How to Treat Burns at Home: 10 Less-explored Home Remedies

How to Treat Burns at Home: 10 Less-explored Home Remedies
| May 04, 2023

Burns are among the most frequent domestic injuries, and nobody is immune! Think back to the time you were deep-frying your child’s favourite French fries, and a few drops of the scalding hot oil accidentally touched your skin. Think back to that moment during Diwali when you unintentionally burned your skin while lighting a candle. How did you act? You let out a small yell before immediately rubbing some toothpaste on the affected area. Burnt skin can also result from electric shocks! Yes, everyone has experienced skin burns at some point. However, not all injuries are as minor as the ones we encounter daily. This article is all about burns and how to treat burns with 12 home remedies.


We’ve all occasionally burned ourselves while working or cooking. Burns can cause minor medical issues or serious emergencies. Burn injuries brought on by fire cause a lot of deaths each year. Severe injuries can also be caused by chemicals and electricity. The location and extent of your burn injury will determine how you treat it. Severe or extensive injuries require emergency medical attention, whereas sunburns and minor wounds can typically be managed at home. People with serious wounds frequently need to be treated at specialized burn hospitals. To cover huge wounds or lessen scarring from severe wounds, they could require skin grafts[1]. In addition, patients might require months of post-treatment care, including physical rehabilitation and mental support. So, how to treat burns?

But today, we’ll discuss how to cure such painful wounds—specifically, only first- and second-degree burns—using everyday household items. When not treated promptly or with the proper components, this sort of injury can be painful and leave a scar. When someone burns themselves, the very first thing they do is run the injured area under cold water. Certainly effective, doing so quickly makes us pain-free. And today, we’ve compiled a list of remedies for how to treat burns at home. You may find these home cures fairly simple, and some of them are even part of your regular diet. Therefore, let’s begin. 

How to Treat Burns?

Burns are a common domestic accident that doesn’t always need medical attention. According to their severity, they are divided into several groups. The least severe burns are those of the first degree since only the epidermis[1] is affected. Blisters are produced by second-degree burns, which injure your skin’s deeper layers. All skin layers are affected by third-degree. Finally, joints and bones may be affected by fourth-degree. If the size of the injury is less than three inches, painful wounds of both first and second degrees can be treated at home. Third- and fourth-degree injuries, as well as larger ones, need emergency medical intervention. Most minor injuries recover within a week or less. They won’t likely leave any scars. Knowing how to treat burns is crucial for avoiding infection, accelerating healing, and minimizing pain.

We have mentioned 12 home remedies on how to treat burns easily and quickly at home:

How to Treat Burns?
  1. Tea bags: Tea bags may be used to absorb heat from the wounds because they are high in tannic acid. To minimize irritation and redness, wet the dried tea bags, then apply them to the burned area when they have cooled.
  2. Aloe Vera gel: It is soothing as well as healing to the skin. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it enhances our blood circulation and inhibits bacterial growth. By using this soothing gel to treat small burns, damage to the skin may be repaired. 
  3. Coconut oil: Coconut oil’s antifungal characteristics can help to prevent burn infections further and lighten scar tissue. With a cotton swab and these essential oils, the burnt area could be easily massaged or simply applied. 
  4. A2 Milk: A2 milk can be used to calm hot skin. Milk contains lipids that aid in calming the skin and quickening its recovery process. How may milk be used now? Spend a few minutes soaking the burned skin in milk. If that isn’t an option, just dab a cotton pad in milk and apply it to the burned area.
  5. Essential oils: Tea tree oil, peppermint, and lavender essential oils are particularly helpful for treatment of such issues. Lavender oil has antibacterial and pain-relieving qualities since it contains beta-caryophyllene and linalyl acetate. Additionally, the potent anti-inflammatory properties of peppermint and tea tree oils hasten the healing process.
  6. Honey: Even though it is delicious, honey works wonders on it. It preserves the pH balance as well as prevents such painful wounds from becoming infected because it is a natural antibiotic. Studies have shown natural honey, when compared to other therapeutic ointments, has superior anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, hastening the healing process. You can apply honey directly to the burned skin using a cotton swab.
  7. A2 Ghee: Apply A2 ghee to the affected area with a cotton pad, let it sit for around 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with cold water. In addition to treating the burned area, it also helps in reducing the scar.
  8. Vinegar: The vinegar’s acetic acid aids in lowering the heat from the burn. Since vinegar is an astringent, applying it to burnt skin could be very beneficial in preventing infection. Make sure you avoid applying vinegar straight to it. Spray it on the burned area or apply it with a cotton ball after diluting it with a few drops of water.
  9. Cold water or compress: After you’ve accidentally burned your hand, soak the wound in cool water for about twenty minutes or so. The cold water helps reduce the stinging sensation and decreases the heat from the burned skin. It also avoids future skin irritation or inflammation. If the water running is too painful, you might apply an ice pack or a cloth soaked in ice water to the burnt region to reduce inflammation or swelling.
  10. Onion: Onion’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities aid in the healing process of first-degree burns. Furthermore, it protects against infection. In addition, the calming qualities of onion soothe the inflammation caused by burns. The simplest technique to treat such wounds with onion is to rub a piece of onion over the burned skin gently.
  11. Potato: A potato can help you treat this painful wound because it has anti-irritating and calming effects. It also aids in the prevention of blister development. Apply potato soon after the skin has been burned. Simply rub a thin slice of uncooked potato on the burned skin. Apply no pressure; simply rub it over the burner area until the potato juice is released and your swelling goes down. 
  12. A2 Dahi: Since ancient times, A2 dahi has been used to make homemade face or hair packs. Many people are unaware that yoghurt is yet another way to cure such painful wounds. It contains cooling chemicals and enzymes found in milk, which aid in cooling the skin as well as encouraging quicker healing. Simply apply a generous amount of dahi to the burned skin and leave it alone for a few minutes.


Burns are a common household injury, but they are also one of the most painful. If you hurt yourself in the procedure, don’t ignore it; get yourself treated or treat the wound immediately. If the wound is not treated, it may become infected or leave a scar. After reading the article, you should have a better understanding of painful wounds and how to treat burns in the comfort of your own home. Remember that only first and second-degree injuries can be treated at home; third and fourth-degree burns should be treated by a doctor right away.

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