contains the majority of the protein. Egg yolks have a reputation for increasing levels of LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. However, if you omit them in favour of egg whites, you’ll lose a portion of the protein and a number of the nutrients in yolks, like zinc and selenium, which help to strengthen your immunity mechanism. You won’t get enough vitamin D either. 37 IU of vitamin D is discovered in one big egg’s yolk. There are so many yummy egg recipes, like omelettes, boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, french toast, egg curries, etc., that you can always try.

Cod Liver Oil

Supplemental cod liver oil is very common. Cod liver oil is yet another option if you don’t like seafood to receive vitamins that are challenging to get in alternative ways. For several decades, it has been prescribed to cure vitamin D insufficiency. Additionally, it has a record of being used to alleviate tuberculosis, psoriasis, and rickets. Vitamin A levels in cod liver oil are likewise very high. Nevertheless, excessive doses of vitamin A can be harmful. You may simply buy cod liver oil tablets and take them to achieve your recommended daily intake of Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D. Regular consumption helps to support bone well-being and strength, enhances brain function, reduces the chance of cancer, and protects against cardiac problems.

High Vitamin D Foods: Ricotta Cheese

One of the high vitamin D foods or dairies is ricotta cheese. In comparison to various kinds of cheese, it has fivefold more vitamin D. A common type of cheese is ricotta, which is created from residual whey from the cheese-making process using sheep, goat, or cow milk. You may put it on sandwiches, use it as a topping for spaghetti or pizza, and enjoy all the distinctive flavours.


While salami includes a lot of vitamin D, they contain a lot of sodium, lowering cholesterol levels. Ensure that you only eat a small quantity of ham and salami. Each of them taken in surplus can raise the chance of hypertension, cardiac issues, and stroke.


Fresh fish purchases can be costly. Try tinned sardines if that is what is keeping you from trying. They are higher in protein, heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamin D compared to other types of fish and are much more reasonably priced while being one of the high vitamin D foods. Two sardines out of a can provide 46 IU of the vitamin or 12% of your daily value. The underappreciated fish is delicious on vegetables, in curries, and pasta dishes.

High Vitamin D Foods: Orange Juice

One cup (8 floz) of enriched orange juice can increase your regular intake of vitamin D by up to 137 IU, although It is advised that you double-check the package for precise values because they can vary. Pour some orange juice for the morning, or simply take any time that suits you. Fruit juice never disappoints.

What Is Vitamin D, And Why Do We Require It?

This vitamin is vital for the maturation of healthy tissue, maintaining a healthy immune function to fend off illnesses, and assisting in calcium absorption to maintain bone strength. Along with calcium, the Sunlight Vitamin can actually shield from osteoporosis in elderly individuals and help kids avoid the bone condition “rickets.” We are aware that vitamin D has an impact on several body processes, including bone density. Low vitamin D amounts may also be a health hazard for autoimmune illnesses, according to research. Many individuals don’t consume a diet with high vitamin D foods. It’s challenging to estimate the number of people who are deficient on a worldwide scale.

Bottom Line

Vitamin D is an essential source of nutrients that allows our body and mind to grow in various ways. It is crucial that we consume the daily requirement of Vitamin D to avoid all kinds of deficiencies that might cause mild or severe lifelong problems. In case you need to up your level of Vitamin D, try the high vitamin D foods listed above. You can try SwadeshiVIP A2 Milk and enrich your health & well-being.

Read Our Article: Where to Buy the Best Gir Cow A2 Milk in Noida?


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