Swadeshivip Is Delivering the Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad & Noida

Swadeshivip Is Delivering the Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad & Noida
| Jul 26, 2022

SwadeshiVIP has reached the pinnacle of maintaining the organic quality in A2 milk-based products and is delivering the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad & Noida. At SwadeshiVIP, cleanliness and cognizant ways are implemented to produce 100% pure and unadulterated A2 cow milk based on the purity certificate. We examine the quality of milk with the help of a milk testing kit that ensures that the milk produced is fresh, unadulterated, and highly nutritious before delivering it to your doorstep. As the provider of the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and Noida, we never compromise with the quality factor.

SwadeshiVIP delivers the Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad

Swadeshi VIP is delivering the Best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and the entire Delhi NCR. We focus on ways of managing and delivering 100% organic and unadulterated given pure certificates. We inspect the milk quality with the help of a milk testing kit that guarantees that the milk is pure, additive-free and extraordinarily nutritious milk before delivering it to your doorstep since our cows are raised on solid fields and fed supplements with a combination of natural grains and herbs.

Lately, SwadeshiVIP has been turning into the best A2 cow milk provider in Ghaziabad. For centuries, milk has been enjoyed all over the world. Every adolescent in his/her childhood has been taken care of with milk twice daily by their mothers. It has turned into a habit of finishing milk since childhood. With time some have minm their consumption while some have maintained drinking milk for its health benefits. People drink milk that comes from cows, sheep, and goats.

The SwadeshiVIP A2 products can be used as substitute dishes. Numerous dishes require A2 milk or A2 milk products from one side of the planet to the other. From our Paneer Tikka to Alfredo, we also love dairy, what’s more, the perpetual rundown of treats, such as rasgullas, custards, kheer, frozen yogurt, etc. Milk is such a versatile item that it can be made into anything.

What is A2 Cow Milk?

With everything taken into account, what’s so outstanding about A2 milk? It is 100 per cent pure cow milk, which is unadulterated and pure, and it is conveyed directly from “the farm to your doorstep”. Our Desi cows are raised in a healthy and happy environment, and that helps them produce unrivaled quality milk. The milk is 100% unadulterated and pure. A2 Milk contains proteins like whey and casein. Around 33% of milk’s protein contains beta-casein, which integrates both A1 and A2 milk beta-casein. A2 milk protein is straightforward to process. A variety of Indian cow’s milk is normally A2 milk, yet milk that is short on the type of casein protein is A1 milk. At our farms, the cows are taken care of with nutritious and organic fodder and grasses, which help produce the best quality A2 milk in Ghaziabad, Delhi.

Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad: Some Nutritious Information about A2 Cow Milk

We are bound to furnish our customers with healthy and nutritious milk as we deliver one of the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and Delhi. Nevertheless, have you ever wondered what makes A2 cow milk so popular, medically beneficial, and unique? One cup of SwadeshiVIP A2 cow milk contains:

  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acid
  • Thiamine
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12
  • Riboflavin
  • Protein: 8 grams
  • Calories: 122
  • Carbohydrates: 12 grams
  • Fat: 5 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 12 grams

Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad: Benefits of A2 Cow Milk

A2 cow milk has been established to be a rich source of minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and phosphorus, which are significant for strong bones and teeth, better working of muscles, regulation of blood level, development of cell and tissue improvement, maintaining overall health and well-being, and maintaining good cholesterol.

The advantages of drinking A2 cow milk are referenced underneath:

The advantages of drinking A2 cow milk are referenced underneath:
  1. Functioning Of the Heart:

A2 cow milk is a significant source of essential supplements and is mainly viewed as a remedial drink. It is high in different supplements like lipids, phosphorus, and potassium, all of which assist in controlling and maintaining ideal blood pressure. SwadeshiVIP A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad also contains Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which forestalls coronary disease by reducing the flow of unsafe cholesterol.

  • Improves Your Mood:

Vitamin D obtained in A2 cow milk helps improve mental illness symptoms such as anxiety attacks, panic attacks, seasonal affective disorder, and so on. Individuals who suffer from these illnesses can measure through SAT and can notice an improvement in their symptoms after consuming vitamin D-rich food, such as A2 cow milk.

  •  Builds Strong Bones:

To grow and assemble strong bones in your children and grown-ups, A2 cow milk is an ideal choice as it is a rich source of calcium. One should add A2 cow milk to their everyday diet for healthier and stronger bones. If you don’t like consuming A2 milk simply, you can add it to your morning cereals, smoothies, oats, and baked goodies.

  • Safe for Lactose Intolerant Individuals:

A2 cow milk doesn’t cause any similar incendiary reaction in lactose intolerant individuals. Whenever one drinks pure and unadulterated A2 cow milk, one can enjoy its medical benefits with practically no gastrointestinal inconveniences.

  • Good Eyesight:

Vitamin A obtained in A2 cow milk improves the functioning of our corneas and retinas. A2 cow milk also contains a sufficient amount of Vitamin A, which helps in assisting your vision by maintaining your health. Consuming A2 milk consistently as an essential component of a well-balanced diet system can help our eyes by forestalling cataracts and maintaining strong eyesight.

  • Improved Digestion:

SwadeshiVIP A2 cow milk is easier to digest without any problem. It doesn’t cause bloating or stomach aggravation. A1 cow milk is a rich source of BCM-7 protein that causes an issue while digesting milk. A2 cow milk has a similar structure to natural milk. In this way, it is easier to digest than the A1 quality of cow milk. The presence of Omega3 Fatty Acid is also high in A2 cow milk, yet a balance is maintained somewhere in the range of Omega3 and Omega 6. Thus, A2 cow milk causes no gastronomical discomfort, which makes it easier to consume and enjoy the medical benefits of A2 Cow milk.

  •  Essential Minerals and Vitamins:

A2 is a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins like calcium, potassium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12. A2 cow milk also contains strontium that, boosts our immunity system and protects our body from harmful toxins and viruses. It also has various antioxidants. Apart from that, A2 cow milk also contains riboflavin, potassium, and phosphorus. As we deliver the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad, we retain the essential nutrients. By consuming A2 cow milk, one can anticipate providing their body with:

● 12% more protein

● 33% more Vitamin

● 25% more Vitamin A

● 15% more calcium

● 30% more cream

Benefits of A2 Gir Cow Milk Produced at SwadeshiVIP

These are numerous reasons why our brand, SwadeshiVIP, is deemed as the provider of the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and Delhi. Some of the benefits are mentioned before:

Benefits of A2 Gir Cow Milk Produced at SwadeshiVIP

An Entire Meal

A2 cow milk is highly nutritious and contains a wide variety of nutritional components, making it an entire meal all by itself. It incorporates nine vital amino acids, all of which have been experimentally settled to have any disadvantages. Our A2 cow milk is beneficial for boosting the immune system and healing and repairing injured organs and tissues.

Bone and Muscle Development

Fresh A2 cow milk helps with the development and repair of damaged muscles and bones, and it also holds a good amount of calcium content. Consuming A2 cow milk every day can assist in strengthening our bones and teeth and reducing the risk of fractures and arthritis. A2 cow milk also contains calcium, Vitamin D, phosphorus, potassium, and the top-notch protein type. The balance of all these key ingredients is precious to your body’s bone and muscle health.

Ensures the Efficiency of the Mind

Dairy products are a vital source of supplements for the brain. It is packed with many vitamins, such as vitamin b, which helps relieve your tension and maintain your sleep schedule. Vitamin B12 supports your mental acuity and mind contemplation. It’s especially imperative for fostering a child’s overall mental turn of events.

Helps in Losing Weight

Cow’s milk is connected to fat loss because of its high dietary benefits and great fat intake. It is very filling and reduces food desires. Milk additionally supports the improvement of digestion, which helps in avoiding the overabundance of weight.

Free from Hormones and Antibiotics

The cows at our farms aren’t given any antibiotics or growth hormones to expand the output of milk. Every sip is unadulterated and natural, and accordingly, it is safe for consumption by your loved ones. SwadeshiVIP A2 Cow Milk is produced on our very own farm and delivered right at the doorsteps of our consumers, making it the best supplier of A2 cow milk in Faridabad. Search countless staggering advantages of A2 cow milk. Couldn’t you preferably spend a little higher on milk somewhat over costly doctors’ visit from now on?

Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad: Difference between A1 and A2 Cow Milk

To help you understand the difference between A1 and A2 cows, we are separating every one of the unique aspects of these milk types.

We’ll incorporate production methods and the medical advantages-

1. Cows that produce both A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins are called A1 cows, and cow breeds that produce A2 beta-casein proteins are called A2 cows. A1 cow breeds are additionally called Hybrid cows. The A1 cow breeds are Jersey, Holstein, Friesian, and British Short Horn. A2 cow breeds are outdated cows that are not genetically transformed. A2 cows are Gir, Red Sindhi, Sahiwal, Kankrej, etc.

2. The A2 beta-casein protein has been part of cow milk for over thousands of years. However, it’s because of the hereditary change in cow breeds that most sorts of milk produced contain the A1 beta-casein protein. After centuries of dairy farming, The A1 beta-casein proteins started to appear in cow milk. The presence of this protein was because of the genetic mutation present in the specific breeds of cows. Except for desi Indian cow breeds, all the other cow breeds produce the A1 beta-casein protein.

3. A2 milk is preferred to be an ideal choice for lactose intolerant individuals as it is gentler on our stomach. It is proven that A1 milk contains BCM-7, which makes it difficult to digest, whereas A2 milk doesn’t contain BCM-7, which makes it ideal for lactose intolerant individuals. This is on the ground that the A2 ammonia acid chain has a different structure in comparison to the A1 ammonia acid. The distinction in their structure helps the A2 protein to break down easier in our digestive system.

4. A couple of experimental studies have connected A1 cow milk’s BCM-7 to type 1 diabetes, heart disease, and autism. However, many studies have not found any presence of BCM-7 in the blood of healthy adults who consume A2 cow milk routinely. Nonetheless, Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids are other reasons that make A2 cow milk beneficial as it helps in boosting our immune system and improves the digestive system. 

5. A1 is a genetically transformed cow breed that is capable of producing at least 20 litres of milk every day. At the same time, A2 cows are a pure gene breed that produces up to 6 to 12 litres daily. A2 has a proline molecule in its 67 positions in the amino acid chain, whereas A1 has a histidine particle in the 67th position in the amino acid chain.

All about Our Gir Cows

Indian Gir Cows are one of the best cow breeds in India, which produce high-quality A2 cow milk. Gir cow is one of the key Zebu breeds that originated in India. The breed is also known as “Surati”, “Sorthi”, “Bhodali”, “Gujarati”, “Desan”, “Gujarati”, and “Kathiwari”. Gir cow derived its name from Gir forest. Locals used the Gir or Gyr to further improve breeds like Red Sindhi and Sahiwal.

Researchers and authorities have suggested consuming A2 Gir cow milk as it contains various health benefits:

● Gir cow milk contains amino acid which helps in restoring joint pain, obesity, and asthma.

● It also contains Omega 3 fatty acid that blocks BCM-7 from entering our body which leads to easier digestion.

● Gir cow milk is also a rich source of proteins, which are beneficial for sensitive stomachs.

● It has an abundance of essential minerals, nutrients, calcium, magnesium, and certain cancer-fighting agents.

● Gir cow’s A2 milk is produced organically, so it doesn’t contain any harmful pesticides and toxins.

● Another advantage of Gir cow milk is that it helps in boosting our immunity system and also strengthens our bones and teeth. It can be called the best cow breed in India.

At SwadeshiVIP, our Gir cows are provided with a nutritious diet and organically grown fodder. The organic and nutritious diet helps our cows in producing 100% organic and unadulterated cow milk for you and your loved ones. No artificial pesticides or chemicals are served to our cows.

Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad: SwadeshiVIP A2 milk better than Regular Milk?

One of the reasons that have made us the provider of the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and Delhi is the major difference between Regular milk and A2 milk. The major difference between regular cow milk and A2 cow milk is that regular milk incorporates both A1 & A2 beta-casein protein, whereas A2 milk only contains A2 beta-casein protein. According to scientific research, A1 beta-casein might trigger certain diseases, whereas A2 cow milk is, for the most part, beneficial to our overall health. While most cow breeds produce a mix of both A1 and A2 beta-casein protein, A2 cow milk is only because of their hereditary mutation. We all have read that milk is a rich source of calcium and protein. Milk protein usually gets converted over to peptides that are then transformed into amino acids. The science after how a single amino acid can influence human health is not fully understood.

A1 cow milk contains Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7), which is a peptide that can cause a proactive change in our cells and also lead to type-1 diabetes and other illnesses. It is proven that regular milk, which contains A1 beta-casein, produces BCM 7 during the digestion process, which can change the gastrointestinal capacity and also increase inflammation in our gut system. However, A2 cow milk contains proline which blocks BCM-7 from entering our body. It makes A2 cow milk easier to digest than regular cow milk; in this way, it is beneficial for the human body.

With all these nutritional values and health advantages, A2 cow milk is way more beneficial than A1 cow milk or regular cow milk. So, it’s better to spend a few extra rupees for your well-being.

Other SwadeshiVIP Products

SwadeshiVIP focuses on providing its customers with various delicious and healthy A2 dairy products to choose from. We sell A2 Paneer, A2 Desi Ghee, A2 Khoya, A2 Buttermilk, A2 Lassi, and A2 Dahi. Our organic and unadulterated dairy products have helped in become one of the Best A2 Cow Milk Brands in Ghaziabad, Delhi. We are invariably aiming to deliver the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad.

SwadeshiVIP A2 cow ghee is prepared through traditional method and in an extremely tedious way. To make the A2 Dahi, firstly heat the milk on a medium flame and then keep it aside to settle it or cool down at room temperature. As soon as the milk reaches the ideal temperature, add a tablespoon of curd and let the process happen. To make A2 ghee, the curd is consequently chunked in a traditional bilona method to extract the butter, which is later heated to a medium temperature to produce ghee. Both A2 ghee and dahi are rich sources of various nutrients like Omega 3 fatty acid (DHA), Omega 6 fatty acid CLA, antioxidants[1], and mono-saturated fatty acids compared to other food items.

How to Order Best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad & Delhi?

SwadeshiVIP is an A2 cow milk farm from where one can get pure and organic milk and milk products. At SwadeshiVIP, we focus on providing our customers with milk 100% organic and unadulterated A2 milk products. Our organic products and services have helped us gain customers’ trust and become one of the best suppliers of A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad. Even new customers prefer trying our A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad.

Whenever you are planning to buy any A2 dairy products from our brand website, you must follow the following procedures. You can easily order the products by selecting what you wish to order from your choice of dairy products and confirming whether it is a membership purchase or a one-time purchase. After you have filled in all the required information, you can confirm your order. One must guarantee that the personal data provided to us is correct. As soon as you have confirmed the order, you will have to make the payment for the product through the website.


SwadeshiVIP is getting recognition due to its capability to deliver the best A2 cow milk in Ghaziabad and Delhi. In this article, we have revealed all the necessary information related to SwadeshiVIP and its A2 cow milk. SwadeshiVIP farm is a fully equipped, environmentally friendly farm that focuses on maintaining the purity and natural essence of the milk. Lastly, we are now providing our customers with farm-to-door experiences along with encouraging a sustainable lifestyle.

Read Our Article: Where to Buy the Best Gir Cow A2 Milk in Noida?


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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