Is Pure and Organic A2 Cow Milk good for Anxiety and Depression?

A2 Milk
| Dec 07, 2022
A2 Milk

Anxiety and depression have affected many of us in several ways, and it is a sad truth of our time. Most people wait until their anxiety worsens and spirals out of control before realising they have it or they should try to get help. Although anxiety attacks, depression, sweating, trembling, and a sense of impending danger may indicate severe anxiety attacks[1]. The first symptoms of depression and anxiety include anxiousness, elevated heart rate, numbness, and a weak feeling. Many nutritional specialists advise consuming A2 cow milk, which can promote inner peace and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.

A2 Cow Milk: An Introduction

A2 Cow milk is obtained from naturally nourished and raised desi Indian cows. It’s a key factor in the successful treatment of Vishaad because it is quickly absorbed by our body, particularly our brain. Depression is characterised by disrupted nerve activity, which is linked to Vata dosha activity. Consuming 1 warm glass of pure A2 cow milk every day helps to improve Ojas, which indirectly lessens the symptoms of clinical depression and anxiety. It is recommended by health specialists to maintain mental health for the treatment of epilepsy, sanity, dementia, depression, anxiety, and other consciousness-related illnesses. According to Ayurveda, A2 milk is a wonderful treatment for mind healing.


Depression is a widespread mental condition that is characterised by concentration difficulties, lack of energy, poor appetite, irregular sleep, low self-esteem, and feelings of guilt, pleasure, and sadness. It is a prevalent mood condition that causes serious emotional and physical discomfort, physical disability, and high mortality. In other terms, a depressed person or someone experiencing depressive symptoms does not feel well. Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that regulates several bodily and mental processes. If your gut is unhealthy, this hormone has a direct connection to how you feel.

It’s important to note that A2 milk naturally contains the essential cholesterol needed to produce serotonin. Serotonin levels will be low if cholesterol levels are low. It’s deemed as ideal nourishment for individuals seeking intelligence, intellect, and memory. Drinking a warm glass of shuddh doodh can help us relax every night. To combat depression and anxiety, one can begin the day with a warm glass of A2 cow milk mixed with two to three tablespoons of desi ghee. In its purest form, it is healthier than any packaged beverage or food on the market. It is a strong source of Omega 3 fatty acids and contains vitamins A, K, and E as well. As a result, it increases our mental and physical strength. Numerous research has demonstrated that regularly consuming it improves mental health and lowers stress. In the fifth month of pregnancy, A2 cow milk mixed with Brahmi herb is recommended for the consciousness and cognition development of both mother and child. 

How can digestive health assist you in overcoming anxiety and depression?

Most people are unaware that a significant section of our nervous system, also referred to by experts as the “enteric nervous system” or more frequently as our “second brain,” is situated in our intestines. The stomach produces more than 90% of the body’s serotonin and nearly 50% of its dopamine, both of which are crucial antidepressant neurotransmitters. Additionally, our intestines create and co-regulate 30 additional neurotransmitters that are comparable to those in the human brain and are used by your central nervous system to control a variety of vital bodily functions, including stress levels, sleep patterns, mood, and mental functioning. As you might expect, a damaged, unbalanced, or dysfunctional digestive system meddles with the functioning of this second brain and has been linked to mental issues, many other common diseases, and immune system disruption. This interference can be caused by the use of antibiotics, a poor diet and lifestyle, or simply the overconsumption of irritating foods. Consumption of A2 milk on a regular basis ensures improved digestive health and, thereby, overcoming anxiety and depression. 

Why is A2 Milk such an Important Food for Treating Anxiety and Depression, and How Does it fit into all of this?

The most cherished food in Ayurveda, A2 milk—one of the purest, unadulterated cow milk—has an impressive variety of therapeutic properties, not the least of which is its rapid ability to heal the digestive tract and enhance digestive function. Scientifically speaking, this form of dairy goodness treats digestive issues since it is incredibly rich in butyric acid, which is used to cure a variety of conditions, including ulcers, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, and simple digestive issues. Butyric acid functions by relieving discomfort, reducing digestive tract inflammation, and treating wounds in the mucous lining of the intestines and stomach. Additionally, it maintains the right amounts of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which are commonly out of balance in those who have digestive issues but are necessary for the healthy digestion of food. Because of all of these factors, pure A2 milk is among the healthiest foods for anxiety as well as a critical part of a depression diet.

Food for Treating Anxiety

A2 milk has the bonus of being delicious and improving the flavour of almost everything that it comes into contact with. It’s an incredible achievement for anyone looking to fight anxiety and depression by improving their diet—it tastes great. Furthermore, it effectively fixes the majority of digestive system defects so that you are absorbing all the nutrients from the foods you eat. Your nervous system is capable of producing the neurotransmitters you need to relieve stress. Similarly to this, consuming other A2 products alongside this, such as A2 Ghee, can help you achieve sound sleep, reduce restlessness, and also achieve mental peace. For example, putting lukewarm A2 ghee into both nostrils before bedtime or consuming it with warm A2 cow milk can balance our three doshas—Kapha, Pitta, and Vata.


A2 milk, preferably organic and unadulterated, is recognised for its various overall health advantages. Ayurveda believes that regular consumption of pure and unadulterated A2 cow milk can significantly reduce the symptoms of many mental health and anxiety issues. You may easily add it to your daily diet, but here’s a tip to rapidly reduce your anxiety. Get yourself a warm glass of A2 cow milk with two to three teaspoons of desi ghee. It can calm your rapid heart rate and help you deal with your anxiety.

Read our Article: 5 Significant Benefits of Gir Cow Milk for Newborns


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