Cow Hug Day 2023: Let’s Celebrate Mother Cows Love

Cow Hug Day 2023
| Feb 13, 2023

In India, cows are referred to as “Gaumata” because they are seen as the embodiment of God and the goddesses. A cow is regarded as a holy and sacred animal since it is said that the gods dwell in its body. To put this in perspective, the Indian government recently declared a “Cow Hug Day.” This day will be celebrated on February 14th, which is also Valentine’s Day. However, before you ask any questions, keep in mind that this project was intended to foster a motherly embrace that might enhance emotional richness and overall happiness. Continue reading to find out more about Cow Hug Day, its advantages, and other topics.

What is Cow Hug Day all about?

For centuries, the majority of Indians have worshipped and praised cows as sacred creatures, using them as a representation of both the divine and the planet Earth. Due to its ability to nourish humans, the cow is the ideal provider. The Indian government intended to rename this Valentine’s Day as “Cow Hug Day,” bearing in mind its ancient and religious meaning, in the hopes that doing so would enhance people’s spiritual richness and counter what is seen as a westernised product. To promote “Vedic” or traditional Hindu rituals that are being neglected or overlooked as an outcome of the influence of western traditions like Valentine’s Day, India’s Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairy launched Cow Hug Day.

The government has previously attempted to formulate rules regarding cows, the killing or consumption of which is viewed as a sin among many Hindus, who make up around 80 per cent of the total of India’s 1.3 billion population. S.K. Dutta, Secretary of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI)[1], an organisation whose primary duty is to advise on legal measures for animal welfare, has signed the petition to observe February 14 as Cow Hug Day.

It’s interesting to note that for a while now, cow hugging or cuddling has become popular in various Western nations. It should be recognized that “Koe Knuffelen” (the Dutch word for cow hugging) is viewed as a self-care technique in some nations, such as the Netherlands, and is a service offered by farm owners. After information about the advantages of cow cuddling therapy became public, the movement began to gain enormous popularity. People who had this therapy gushed about how well it worked for them in terms of their mental health. In this article, we’ll learn more about the advantages of cow-hugging therapy.

Benefits of Cow Hugging Therapy

A major global concern is the non-other than the rising rate of mental disorders. One in four persons is predicted to suffer from a mental disorder at some time in their lives. The global pandemic caused us to suffer greatly; from getting depressed to losing loved ones, the graph quickly increased. Then a brand-new wellness trend known as “cow hugging (Cow Cuddling Therapy)” began to achieve worldwide popularity and also became the trend that helps in managing stress by promoting relaxation and happiness. Studies have suggested that a good hug might be quite beneficial for both our mental and overall health. It is possible to restore a sense of peace and love by triggering touch receptors, mostly under the skin, which can help reduce anxiety.

This basic desire to hug cows is also partially scientific. Wrapping your arms around a cow could boost Oxytocin levels because cows are larger, warmer, and furrier than humans, and their hearts beat more slowly than ours. Oxytocin, also known as the “cuddle hormone,” is a hormone that makes us feel happy and loved. It’s one of the reasons why support animals can be so comforting. 

A single cow hugging therapy is thought to treat a variety of health issues, including the cuddler’s respiratory ailment as well as anxiety, stress, sadness, and depression. You are at a loss if you are considering skipping cow hug day. There are farms in India that charge a fair sum for three hours of cow-hugging therapy. The animals themselves like the sessions. For all parties, it is a win-win situation. Therefore, one should try the idea out before mocking it.

Benefits of Cow Hugging Therapy

Cow Hug Day Vs Valentine’s Day

Every year, young couples celebrate their love by giving gifts, flowers, and other tokens of affection on Valentine’s Day. But what makes it special? What does this behaviour teach, or what tendency does it tend to promote for the benefit of future generations? Nothing! Like Nothing! Our elders say that this behaviour has merely given “love” a negative spin. Why don’t we switch to Cow Hug Day instead to demonstrate true affection for our provider and nurturer? It’s a practice that encourages us to return our love to “Gaumata” as well as revive our Vedic tradition. Hugging a cow is more like sitting and expressing our appreciation for her.

Valentine’s Day has tainted the concept of love. Younger generations think expressing their love only involves exchanging a few tokens of affection, such as flowers and gifts, and sharing millions of social media posts that include their partners.

Can we value a love that lacks feelings of appreciation and love itself? No, we don’t think so. The Indian government has launched a programme that allows people to express their love without spending a lot of money. Not only is the therapy inexpensive, but it also has several positive health effects.

Yes, unlike Valentine’s Day, Cow Hug Day has a lot of health benefits for you. You will feel completely at ease and serene after only one session of cow-hugging therapy, and your anxiety and stress levels will drop as well. Studies have shown that cow cuddling boosts Oxytocin, a hormone that relaxes both our mind and body, because of the animal’s huge size, thick coat, and slower heartbeat. Additionally, this treatment can completely remove the danger of contracting certain serious illnesses.

For decades, cows have just served as a provider, giving us humans only the ingredients we need. Like cow milk, a superfood is referred to as a “full meal” since it contains vitamins, minerals, and other advantageous nutrients. Indians have been consuming cow urine for its medicinal benefits since the time of the Vedas. A2 milk from desi cows is enriched with beneficial nutrients. Fresh cow urine is thought to have healing properties and helps maintain our bodies healthy and fit. In addition to that, cow dung has been utilised in the construction of homes, as a fertiliser in fields, and even in numerous religious ceremonies. Therefore, I want to know if humans owe anything to this animal. Why shouldn’t we praise this kind of love over illogical Western ideology?

Withdrawal of Circular on Cow Hug Day by Animal Welfare Board of India

On 8th February, 2023, the Animal Welfare Board of India appealed via a circular to celebrate Cow Hug Day on 14th February. This initiative received support from a substantial segment of society, while people more inclined towards western culture criticized the move. Thus, the Animal Welfare Board of India withdrew the circular on Cow Hug Day. However, Gaushalas and dairy farms in India are all set to celebrate Cow Hug Day, and our SwadeshiVIP is excited to celebrate the festival with zeal and passion. 


The 14th of February was all set to be observed as Cow Hug Day thanks to a promotion started by the Indian government and endorsed by S.K. Dutta, secretary of the Animal Welfare Board of India. It is a fantastic and smart incentive that needs to be used repeatedly. On February 14th, let’s give this to the selfless provider, Gaumata, together with our love and gratitude. Our ancestors genuinely worshipped this magical being, but with time, western beliefs began to replace them. This program was started by the Indian government to teach the modern generation about the Vedic traditions, which are now being overlooked and neglected due to false beliefs. Even though the Animal Welfare Board has withdrawn the circular, we are gearing up to celebrate the big Cow Day. Therefore, on February 14th, let’s give our mother—our nurturer, our provider—Gaumata, a big hug! Visit our A2 milk farm to celebrate Cow Hug Day on 14 February, 2023 and experience cow cuddling therapy.

Read our Article: Cow Hugging Therapy: Now, say Goodbye to Stress and Depression


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