Cow Hugging Therapy: Now, say Goodbye to Stress and Depression

Cow Hugging Therapy
| Nov 05, 2022
Cow Cuddling

Our cows are amazing moo creatures. They are unmatchable in terms of cuteness and grace. It’s a known fact that cows share a great rapport with human beings. Much like humans and different creatures on the planet, cows are sensitive and playful by nature. They understand the sentiments of others and don’t hesitate to express themselves when they come across someone whom they find friendly and reliable. The active status of cow hugging therapy (also known as cow cuddling therapy) represents the feeling of companionship between cows and human beings.

Have you ever heard about cow hugging therapy (also known as cow cuddling therapy)? Well, in one of the previous blogs, we covered the same, and through this write-up, we will throw light on different aspects of ‘Cuddle a Cow Therapy’ in India.

 What is Cow Hugging Therapy all about?

Cow hugging therapy refers to a new wellness trend in which people visit Gaushala or cow cuddling centers to cuddle cows, love and pamper them, meditate with them, rub them from the back towards the neck and play with them. Doctors, as well as mental health experts from different parts of the world, have quoted Cow Cuddling Therapy as a therapeutic exercise, and it must be practised for better outcomes on the health front. In the last few years, this wellness trend has emerged as a rapidly rising revolution in countries such as the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. 

Mother Cows: Worshipped Since Time Immemorial 

In India, mother cows have been worshipped and received love & respect since time immemorial. However, a major chunk of the Indian population has forgotten their roots and values associated with the religious and spiritual importance of mother cows. People have become more concerned about Sanatana Hindu Dharma Practices in recent years. Thus, they started connecting once again with the Gau culture.

The pages of history are inscribed with love and affection between Lord Shri Krishna and cows. There was a time when Lord Shri Krishna was regarded as a humble and sincere cowherd. The way he used to express passionate love for cows roaming in his village was a true example of a cowherd-cows unshakeable bond for the current generation and the upcoming generation. Lord Krishna used to play the musical flute and produce pleasing music to pull the cows’ attention. He used to mention the name of cows and calves on the soothing and loving notes of the flute itself. The cow has also been consistently associated with most worshipped deities, encompassing Lord Shiva (whose steed is Nandi, a bull), Lord Shri Krishna (a cowherd since childhood), and goddesses in general (As most of the cows carry maternal attributes).

As per the principles of Sanatana Dharma, cows should be provided with regular baths, must be taken to the temples, and need to be decorated with turmeric, vermilion, and flowers. Let’s hope that this generation will keep alive the sacred feelings for mother cows and preserve them for the next generation. 

5 Incredible Benefits of Cow Hugging Therapy

Cow hugging therapy has turned out to be advantageous for millions of folks worldwide. Hardly there were stories about this trend in India. However, people in our country used to spend time with cows and hug them during the phase when the term cow cuddling was not introduced. You must be aware of their good health and well-being. Now, this generation is taking an interest in this therapy, all thanks to folks residing in rural areas of the Netherlands who turn out to be re-originators for this therapy. Still, our Indian heart knows that we are the real originators behind the cow hugging trend. The point was that this term was not discovered during those days

The benefits of cow hugging therapy are showcased below- 

benefits of cow hugging therapy

Minimizes the Risk of High Blood Pressure 

The therapeutic effect[1] of cow cuddling therapy reflects in its ability to prevent high blood pressure. Multiple sessions of ‘Cuddle a cow therapy’ will send the cow cuddlers into a state of utmost calmness. As per the experiences shared by cow cuddlers residing in countries like the United States, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, the cow cuddling trend gives relief and won’t let the blood pressure rise. 

Helpful in Keeping Respiratory Issues at Bay

This wellness trend of embracing cow culture and cuddling desi cows is highly effective in the prevention of respiratory disorders. One of the significant benefits of cow cuddling therapy is that it normalises breathing, relieves respiratory problems, and may even cure them permanently. Unfortunately, India falls into that League of Nations where many people are suffering and striving to survive due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. You can make this trend a part of your travelling plan and prevent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease as well as other respiratory issues. 

Close the Door for Heart-related Ailments 

Heart-related ailments have become more troublesome & common in recent years. Cow hugging therapy or Cow cuddling sessions ensure a moderate heartbeat rate and take cow cuddlers into a space of peace and pleasure. As per the survey conducted and study made by a team of French and Austrian Scientists, people who shared a great bond with cows and used to spend time with cows encountered controlled as well as balanced heart rates preventing the risk of heart-related issues. 

Releases Happy Hormones

Cow hugging therapy, or the cow cuddling trend, is a wellness exercise that triggers feel-good hormones like Dopamine and serotonin. Most of us are not aware of these happy hormones. When these happy hormones are activated, the stress hormone known as Cortisol witnesses a downward trend. In case you are in a low phase or feeling happiness-deprived, you can take a break from your busy schedule and opt for cow cuddling therapy sessions.  

Experience Togetherness and Social Bonding 

Cow hugging therapy sessions will bring you close to mother cows, and you will get a sense of companionship and feel the essence of social bonding. If you’ve felt loneliness and sadness in the past, dive into the sea of cow cuddling and get rid of social isolation. 

How can Cow Hugging Therapy Sweep Away Stress and Depression?

Recent studies indicate that 88% of Indians are in the well of mental stress trying to move out. As per the report prepared by WHO, India maintains the record for the maximum number of depressed individuals among all the other countries in the world. In India, 1 out of 3 suffers from depression. In India, the recorded prevalence rate of depression is 4.50%, and around 56,000,000+ cases are recorded. Stress and depression are the major contributing factors in pushing people toward suicide. 

Cow hugging therapy, or the Cow Cuddling trend, is in the news due to its potential to keep stress, depression, and anxiety away. Since performing this modern-day therapy accelerates the Oxytocin secretion process, it yields relief from mental pressure and stress. By giving your nod to multiple sessions of cow hugging therapy and spending time with amazing moo cows in a blissful environment, you will be able to fight back against depression and anxiety. Therefore, if you get a sense of depression and anxiety in your mind, take a break and visit Gaushala. 

The Final Words 

The Cow hugging trend is gaining prominence due to the successful results that people have accomplished outside India. This trend has cured a significant number of the population stuck in the trap of stress, depression, and other health complications. India is a country where religious values matter more than anything else. This thing has reserved the love and affection towards cows in the heart of Swadeshi people. Roam in the street, visit rural and semi-urban areas, and you will witness how people are showering love and seeking blessings from holy cows. At SwadeshiVIP, we have recently initiated cow hugging therapy to make people connect with their roots and values and give them a chance to experience cow cuddling sessions. 

Read our Article: Cow Cuddling Therapy: Cow Hugging has emerged as the New Wellness Trend

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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