Cow Dung and Environmental Protection: What’s the Connection?

Cow Dung and Environmental Protection
| Jan 09, 2023
Cow Dung

Over-reliance on fossil resources as the main energy source has resulted in a wide range of issues, including environmental destruction, global climatic change, and different health issues. The consumption of renewable fuels like biogas has increased due to climate change brought on by the production of conventional fossil fuels. And another such fertiliser is Panchagavya[1]. With its ability to replace fossil fuels, cow dung plays a significant role in addressing numerous environmental issues. For more information on cow dung and environmental protection, keep reading.


So, you must be wondering how cow dung and environmental protection are connected. The cow is worshipped as the mother as well as the goddess. One of the greatest domesticated animals is this one. In Sanskrit, the term panchagavya means “five cow-derivatives,” with the three primary components being cow urine, dung, and milk, and the two-based products being curd and ghee. The excretory by-products include urine and gobar. Cow dung (Gobar) is indeed undigested remains of the food that cows have consumed, together with their faeces and urine, with the main components being hemicelluloses, cellulose, and lignin. 

In general, discussing faeces, whether they are human or animal, is not enjoyed. Special attention must be given to gobar considering the advantages that it offers to the environment. It is a useful product that benefits us in many ways, especially in terms of environmental protection. However, it has primarily been utilised in the manner of cow patties, a biofertilizer or a pyrotechnic. In spite of its remarkable benefits, there are fewer fertiliser products available on the market, which shows that researchers have overlooked the environmental benefits of cow dung. This article focuses on the relationship between gobar and environmental protection, as well as the advantages of using it to combat climate change.

Is Cow Dung Good For the Environment?

Cow manure has antibacterial, radioactive, and thermal characteristics. One can eliminate airborne pathogens and maintain a stable temperature by lighting cow dung cake. Indian villagers once utilised gobar to shelter their house walls against extreme heat or cold. In order to produce more nutritious vegetables and fruits for a healthier lifestyle, organic fertilizers from cow manure and urine help make the soil fertile. In agricultural fields, using a gobar can reduce the harmful effects of chemical fertiliser. Did you know that one cow can fertilise five acres of land with dung and protect ten acres of farmland from insects with urine?

Gobar and environmental protection work hand in hand since it serves as food for a variety of animals and fungal species that slowly breaks into the soil and food chain. Cattles naturally avoid grazing in the vicinity of their own faeces, which results in the development of larger, unorganized areas of highly fertilised soil. For many grassland arthropods, including spider bugs, these habitat patches can be advantageous. They also play a significant role in preserving biodiversity in settings with high human traffic. Thus, contributing to keeping the ecosystem in balance.

Deforestation is another benefit of gobar and environmental protection. A key contributor to environmental deterioration is cow poo. Utilizing cow dung for biogas can help fix this issue to some extent. About 30 billion cattle are in India. We can still save 6 Crore tonnes of wood a year by using gobar to make biogas. The destruction of our forests can also be drastically decreased by just using cow dung cake for fuel. A single cow produces enough gobar over the course of its lifetime to burn 7, 00,000 tonnes of wood, or 5,000 litres of bioenergy. In order to prevent the destruction and burning of over 14 Crore trees and safeguard our environment, we must start utilising cow dung cakes. 

Benefits of Cow Dung

The significant benefits are mentioned below-

Benefits of Cow Dung
  1. As Manure: When mixed with the soil, cow manure, which contains 1% potassium, 2% phosphorous, and 3% nitrogen, increases the soil’s ability to hold extra water. Cow dung is frequently used as manure. Because of this, plants’ roots can always utilise more moisture and minerals. Both gobar and environmental protection techniques are beneficial for vegetable gardens.
  2. Source of Energy: Numerous nations have recently started using cow dung as a clean source of energy for fuels. By using high pressure and heat, a team of scientists were able to effectively extract 1.4 ml of gas from each and every 100 gm of cow dung. Additionally, these researchers successfully extracted from cow dung the fragrant compound known as “vanilla,” which could be used as a scent in candles and shampoo.
  3. Cow Dung as Water-Holding Carrier: If the land is sandy, porous, or incapable of absorbing water, gobar likewise serves as a water-holding carrier and promotes soil porosity. Some geological characteristics of soil, such as infiltration, porosity, water holding capacity, dry density, bulk density, etc., are also improved by gobar and environmental protection. Utilizing it improves soil fertility by adding additional nitrogen to the soil, increasing plant growth and maintaining production.
  4. For Food Chain: Cow dung and environmental protection supply food for numerous animal and fungus species, which decompose and recycle back into the food chain or the soil. Grazing close to their own dung makes cattle naturally uncomfortable. It may result in the development of larger, disorganised regions of the fertilised sward. Numerous grassland arthropods, such as spiders and bugs, can benefit from these habitats, called “islets,” which serve a key role in maintaining ecological and biodiversity balance.
  5. As Biogas: Additionally, biogas made from cow dung can be used to create electricity and heat. Methane, one of the main elements of natural gas or a readily combust energy source, is present in large amounts also in gas. In many countries, biogas is utilized as fuel for both heating and cooking. It is transformed throughout this process into a mixture, which is once again high-quality fertilizer and can be used as a worm casting in agricultural fields. Adversely, the creation of biogas from cow dung is a low-cost alternative to fossil fuels that may be used to generate electricity, cook with, and provide fuel.

How does Cow Dung Help Fight Climate Change?

How does farming influence the climate? Damaged soil can actually have a negative impact on the climate in two different ways. First, it jeopardises plant growth, which is what removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Our Earth’s atmosphere would just get significantly warmer even without plants. Secondly, a lack of vegetation can lead to the release of carbon that worms have been storing. Rebuilding the forests, according to environmentalists, is the best approach to counter the negative consequences of climate change. Although these measures may not be simple, they are not overwhelming. In fact, if more people understood how important it is to preserve our remaining woods, maybe more individuals would join the fight to do so.

Farmers think they can maintain healthy soil by changing how they practice farming. Most farmers may be resistant to the implementation of unconventional farming techniques at first because it is new to them, but they soon come to see how important it may be for their continued economic viability and the health of their land. It is thought that the beneficial microorganisms found in cow dung and environmental protection techniques can work together to nurture the soil and turn it more nutrient-rich for plant growth.

Although, some farmers have already realised the advantages of using gobar and including it as a component in their fertilizer, it is truly beneficial in maintaining the soil’s health. Perhaps with more investigation into this phenomenon, scientists and farmers alike have discovered that practical applications of gobar can improve soil quality and help grow more nutritious fruits and vegetables. Both cow dung and environmental protection techniques must be included in farming practices as it also lowers the likelihood that plants will die from unhealthy soil. After all, saving the land and preserving the farmers’ financial security are both objectives.


Environmental protection is vital to preserving the natural ecosystem for us and the universe. Environmental policy, environmental ethics, and environmental education are three aspects that can affect environmental protection techniques. The third-most significant service provided by animals for the social, economic, and ecological well-being of humanity is the usage of natural resources, such as cow dung, but as civilization and scientific ingenuity grow, we forget about this. Cow dung and environmental protection are two ways that we may safeguard the environment and create a society free of pollution. If you want to buy cow dung, A2 milk-based products such as A2 ghee, A2 milk, paneer, etc., get in touch with us.

Read our Article: Cow Dung Diya: A Vedic Mix of Innovation and Tradition


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