Is A2 Desi Cow Milk a Perfect Replacement for Packet Milk and A1 Milk?

A2 Desi cow milk
| Dec 17, 2022
A2 Milk

In the world of adulteration, switching to healthy and organic options should be preferred. Adulteration in the dairy industry is very common. People are consuming packet milk or milk from foreign-breed cows. Both are harmful to health as adulterated milk & milk obtained from foreign cow breeds are directly linked to a wide range of health hazards such as skin diseases, high BP, cancer, diabetes, low immunity, etc. Replacing such products with organic A2 desi cow milk obtained from grass-fed Indigenous cow breeds will reduce the chances of such health-related ailments.

As several A2 milk benefits exist, creating awareness about the same is important. Healthy dairy products will improve the health of folks living in our country and reduce the cases such as diabetes, cancer, high BP, constipation, acid reflux, etc. and thereby, it will somehow contribute to strengthening the nation’s health infrastructure.

As per the annual report prepared by CGSI (Consumer Guidance Society of India)[1], 79% of branded or loose milk sold in the market is adulterated. According to CGSI, a known non-profit consumer organisation, about 413 samples of milk products went through various tests from January 2019 to December 2019. This test was conducted to check fat and solids-not-fat contents. Out of these 413 samples, only 87 milk samples were as per the FSSAI Standards. As the adulteration percentage is growing at a rapid pace every year, shifting to unadulterated and natural dairy products is the only option left.

Benefits of A2 Desi Cow Milk 

A2 desi cow milk is a nutrient-dense source of goodness and purity. Its benefits are backed by science, and research conducted all over the world. Nowadays, top nutritionists and healthcare experts are suggesting people consume Shuddh Doodh obtained from Indigenous cows.

 The significant benefits of A2 Desi cow milk are mentioned below- 

benefits of A2 Desi Cow Milk 

Excellent for Lactose Intolerant Individuals 

People with lactose intolerance face a major challenge in digesting the lactose present in milk. After consumption, they start experiencing stomach bloating, gas, diarrhoea, etc. They need something that is light on the belly and easily digestible without effort. In this case, A2 Desi cow milk is sunlight on a cloudy morning. Since it lacks A1 Beta-casein protein, it is good and safe for consumption by individuals with lactose intolerance. It may remove gastrointestinal symptoms in folks struggling against lactose intolerance.

A Tonic that Suits Heart 

It is packed with highly beneficial Omega-3 Fatty Acids. These unsaturated fatty acids enter the body, reduce inflammation, decrease the number of Triglycerides and thereby minimize the risks associated with heart diseases, stroke, etc. Also, it prevents abnormal heart rhythm that may lead to sudden cardiac death. This form of white Amrit is known for lowering the cholesterol level in the blood. The best part is that the fat present in it never gets accumulated, and thus, it’s a good companion for the heart.

Decreases Fatigue

It’s an amazing source of energy, and it prevents fatigue. Nutrient-dense shuddh doodh intake reduces the feeling of tiredness and increases the excitement level in the body. Athletes and fitness-conscious individuals must include it in the diet plan as it will help them in recovering their lost energy, and they will emerge stronger and more energetic.

Natural Mean to Lower Blood Pressure

It’s one of the healthiest and most natural organic dairy products that has gained the attention of dairy product consumers in recent times. High BP is often associated with unhealthy food items, unbalanced diet intake, packet milk and milk generated by foreign cow breeds. Thus, the change in the health realm is the need of the time. Since A2 desi cow milk is a vital source of potassium known for its quality of dilation of blood vessels, it can keep blood pressure under control.

Best Choice for Immunity Improvement

The presence of Vitamin A ensures that if you are consuming the A2 category of dairy goodness, your defence mechanism against diseases will be strong, and your body won’t let bacteria and viruses attack and affect you. Also, the presence of Glutathione keeps diseases and infections of different types at bay.

A Dairy Solution for Constipation

A1 protein found in milk obtained from foreign cow breeds worsens the symptoms of constipation. The reason is it is not good for digestion, and when the functioning of the digestive system is affected, constipation comes into the picture. A2 Desi cow milk is the ultimate dairy solution for constipation as it contains A2 Beta-casein protein that is digestion-friendly and won’t let constipation create gastric troubles.

Beneficial for Skin

As per the research accomplished in the past, A2 desi cow milk entails a sufficient quantity of beta-carotene, high in number in comparison with other milk types. Beta-carotene is one of the significant nutrients that preserve our skin against harmful UV rays. The presence of Beta-carotene in this doodh may safeguard your skin and won’t let ageing and wrinkles create trouble for you. It is beneficial for the skin and is helpful in the right treatment of skin-related ailments. 

A Source of Calcium

46% of daily calcium requirements by the body can be fulfilled by consuming just 250ml of A2 Desi cow milk. Can you think of an alternative to meet the body’s calcium needs? Well, we don’t think so. It is irreplaceable, especially in the dairy segment. 

A1 vs A2 Milk: Key Differences

 The vital differences between these two are showcased in the table-

                            A1 Milk                        A2 Milk
Foreign cow breeds such as Brown Swiss, British Shorthorn, Ayrshire, etc., yields A1 milkIndian desi cow breeds such as Badri, Rathi, Tharparkar, Gir, Sahiwal, etc., yields A2 milk
Regular intake may lead to diabetes, Autism, Stomach ulcer, High BP, etc.Daily consumption will prevent high BP, diabetes, digestion-related ailments, etc.
It may lead to a wide range of neurological disorders.The presence of Cerebrosides ensures nourishment of the brain and elevation in brain power.
It keeps the immunity low, and thus, diseases and viruses will attack & defeat your immune response mechanism.It boosts immunity as it contains Strontium and Vitamin A.
Its consumption may lead to cardiovascular diseases and severe heart-related issues.A high level of Omega-3 won’t allow the cholesterol to get deposited. Thus, it is good for heart health.

Is it a Perfect Replacement?

The incredible health benefits and the above-mentioned table will give you a clear picture of whether it’s a replacement or not. Most health experts and researchers in the dairy industry suggest that it’s time to change the milk and give preference to A2 desi cow milk over A1 milk.

In a Nutshell

A2 Desi cow milk is the best alternative for packet milk and A1 milk, as per the research reports and studies made in the past. To know more about different organic products, their benefits, and other topics pertaining to health, keep reading our blogs.

Read our Article: Swadeshivip Is Delivering the Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad & Noida

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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