Gir Cow Breed: Physical Characteristics, Description & Benefits of its Milk

Gir Cow Breed
| Apr 21, 2023
Cattle Breed

The Gir cow breed is one of the popular cattle breeds of Indian origin. The native place of Gir is the Gir hills and forest of Kathiawar. When it comes to size, it is a moderate to large-size breed. Among the list of indigenous cows of India, it is one of the most admiringly efficient and consistent milk producers in the country. Gir cows are primarily seen in different parts of Gujarat, including Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagadh, and Rajkot. The name Gir has emerged from the well-known Gir forest.

The popularity of Gir cow breed is not confined to Indian boundaries, but also it’s a widely recognized cattle breed on a global level. Countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, and the United States were involved in importing the Gir cow breed. They are bred in these nations successfully. The Gir cow breed has gained popularity in North America as it was one of the common breeds used there in order to develop the Brahman breed.

Introduction to Gir Cow Breed

The Gir cow breed is known as one of the top-quality milk-producing breeds in India. The species’ name is Bos Indicus. The main native tract of this well-known cow breed is the Saurashtra region of Gujarat state. Some recognized areas of Gujarat, including Amreli, Junagadh, Rajkot, and Bhavnagar and areas of Rajasthan, including Kota, Ajmer, and Tonk, are the home to quality milk-producing Gir cow breeds.

Around 37% of the population resides in Rajkot, Bhavnagar, and Junagadh. During the Vedic period, the amazing Gir cows were kept in every house. As per Hindu Mythology, Lord Shri Krishna was fond of these cute creatures and used to pamper and play with them. Their well-developed structure and strong immune system keep diseases at bay. The milk produced by the Gir cow breed is known as A2 milk, which entails A2 Protein that is exceptionally beneficial for human health.

Physical Characteristics 

The weight of Gir cows and bulls may fall in the range of 400-480 kg and 525-650 kg, respectively. The newborn little moo creatures or calves’ weight lies somewhere in the range of 20-30 Kg. On average, the height of the Gir bull is in the range of 1.35-1.40 m. On the other hand, the actual height of the Gir cow is 1.25-1.30 m. Usually, the Gir cows are known for their Pure red colour. We can say it Gir red colour. Some of these desi cows from the Gir family are observed with red, yellowish red to white spots and large red spots as well. Brown patches on their body are also widespread.

Their ears are beautiful, long, in a pendulous form, and folded in the same way as a leaf on the tip with a proper knot. Have you noticed the tail of this amazing creature? It’s long and 3/5th of the height of this divine animal. The udder is round and well-developed. The peculiarly curved horns make them pull the attention of the masses. The spheroidal, domed forehead with a prominent and convex touch gives them an unusual and unique look in comparison with other native cattle breeds.

Do you know what makes them different from other cows? A high hump along with a prominent hip bone is a unique physical characteristic of Gir cattle[1]. Furthermore, do you know what’s missing in hybrid cows and non-Gir cows? It’s a specific vein enriched with numerous spiritual and medicinal properties, popularly termed Surya Ketu Nadi. This vein embraces the energy of the sun, converts it, and ushers the energy into milk. If you consume the same milk, you will get the wonderful energy of the sun. Due to the presence of Surya Ketu Nadi, Gir cow milk is packed with Vitamin D.

Surya Ketu Nadi in Gir Cow Breed 

  • Surya Ketu Nadi is a powerful and Virtuous Vein that passes through the hump of Desi Gir cows. It embraces all the cosmic energies flowing in the atmosphere.
  • As per the books of Astrology, the Surya stands for the ruler of the soul, while Ketu stands for the Lord of Moksha.
  • Are you wondering why a humped cow plays a significant part in helping a soul achieve Moksha? Even though there are no strong scientific evidences, several folks believe so.
  • As per the Ayurvedic books, the human body is a storehouse of 72,000 nerves as well as seven chakras (popularly regarded as energy centers).
  • Assume a holy mother cow has 33 crores of nerves interlinked with the Surya Ketu Nadi. Ida and Pingala are the key nerve channels that connect to the left and right nostrils and transport oxygen to different body parts.  
  • These nerve channels are also responsible for eliminating toxins such as CO2.
  • According to ancient beliefs and Vedic books, the “Suryaketu” nerve running on the back of a desi cow soak plays a vital role in transforming the atmosphere.
  • The mere presence of holy cows contributes a lot to the betterment of the environment.
  • As per one of the recent studies, gold traces have been discovered in Gir cow urine.

Gir Cow Breed: Description

The Gir cow breed is a prominent, in-demand cattle breed with loads of potential and excellent milking capability. They are known for their tolerance to heat and stress circumstances. Due to their strong immune system and fighting spirit, they are less prone to diseases and health issues. They prefer to stay active and alert and never show a lazy attitude. They adjust easily to climatic changes. 

Gir bulls can be utilized in different types of soils for pulling heavy loads. Gir cows are humble, cute, polite, and maintain a calm approach. They rarely switch to an aggressive mode. They develop healthy and sound relationships with their lovers or cuddlers in a few meetings. They are sociable in nature, and thus, most people like and admire them. People across the world are fond of cows, which is why activities such as cow cuddling and Gaubath are getting acclaim nowadays.  

Average Milk Production by Gir Cow Breed

The average milk production lies in the range of 6-12 Ltr. Per day. The cows are considered excellent milk providers in the League of Desi cows. The average milk yield of this cow breed in India is about 1590 Kg per lactation.

Average Lifespan

The average lifespan of this excellent Indigenous cattle breed is around 12 to 15 years. Gir cows are known for their low mortality rate. They overcome challenges and stand firm against all the odds. We can say that they are one of the toughest and most powerful Indian desi cows.

Gir and Hybrid Cow Comparison

Gir cows and hybrid cows are different in terms of their physical structure, nature, calibre, adaptability, and other factors. Indian cow breeds such as Sahiwal, Gir, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Rathi, Badri, etc., produce A2 milk that is rich in A2 Beta-casein protein. Consumption of A2 milk regulates blood pressure, reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, improves digestion, and boosts overall health. On the other hand, milk produced by Foreign cow breeds, such as Ayrshire, Holstein Friesian, Jersey, etc., is known as A1 milk. This A1 milk is rich in A1 Beta-casein protein that is linked with digestion-related ailments, cardiovascular issues, neurological problems, and other health disorders.

Given below is a table that will enhance your knowledge regarding the key differences between Gir and hybrid Cows.

                                Gir Cows                   Hybrid Cows
They are known for their huge humpHump is not present in the hybrid cows
They usually stay healthy and are less prone to infections and diseases.They are more prone to diseases & infections.
A2 milk from Gir cows contains A2 Beta-casein Protein.A1 milk from hybrid cows contains A1 Beta-casein Protein.
Due to the presence of Colostrum, the quality of milk resembles the quality and touch of mother’s milk.They are completely milk-yielding machines.
Higher nutritional value of milk.Low nutritional value of milk.
High maintenance cost as they need top-quality organic fodderLow maintenance cost.
Gir cattle can give birth to around 10 to 12 calves in their entire life course.Hybrid cows can give birth to 4 calves.
Always remain active and prefer doing movementPrefer sitting idle
Enjoy the company of humansMaintain distance from humans
Consumption of A2 Gir cow milk controls high blood pressure boosts skin glow, reduces the risk of heart-related ailments, supports quick digestion, and promotes good sleep.Consumption of A1 hybrid cow milk is linked with increased blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, stomach bloating, acidity, lack of good sleep, etc.

Fodder Details: What Gir Cow Breed Enjoy Munching?

Given below are the organic eatables that Gir cow breed enjoys consuming very much-

Grain & Other Foodstuffs: Maize, Gram, Wheat, Barley, Jowar, Bajra, Rice polish, Corn husk, Oats, Bran, Peanut skin, Sesame skin, Linseed skin, Cotton seeds skin, Crushed guar seed, Triticale, Tapioca etc.

Dry fodder (hay) & pickle: Garlic hay, Straw, Berseem hay, Oats hay, Maize pickle, Sugarcane fire, Oat pickle etc.

100% Organic and Natural Green fodder: Garlic, Berseem, Senji, Ryegrass, Guar, Bajra, Jowar (small), Napier Bajra, Maize(small), Sudan grass etc.

• Other Significant Eatables: Drops of wheat/ rice/corn, bran, rice polish, soybean/ peanut skin, mustard skin/skin of cotton seeds, oil-free polished rice, etc.

Necessary nutrients for desi cows-


Prominent native vegetation is Dichanthium, Aeluropus, Aristida, Cynodon, Brachiaria, etc. Some popular fodder trees are Neem, Pipal, Banyan, Babul, etc.

Communities Rearing the Gir Cow Breed

The known communities behind the rearing & development of the Gir cow breed consist of tribes such as Bharvad, Rabari, Aheer, Mer, etc. Besides these communities, the farmers from other recognized communities, such as Rajput, Patel, etc., rear Gir cattle to meet their own milk requirements.

Chemical Compositions in Products Obtained from Desi Cows

Given below is the table that showcases the chemical compositions of different organic and healthy products obtained from Desi Gir cows- 

                          Gir Cow Products               Chemical Info
                            Cow UrinePotassium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Ammonia, Fluoride, Urea
                              MilkMinerals, Vitamins, Glucose, Phosphorus, Protein, Beta-carotene, Strontium, Amino Acids, Cerebrosides
                             Cow DungIron, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Sodium, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum, Cobalt Sulfate, Borax

What is a Dewlap?

Dewlap in Gir cows is an eye-captivating specific fold of skin at the bottom point of the neck. The role of Dewlap is significant in their body. It assists them in dissipating the body heat in abundance and thus, making them survive in a tough and challenging environment and helping their body fight against diseases and infections. The robust immunity power in cows and their products, as well as byproducts, is the result of well-developed Dewlap.

 10 Benefits of A2 Gir Cow Milk

Some significant benefits are mentioned below-

A Secret behind Healthy Heart

The presence of CLA, i.e., Conjugated Linoleic Acid in pure A2 Gir cow milk, puts down the level of bad cholesterol and, thereby, boosts heart health. Also, the presence of omega-3 and Potassium strengthens the cardiovascular system and improves the performance of the heart.

Stabilizes Blood Pressure

The combination of good and healthy Fats, Calcium, Potassium, and Phosphorus present in A2 Gir cow milk are beneficial in maintaining blood pressure.

 Diabetic-friendly Drink 

The concentration of Calcium & Carbohydrates in it, along with the presence of A2 Beta-casein protein, makes it a perfect drink for folks suffering due to diabetes.

Essential for Strong Bones

Bone mass decreases with an increase in age. Nowadays, due to poor nutritional choices, bones are getting weaker than ever. Thus, it’s better to consume calcium-rich A2 Gir cow milk that strengthens the bones and prevents bone loss.

Closes the Door to Gastrointestinal Inflammation

Consumption of packet milk and A1 milk is linked with gastrointestinal disorders and inflammation. Therefore, switching to A2 milk is an excellent choice. As A2 milk doesn’t produce BCM-7, it won’t lead to any form of inflammation in the body.

Heals the Dry Skin

The goodness and qualities of Lactic Acid present in it assist in retaining moisture as well as healing dry skin. Also, it’s an effective natural moisturizer.

Excellent for Eyes

  Vitamin A in it enhances the eyes functioning and plays a substantial role in maintaining corneas and retinas. Overall, it’s good for eyes health.

Effective against Constipation 

As A2 milk is light on the belly and aids in smooth digestion, its consumption keeps constipation away.

Improves Sleep Quality

Tryptophan is an amino acid. It is found in A2 milk. Furthermore, it is known for the production of Serotonin, known for improving sleep patterns and encouraging good sleep.

Makes Cognitive Function Better

The presence of Cerebrosides enhances brain power and transforms cognitive function. Cognitive functioning revolves around thinking, learning, decision-making, remembering, attention, and other abilities. All these abilities can be improved by the consumption of A2 Gir cow milk.

Which Cow is best for Ghee?

Traditional Bilona cultured ghee made by using A2 Gir cow milk is loaded with numerous health benefits. It keeps heart diseases at bay, restricts high blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, makes dry lips soft, cures sleep disorders, supports digestion, etc. The Gir cow is best for ghee, as per the Ayurvedic books.

The Final Words

Gir Cow Breed is one of the top milk-producing and healthiest breeds. The attributes present in its milk, A2 Gir cow ghee, urine, and cow dung always keep this breed in the spotlight. Nowadays, people are getting aware of the miraculous health benefits that milk and ghee holds, and that’s the reason many folks have switched to Gir cow A2 milk and A2 ghee in recent time. If you want to learn more about other indigenous cattle breeds, keep reading our blogs.

Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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