Thandai: A Package of Refreshing Health Benefits

| Sep 10, 2024
Summer Drinks

India is renowned for its rich cultural legacy; you must experience the cuisine to understand any culture. India boasts a diverse range of flavourful cuisines, including various regional delicacies. The Indian subcontinent is also known for its varied and extreme climate. Summer in India is long and hot, so try some natural summer coolers to stay hydrated.

Thandai, buttermilk, and Lassi, three traditional drinks from one of the world’s oldest countries, are created with local ingredients and seasoned with herbs and spices to boost their flavour and health benefits. The health benefits of thandai make it an excellent choice for maintaining the scorching sun of Indian terrain. High temperatures can leave you feeling exhausted, sticky, and dishevelled. One must prioritise hydration to sustain oneself during intense sun exposure and ensure optimal health.

Excessive sweating causes the body to lose water quickly, making it necessary to replenish fluids often. While water is the most common way to quench your thirst, other cool summer drinks in India can satisfy your craving while controlling your body temperature. India’s cuisine and beverages represent its many cultures and customs, and traditional summer drinks are an essential element of the country’s culinary legacy during the hot and humid summer months.

What is Thandai all About?

The term Thandai signifies a beverage with a cooling effect. It originates from the Hindi word ‘Thanda’, which means ‘cool’ or ‘cold’. Because it is a cooling drink, the recipe is named Thandai. It is also known as ‘shardai’ or ‘sardai’. Thandai is a traditional drink commonly prepared during the Holi festival and widespread in northern India.

This beverage mainly comprises a sweetened mixture of nuts, seeds, and spices, then blended into a paste. Mixing this paste with milk creates a refreshing drink. Thandai has a nutty, milky flavour, accompanied by a strong aroma, sweet-scented flavours of rose, cardamom, and saffron, and subtle hints of spice from black pepper. The presence of water-soaked almonds (badam), poppy seeds (khus khus), fennel seeds (saunf), and rose petals or gulkand (rose preserve) makes the benefits of thandai a super cooling element for the body.

This drink is commonly prepared during the Hindu festivals of Holi and Mahashivratri. In addition, a bhang (cannabis) variant of the Thandai Recipe is also used during these festivals. During a spiritual tour in North India, specifically in Banaras and Rishikesh, you can have the opportunity to taste the bhang version of this beverage.

Traditional Recipe of Thandai

This unique Indian beverage is made during festivals like Holi and Mahashivratri. It has multiple health benefits and cooling agents that keep the body cool and calm even in the 50oC Indian summer. The health benefits of Thandai are eye-opening for every individual.

Ingredients for Thandai:

  • 1 litre full-fat A2 milk
  • 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/4 cup almonds
  • two tablespoons poppy seeds (khus khus)
  • two tablespoons melon seeds
  • 10-12 black peppercorns
  • 8-10 green cardamom pods
  • one tablespoon of fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 10-12 strands of saffron
  • one tablespoon of rose petals (optional)
  • 10-12 cashews (optional)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder (optional)
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg powder (optional)
  • two tablespoons rose water (optional)
  • Ice cubes (optional)

Procedure to Make Thandai

Given below is the stepwise guide and procedure to make thandai-

  • Soak the almonds, poppy seeds, melon seeds, black peppercorns, green cardamom, and fennel seeds in water for at least three to four hours or overnight. This helps soften them, making grinding them into a paste more accessible.
  • After the ingredients have soaked, drain them and put them in a blender. Pour in a couple of teaspoons of milk and process until a smooth paste forms. Add rose petals, cashews, cinnamon powder, or nutmeg powder to this paste.
  • Heat the milk in a pan until it begins to boil. After a few minutes, reduce the heat and let it simmer. Add the sugar and saffron strands, stirring to allow the saffron to infuse the milk with a deep colour and fragrance.
  • Pour the heated milk into the prepared Thandai paste. Keep stirring to make sure the paste and milk are thoroughly combined. Simmer it for a further five to seven minutes. Add the rose water at this point if using it.
  • After removing the milk from the stove, let it cool thoroughly. Once it has cooled, filter the mixture using a fine sieve or muslin cloth to remove the larger particles to ensure a smooth drink.
  • Fill glasses with the strained Thandai. If you want to add ice cubes, do so. For extra taste and texture, sprinkle crushed almonds or saffron threads.
  • Serve it chilled; Thandai taste the best when it’s cold.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Thandai

Beyond tradition, thandai is a centuries-old beverage. With numerous health benefits, this vibrant drink can be your summertime buddy, keeping you hydrated, energised, and prepared for the day. The following are some of the health benefits of thandai that make it your preferred summertime refreshment:

1. Promotes Hydration

As the temperature rises in summer, it is essential to drink plenty of water. This is when Thandai’s cooling properties come into play. Thandai, which is made with a mixture of chilled milk and water, balances your electrolytes and replaces fluids lost via sweat. So, use Thandai as your natural coolant if the summer heat gets too much.

2. Offers Sufficient Nutrients

Pistachios, almonds, and cashews are just a few of the nutrient-dense components that make thandai a potent beverage! Together with a dose of protein, healthy fats, and minerals like magnesium and vitamin E, these nuts give the dish a creamy texture. Cardamom, fennel, and saffron are among the spices that have antioxidant properties, which makes thandai a nutritious drink that nourishes the body from the inside out.

3. Promotes Digestion

Many of the herbs and spices in thandai are well-known for their ability to improve digestion. For instance, fennel seeds are famous for releasing gas, which helps to relieve indigestion and bloating. Cardamom, pepper, and saffron also help stimulate digestive enzymes for smoother digestion and a happier stomach. 

4. Beneficial to the Immune System

Thandai is beneficial to the immune system and a tasty treat. Black pepper and cloves, two spices in thandai, help fight inflammation and bacteria, keeping you robust and healthy. Furthermore, vitamin E, which also boosts immune function, is present in the nuts used in thandai, such as pistachios and almonds.

5. Boosts Energy

Refrain from sugary beverages that make you feel exhausted. You can have a natural energy partner with thandai! Its nutritious addition of nuts gives you just the right amount of energy to go through the day. Moreover, the natural sweetness, such as honey, provides a little energy boost ideal for a midday pick-me-up.

6. Detoxifies the Body

Beyond tasting good, thandai helps the body eliminate impurities and purify. Nuts, seeds, and spices together help the body’s detoxification process. Almonds facilitate easy digestion, and cardamom and fennel seeds suit the kidneys. To further aid in detoxification, the chilly, moisturising impact of thandai promotes the production of urine, which helps flush toxins from the body.

Summing Up

So, this summer, consider including thandai into your diet instead of consuming processed sweets and toxic soft beverages. Thandai’s magical qualities go beyond its ability to hydrate or chill. As we have seen, the health benefits of Thandai make it more appealing than any cold beverage. In numerous traditions, a cool prepared beverage is a must-have during summer festivities, and thandai can be the ideal choice.  Thandai is a pleasant handmade beverage traditionally drunk at celebrations and can be a great addition to your summertime routine. But creating your own is where the true magic lies!

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Frequently Asked Question

  1. What are the benefits of thandai?

    Thandai is packed with nutritious goodness. It contains protein, healthy fats, and vitamins like E and B2. Imbibing it can boost your heart, skin, and energy levels.

  2. What is the nutritional value of Thandai?

    A glass of thandai gives 384 calories, from which carbohydrates comprise 116 calories, protein counts 42 calories, and the remaining comes from fat, which is 226 calories. One glass of thandai gives you about 19 per cent of the total daily calorie requirement.

  3. Can we drink thandai daily?

    Yes, drinking thandai regularly can help boost memory and improve brain function. It contains protein like Omega 3, vitamins, and Zinc, which makes it a great health drink.

  4. What is some fun fact about thandai?

    Thandai is a drink from the Indian subcontinent mainly consumed during the summer. In Hinduism, it is primarily associated with the Maha Shivaratri and Holi festivals.

  5. Why do people drink Thandai?

    People prefer drinking thandai because, as it is said, the name suggests, it aims to offer relief from the scorching heat, with its ingredients that prepare the body for the changing environment of the temperature.

  6. Is Thandai good for the skin?

    Eating well and drinking plenty of water is the healthiest approach to maintaining healthy skin. One wonderful thandai with many health and skin benefits is badam kesar thandai. Enjoy and revive the skin with the benefits of Kesar and Badam Thandai.

  7. Is thandai good for the stomach?

    Thandai is beneficial for our digestive system. Spices like saffron, cardamom, and black pepper are used in Thandai to help with digestion and lessen gas and bloating. After a large meal, thandai is a fantastic beverage to take because it aids in digestion.

  8. What are the benefits of Thandai?

    Thandai is the perfect summertime drink, offering several impressive benefits. It boosts hydration, provides essential nutrients, and aids digestion. This traditional beverage also strengthens the immune system, increases vitality, and helps cleanse the body from within. Plus, its soothing ingredients help reduce stress, making it a refreshing remedy for both body and mind.

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