Ruling Hearts with Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery in Delhi NCR

SwadeshiVIP: Ruling Hearts with Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery in Delhi NCR
| Jul 20, 2022

Since organic cows are happier and healthier, their milk contains more nutrients and is better for newborns and children. By choosing organic milk, you may enjoy milk’s nutritional advantages while protecting your family from chemical pollutants. SwadeshiVIP is gaining acclaim due to fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR. We are producing 100% pure milk on the basis of a purity certificate. Utilizing a milk testing device, we ensure the product is substance and preservative-free and that exceptionally healthy milk is delivered to your home.

Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery in Delhi NCR: Advantages

At SwadeshiVIP, we are engrossed in fresh organic cow milk delivery. Organic Milk is a rich source of minerals like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus that are necessary for healthy bones and teeth, greater muscular function, blood pressure regulation, cell and tissue formation, keeping excellent cholesterol, and general body sustenance.

The following are some advantages of consuming fresh organic cow milk:

The following are some advantages of consuming fresh organic cow milk:

Lots of Omega-3

Omega-3 content in organic milk is generally higher than in non-organic milk. However, why is Omega-3 so crucial? Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid necessary for good growth and has been linked to a number of health issues that have appeared to be getting worse in recent years. Regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent or delay the development of a number of ailments, including arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema. According to a contemporary study, eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids may prevent or delay the onset of Lou Gehrig’s disease, commonly known as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis[1] (ALS).

Additionally, organic milk has a greater omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. Omega-6 is likewise necessary for proper growth, although too much of it might occasionally be harmful. Increased intake of omega-6 in our bodies is a result of increased consumption of vegetable oils, including corn, soybean, and sunflower. Consuming organic milk is, therefore, a useful way to maintain the proper ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 in our bodies, which is essential for maintaining heart health and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery: Benefits of A2 Milk

Additional Conjugated Linoleic Acid

The body’s metabolism, resistance to disease, and muscle growth are all boosted by conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA). Additionally, it lowers cholesterol, allergic responses, and belly obesity. It is important to remember that the human body is unable to generate CLA. Thus, the majority of our CLA consumption comes from the milk and other dairy products we consume.

You might be shocked to learn that, compared to cows given fodder, pasture-grazed cows generate 500% more CLA in their milk. It clearly indicates that organic milk should be preferred to non-organic milk. Conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA), according to recent animal research, may help treat cancer. To prove milk’s role in cancer prevention, more research and scientific data are required.

No Chemical Contamination

On pastures that were developed using organic methods, cows are fed. As a result, organic milk is free of dangerous chemicals, including pesticides, fertilisers, and hormone residues.

Furthermore, since they are not administered to the cows to enhance milk production, this organic milk, which may be nutrient-rich, does not include any traces of antibiotics, GM feed, urea, or fertility hormones. The Organic Pastures Dairy Company’s website contains useful details regarding the advantages of raw milk and milk in general for health. Your questions regarding homogenization, pasteurisation, the use of enzymes, and immunoglobulin may be answered.

You may also make sure you don’t hurt the environment by consuming organic milk. Numerous species of beneficial insects, butterflies, and birds are going extinct as a result of the pesticides used in non-organic farming. A vast number of pesticides are thought to damage roughly 672 million birds, and 10 per cent of these birds die as a result of pesticide-related illnesses.

Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery: Benefits of A2 Milk

At SwadeshiVIP, we are determined for fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR. Some additional benefits of A2 Milk are-

High Antioxidants

Antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin are known to be two to three times more concentrated in organic milk than in non-organic milk. Lutein is essential for maintaining healthy eyes and is useful in avoiding several eye conditions, including cataracts and macular degeneration. 

Zeaxanthin is crucial for maintaining healthy eyes. It might defend the eye from UV deterioration and the effects of free radicals. It is particularly beneficial in preventing macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts. By shielding your body’s cells from free radicals, vitamin E can help prevent the onset of ageing. Additionally, it lowers the prevalence of some chronic conditions, such as heart disease and cataracts. A person typically needs 15 mg of alpha-tocopherol, a type of vitamin E, per day. However, the average daily intake for individuals in the US is only 8–12 mg. Drinking organic milk regularly can help to make up for this vitamin E consumption deficit.

Our body transforms beta carotene into vitamin A. Vitamin A, commonly known as retinol, is important for maintaining good vision, boosting immunity against infections, maintaining healthy skin, promoting bone and tooth formation, and regulating gene expression.

What is Organic Cow Milk?

The word “organic milk” refers to milk made by cattle that are fed fodder free of pesticides and fertilisers. Antibiotics and other medications that are known to boost milk production artificially are not introduced into the livestock. The wide fields, devoid of fertilisers or pesticides, are available for the livestock to graze on. They are also milked by automated devices that deliver the produced milk to the pasteurisation chambers. By doing this, the milk’s nutritional content is maintained, and there is no chance of hand contamination. The innocent mother cows at SwadeshiVIP farms are fed healthy, organic grasses and fodder, which enables them to produce A2 organic milk. Thus, fresh organic cow milk delivery becomes a possibility.

Fresh Organic Cow Milk Delivery: It’s all about Delivering Purity

Being the flag bearer of fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR, we put a priority on providing dairy products that are pure. Just as we are aware that it is our duty as citizens to meet our needs, we also recognise the importance of the well and success of our fellow citizens. In light of this, we accepted the challenging task of fomenting dissatisfaction in the dairy business and desi cow reproduction. We start with the basics: Desi Cows. Our farm gives off the sense of a donation and is welcoming to our mucky friends. We must completely modify how milk is produced, processed, and consumed using cutting-edge technology and a spotless routine habitat.

One can experience the sweetness of pure milk produced by arguably the happiest cows in the nation by ingesting SwadeshiVIP A2 cow milk. We have gained good number of loyal customers due to fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR.

Difference between Fresh Organic Cow Milk and Regular Milk

There are several differences between organic milk and regular milk. Studies have revealed that organic milk typically has higher concentrations of vitamin E, iron, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. It is only one of the distinctions between organic and ordinary milk.

It’s vital to keep in mind, though, that farming practices may have contributed to those higher nutritional levels rather than the standards set by the organic designation. In other words, rather than especially organic farming, farming practices that allow cows to graze and forage may result in these greater levels of vitamins.

Since organic dairy animals cannot be given antibiotics, they are frequently given herbal remedies or vitamin supplements. Regular milk is, therefore, more likely to include larger (but safe) quantities of medication residues in the finished product. Additionally, conventional milk may include a few calories and protein less than organic milk. Both kinds of milk typically have comparable amounts of calcium, potassium, and salt, minerals that are the primary reasons why many people drink organic milk.

We are deeply engrossed in fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR. Also, we are keeping the organic values high.

Is SwadeshiVIP’s Milk better Than Ordinary Milk?

We are Delhi NCR’s top provider of fresh organic cow milk for a variety of reasons. The variations between our organic cow milk and ordinary milk are among the causes.

Normal milk contains both A1 and A2 beta-casein protein. However, A2 organic milk may only contain A2 beta-casein protein. This is the main difference between regular milk and A2 organic cow milk. Some studies suggest that A1 milk may contribute to the development of specific disorders, whereas A2 organic cow milk generally promotes good health. A2 organic cow milk is obtained from cow breeds that typically only produce A2 beta-casein protein due to their hereditary mutation, whereas the majority of cow breeds generate a mixture of both A1 and A2 beta-casein protein.

We all know that milk is a good source of protein and calcium. A complete occurs between milk proteins and peptides, which fully transform into an amino acid. However, the chemistry behind how a single amino acid might affect human health and wellbeing is still poorly understood. A narcotic peptide called, Beta-casomorphin-7 (BCM-7) causes the cell to actively alter and is linked to diabetes and other diseases. It is believed that normal milk containing A1 beta-casein generates BCM-7 during digestion, altering gastrointestinal function and elevating gut inflammation. However, protein in A2 organic milk prevents the BCM-7 from entering your body since A2 organic milk is easier to digest than ordinary milk.


SwadeshiVIP is one of the highest milk quality products available. Our cows are grown in the purest organic environment in order to obtain fresh organic cow milk. We have constructed a natural environment for them and raised them in an open farm concept.

Given that the cows at SwadeshiVIP Organic Cow Milk are not fed or given chemical treatments, the milk has a high nutritional content. It is made sure that the milking procedure is secure and sanitary. We process it with the highest level of safety. Since it’s one of the highest quality milk products, the final product is pure, natural, and organic milk with the most significant amount of health advantages.

Today, SwadeshiVIP is getting appreciation due to farm-fresh organic cow milk delivery in Delhi NCR. You can order the pure gir cow milk by visiting the website or via app.

Read Our Article: Where to Buy the Best Gir Cow A2 Milk in Noida?


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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