15 Incredible Calcium-rich Foods that Deserve a Place in Daily Diet

15 Incredible Calcium-rich Foods that Deserve a Place in Daily Diet

Calcium is one of the significant nutrients that play a crucial role in maintaining and developing bone and teeth health. It is an important nutrient for children and adults as they age. When consumed in an inadequate amount, it can cause bone thinning or osteoporosis[1]– an illness characterized by fragile bones. Calcium also plays a crucial role in maintaining heart health and preventing harmful chronic illnesses, along with improving muscle functions and nerve signaling. In this article, we have pointed out calcium-dense foods which should be added to a senior citizen’s daily diet.

Calcium-rich Foods: An Introduction

Bone thinning or osteoporosis usually occurs during the old age of human life. During the ageing process, our bones start breaking down and exceed the normal bone formation. Our bones start becoming fragile and thin, but this process can be prevented by consuming an acceptable amount of Calcium and Vitamin D. This can be done in two ways. The first method is to add calcium-rich foods to your everyday diets like milk, dairy products, a few greens, and more.

Calcium Supplements and Multivitamins

Another method involves adding calcium supplements and multivitamins to your diet.

The difference in absorption rate in female and male senior citizens, the prescribed calcium intake is 1200mg in female senior citizens over 50 years, and much higher in both male and female senior citizens over 70 years. The main calcium-dense food items are dairy products which include milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc. There are various non-dairy calcium-dense food items such as seafood, tofu, dried fruits, legumes, and leafy green vegetables.

Listed below are a few calcium-dense food items that are great sources of calcium and Vitamin D and which should be consumed by senior citizens on a daily basis.

15 Calcium-rich Foods

Although milk and milk products like Yogurt and cheese are proven to be top calcium-dense food items. However, there are also many non-dairy sources of calcium easily available. Here are 15 calcium-rich foods-

15 Calcium-rich Foods


On the top of the list of calcium-rich foods is milk. Milk is one of the excellent and widely used sources of calcium all over the world. A cup of fresh milk contains 325 mg of calcium. Milk calcium can be easily digested and observed by our body. A2 Milk contains various essential minerals and nutrients, which makes it an ideal drink for senior citizens. It is a good source of vitamin D, vitamin A, protein, magnesium, potassium, carbohydrates, and Vitamin B.

Calcium-rich Foods: Cheese

Cheese belongs to the group of calcium-rich foods. Especially Parmesan cheese contains up to 242 mg of calcium. Our body absorbs calcium through dairy items more easily than a plant-based food items. Apart from calcium, cheese also contains a good amount of protein and vitamin D. Cheese which is made from A2 milk type, is hard in texture and contains a low amount of Lactose which makes it utmost easier to digest without causing inflammation and gastrointestinal effects, which makes it an ideal choice for lactose intolerant individuals. Regular consumption of cheese has also prevented the risk of metabolic syndrome- which is a condition that causes type 2 diabetes, strokes, and heart diseases.


One of the known calcium-rich foods is Yogurt. Yogurt is a calcium-dense food item prepared by the fermentation of milk. Plain Yogurt is a prosperous source of probiotics. Probiotics are a form of beneficial bacteria that helps in enhancing our immune function, absorbs nutrients, and improve our heart health. A single cup of Yogurt contains 245 grams of calcium, as well as vitamin B, vitamin B12, potassium, and phosphorus. In comparison to Plain Yogurt, Greek Yogurt provides less amount of calcium but extra protein. Yogurt is a must-add to the diets of senior citizens as it provides a sufficient amount of calcium and other beneficial nutrients, which will not only strengthen their bones and teeth but also lowers or minimizes the risk of type 2 diabetes and various heart diseases.


Seeds are the part of calcium-rich foods. These tiny food items are a powerhouse of minerals and nutrients. 1 tablespoon of seeds contains 127 mg of calcium. Apart from being a good source of calcium, seeds also provide our body with healthy fats and protein. For example, flax and chia seeds about rich-source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Whereas 1 tablespoon of sesame seeds contains a good amount of calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper.

Calcium-rich Foods: Canned Salmon and Sardines

When it comes to seafood, canned salmon and sardines are calcium-rich foods because of their edible bones. This fish type provides a body with Omega 3 fatty acids and high-quality protein, which a system body in maintaining a healthy brain, heart, and skin. As we know, that seafood also contains mercury content, but small fishes like sardines have a low concentration of Mercury. However, both salmon and sardines carry a high level of selenium- that can reverse and prevent mercury toxicity.

Lentils and Beans

Other calcium-rich foods that are beneficial for senior citizens are lentils and beans. Both lentils and beans are high sources of protein, fiber, and various micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, folate, and zinc. Some beans type can provide a body with a decent amount of calcium, whereas others do not. For example, a cup of cooked beans provides 19% of DV. However, beans have been linked with various health benefits when added to a plant-based diet. Whereas researches have suggested that consuming beans may lower the level of bad cholesterol along with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Calcium-rich Foods: Whey Protein

Another calcium-dense food item is Whey Protein. Whey protein is a form of protein that is usually found in milk types. This milk type has also been linked with various health benefits. From its name, we can rule out that it is an excellent source of protein and amino acids, the supplements help in speedy recovery and promote muscle growth. This protein type is usually found in milk, which is a great source of calcium itself. One scoop of Whey Protein powder contains at least 160 mg of calcium. Some studies have also proven that way protein helps in weight loss and improves blood sugar pressure.


Of all the dried fruits, almonds are the highest calcium-rich foods. One ounce of almonds contains at least 6% of calcium. With a good amount of calcium, almonds also provide healthy protein, fiber, and fats. Along with that, it is also a good source of vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. Every senior citizen must add 5 to 6 overnight soaked almonds to their everyday diet. It will help to maintain healthy bones and teeth, reduce the risk of metabolic diseases, and lower blood pressure and body fat.

Calcium-rich Foods: Figs

Figs are one of the food items that are not only delicious but also highly calcium-dense. In comparison to dried fruits, figs contain a high amount of calcium. A single serving of figs contains at least 5% of DV calcium. However, figs also contain a good amount of vitamin k and potassium; these two micronutrients also play a crucial part in maintaining and strengthening our bones.

Fortified Drinks

If you are suffering from lactose intolerance and can’t consume milk and other dairy products, you can still get the much-needed calcium content from other fortified or non-dairy beverages like almond milk, soy milk, and more. One cup of soy milk contains almost 23% of DV calcium. Various other seeds and nut-based milk types also contain a higher level of calcium than milk itself. Moreover, the fortification process isn’t just for non-dairy kinds of milk. For example, A glass of fortified orange juice contains 27% of calcium DV.

Tofu and Edamame

Tofu and Edamame are both calcium-rich foods. Tofu is a good item that is prepared with an exceptionally high amount of calcium. Just a half cup of tofu contains 66% of DV for calcium. Edamame beans are a sort of bean that is a form of young soybeans. They are usually sold in pods. Edamame is not only a pleasing source of calcium but also other nutrients like proteins, Folate, Potassium, and more. A single serving of cooked Edamame contains 8% of DV for calcium.


One of the highly calcium-rich foods on this list is Amaranth. Amaranth is a pseudocereal with high nutrition and minerals. It contains certain minerals like iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. It is also an ultimate source of folate. A single cup of cooked Amaranth grain provides 116 mg of calcium. Amaranth leaves also contain 21% DV of calcium. Amaranth also contains vitamin C and A.

Fortified Foods

Another food on the list of calcium-rich foods is Fortified Foods. Photo fight food products like cereals are the easiest source of consuming daily calcium. Different cereal types deliver different calcium content. For example, a cup of cereal before adding milk can deliver up to 1000 mg of calcium. Remember, the human body cannot observe all the calcium in one absorption process, so it is better to divide your intake throughout the day. Cornmeal and flour are also fortified with a good amount of calcium. Which makes some tortillas, bread, and crackers also contain calcium.

Calcium-rich Foods: Rhubarb

Rhubarb is one of the vital calcium-rich foods that is a rich source of proteins, vitamin K, fiber, and other smaller amounts of minerals and vitamins. Rhubarb also contains prebiotic fiber- which fibers that help in promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in our gut system. Similar to spinach, Rhubarb is also a high source of oxalates because of which a good amount of calcium content is not absorbed by our body. A study has found that the human body can only observe up to 5% of the calcium content present in Rhubarb. A cup of raw rhubarb provides 105 mg of calcium.

Leafy Green

The most delicious and easily available calcium-dense food item is leafy greens. Leafy vegetables are not only delicious but incredibly healthy. Greens like kale, spinach, and collard greens are a source of calcium. For example, one cup of cooked leafy green vegetable provides 268 mg of calcium, which is an ideal amount of calcium required by our body. Some varieties of leafy green vegetables like spinach are a high source of oxalates- a natural compound that helps in binding calcium and make its absorption easy.

Calcium Supplements

Another method through which seniors can increase the amount of calcium in their bodies is by taking prescribed calcium supplements or multivitamins every day. Two different types of calcium supplements are available in the market, which differs in the manner of calcium content they provide and their digestibility. Consult your doctor or Health care service provider before consuming any such pills. If you are already taking the supplements, make sure to remember these suggestions:

●  Keep the bottle in the open where you can easily spot it- like your bathroom sink or kitchen counter.

● Make sure you consume the spills at the same time every day.


Calcium is one of the most abundantly required minerals by our body. This mineral helps in maintaining and strengthening bones and teeth and also plays a crucial role in nerve signaling, muscle function, and heart health. As per the above mentioned calcium-rich foods, dairy products are packed with the highest amount of calcium, and then is seafood and leafy green vegetables. Every senior citizen can easily meet everyday calcium requirements by adding calcium-rich foods to their everyday diet.

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