Drink Sahiwal Cow Milk per Day and Get Rid of Health Complications

Sahiwal cow milk per day
| Nov 23, 2022

A glass of milk every day is the mantra for keeping our lives progressive, healthy, and happy. It is such a staple in most households. And, there are so many dishes and beverages that use milk as their main ingredient, like tea, coffee, kheer, sweets, etc. Milk is also the base ingredient for paneer, cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk. Almost people around the world find it difficult to go a single day without milk, which is why it is best to drink only the best quality Sahiwal cow milk per day to keep your health in check. 

Intake of Sahiwal Cow Milk per day ensures a Disease-free Life

Consuming Sahiwal cow milk per day is a sound decision. Some of the finest milk cattle breeds in India are the Sahiwal kind of “Zebu cattle.” The Sahiwal region in Pakistan’s Montgomery region of Punjab is where the breed got its title. It is the type with the greatest milk production, after the Red Sindhi and Butana breeds, which are extremely similar. In contrast to jersey cows, which give A1 milk, it is one of the desi or Indian cow breeds. A Sahiwal cow can produce between 15 and 20 liters of milk each day.

There is an extra allele that makes Sahiwal’s milk a gift to society, helping to alleviate conditions including heart problems, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. It is also a breed that is incredibly smart. The Sahiwal cow is recognized as a valuable breed because of this.

Nutritional Information 

The calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in this dairy aid in keeping the heart rate in check. In comparison to other types of milk, this milk has a very low-fat level of 4-5%. Additionally, it contains conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which is crucial for decreasing LDL (bad) cholesterol and enhancing general heart health. Sahiwal’s milk has three different types of protein: globin, beta, and alpha. Beta protein has the A1 and A2 genes. Only the Sahiwal breed possesses genotype A2, which substitutes the proline protein for the histidine protein found in the dairy of certain other breeds. 7.7 g of protein and 11.7 g of carbs can be found in whole milk. Pure milk has no fiber and 28% of the daily value for calcium. It has about 31% DV of vitamin D plus 8% DV of vitamin A.

10 Reasons why one must Consume Sahiwal Cow Milk per Day

You might think that all milk is the same, but not exactly. Various breeds produce milk with different nutritional profiles. In actuality, there are underlying molecular differences between certain significant components in A2 milk. The term “casein” refers to the main protein found in milk. This protein exists in two separate forms, A1 and A2, each of which has a unique amino acid composition. Milk from conventional dairy cows, like Sahiwal cows, includes A2 casein while milk from foreign cow breeds includes A1 casein.

 Consume Sahiwal Cow Milk per Day

Blood pressure is kept intact

It might support good blood pressure management. Excessive levels of triglycerides[1] and cholesterol are frequently the reason for increased blood pressure. You may be able to reduce your cholesterol levels by taking extra omega-3 fatty acids, such as those encountered in A2 milk. Your blood pressure is also benefited from the potassium in A2 milk.

Easily digestible

A proline component found in Sahiwal cow milk per day stops BCM-7 from entering our bodies. Regular milk lacks the proline component, which can harm pregnant women’s health and have an impact on the unborn kid. A1 or ordinary dairy liquid is somewhat difficult to digest, which leads to the emergence of unfavourable symptoms such as upset stomachs, diarrhoea, and digestive problems. A2 milk or Sahiwal cow milk per day during pregnancy has no negative effects on the health of the unborn child. 

Promotes Weight Loss

Do you need to reduce weight because of obesity or an unfit body? People pick A2 cow milk because they think it will help them lose weight, which is another reason. Studies indicate that A2 milk includes linoleic acid, which encourages the loss of body fat. Furthermore, since A2 milk has less fat and carbohydrate than conventional cow milk, it might aid in calorie burning. 

It might improve your mood

Are you experiencing PMS and simply need some cheering up? Milk is the solution. Seasonal affective disorder and other mood disorders are greatly influenced by vitamin D. (SAD). Vitamin D-rich foods, such as A2 milk, may help patients with SAD have mild problems. Even if you’re just having a bad day, a glass of milk might help you go to bed.

Improve Immune System

Good immunity is equal to fighting away all possible health diseases before you even catch them. Sahiwal cow milk per day can boost immunological function, which is an additional advantage. Casein, present in regular cow milk, produces irritation when ingested. As a result, drinking A2 milk could help lower the number of infections if you frequently catch colds.

Promotes Physical and Mental Wellness

The advantages of A2 milk for your psychological and biological well-being are widely known. You can drink A2 Sahiwal cow milk per day to get your recommended day-to-day intake of essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. With a diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, your body stays incredibly healthy and active.

You are in a healthier mental place and are stronger since your body builds up a strong immune function and doesn’t get sick quite often. Sahiwal cow milk per day can be consumed along with consistent activity and a wholesome dietary plan for physical health if you’re seeking an efficient weight-management option.

Reduces Diabetes Risk

Another illness that can be avoided or treated by dietary modifications is diabetes. Adults who drink Sahiwal cow milk per day have lessened insulin sensitivity, suggests research. When the person grows insulin – a resistant state, insulin resistance develops. It causes type 2 diabetes and higher levels of blood sugar.

Each Glass contains 8 G of Protein

If you’re a die-hard gym junkie, you could buy a lot of costly nutrition powders. Nevertheless, guess what? After a strenuous training session, you can obtain enough protein to rebuild and replace your biceps by drinking one glass of cocoa shake with Sahiwal Cow Milk per day.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Some nights, you just lay in bed waiting for that deep sleep to hit you. Well, instead, you could go and try a glass of Sahiwal cow milk per day. It has tryptophan, an amino acid used in the production of serotonin, present in Sahiwal cow milk. The regulation of emotions and sleeping patterns are greatly aided by serotonin. In addition, tryptophan aids in the synthesis of melatonin, which controls our internal body clocks. In other terms, tryptophan aids in increasing emotions of pleasure and sleep habits.

Eliminates Swelling

Casein, a protein found in common cow milk, encourages inflammation. Asthma and allergy episodes have been linked to casein. Sahiwal cow milk, on the contrary, doesn’t contain casein. As a result, there won’t be any allergic responses.

It is devoid of drugs and hormones

Infections or growth regulators are not given to the cattle to improve milk production. Each drink is clean and organic, making it safe for everybody in your household to consume. Plus, since it is made in India, you’d be supporting a local farm while paying to feed your local or desi cows. 

Ethical Milking

A lot of dairy industries follow unethical milking practices that can cause gruesome hurt and pain to our cows. It is important that you choose a brand that respects the sanctity of cows and treats them fairly.

Since it has been documented, the dairy sector has seen enormous changes. The manufacturing of milk increased naturally as a result of the rising demographic and the escalating appetite for milk. To improve the production of milk, meanwhile, a lot of chemicals were inserted into cows throughout this process. Not to add that mutant cows entered the scene, this inevitably led to a decline in quality of milk.

Many farms have hurtful electronics that milk cows in an unnatural manner. And we can never imagine the kind of pain that they go through. Cows are also kept tied up in place for months, if not weeks and days, which is not only stressful but animal abuse. And lastly, cows are injected with body-transforming injections that cause severe and abnormal changes in their bodies, which is also discomforting.

So, what is ethical milking? The exact opposite of what’s stated above. SwadeshiVIP is a farm that empathizes with cows and the unconditional pain that they have to go through, which is why we choose to milk cows without any harm. We use only traditional methods, which involve hand-milking. We allow free grazing for cows without any constraints. Cows are never injected with any chemicals in order to avoid a painful process and to yield pure Sahiwal cow milk. And finally, the cattle are showered with the utmost love and care possible.

The Final Words

So as we can figure from the above article, a glass of Sahiwal cow milk per day will intrinsically help you grow your health, improve your mental space, and get better. According to research conducted on 10 people, 9 out of 10 recommended adopting Sahiwal cow A2 milk to your diet. That is the end of this article; we hope you found it interesting and informative. Stay tuned for some more.

Read our Article: At SwadeshiVIP, we are Delivering the Best Cow Milk in Noida & Delhi


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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