Benefits Of Raw Milk: Improves Digestion, Maintains Bone Health And Much More!

Benefits Of Raw Milk: Improves Digestion, Maintains Bone Health And Much More!
| Aug 02, 2022

Many health enthusiasts have argued about the nutritional and health benefits of raw milk and that through pasteurization, one can eliminate these benefits. However, health experts and the government strongly disagreed with this and have advised against consuming it. Milk is a nutritious food providing the human body with essential proteins, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids. Preceding the introduction of pasteurization in the mid-1900s, milk was usually consumed raw, in its very regular and natural state. 

With the growing popularity of local, natural, farm-produced foods, and the belief that it provides various health benefits, its consumption rate has been increasing. This article provides evidence that can determine the numerous health benefits of consuming raw milk. 

Benefits of Raw Milk: An Introduction

In India, Raw Milk is considered a highly nutritious and healthy drink. It is a versatile drink; one can make ice cream, cheese, smoothies, yoghurt, and butter. This form of purity is usually enjoyed as a refreshing drink as it is filled with various health benefits. The majority of people in India have been drinking pasteurized milk because of its advantages. With the growing popularity of local, natural, farm-produced foods, and the belief that the raw form of milk provides various health benefits, its consumption rate has been increasing. This article provides you with evidence that can determine the numerous health benefits of raw milk. 

However, did you know that raw milk brings many health advantages to the table? 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC)[1] does not recommend drinking raw milk as it has not undergone the pasteurization process. Many health enthusiasts believe milk in its raw form offers many health benefits, and they claim that these nutrients and healthy bacteria are eliminated during the pasteurization process. These claims regarding raw milk have not been scientifically proven yet. If you did not know about this, it is time we disclose some of the health benefits of milk in its natural and raw form, but first, we must understand what raw milk is. 

What is this Milk all about?

Raw milk or unpasteurized milk is something that has not been pasteurized, a process of heating liquid foods in order to kill pathogens for safe consumption and extend the shelf life. The purest form of milk is obtained from cows, sheep, and goats — or even any other animal — that hasn’t been pasteurized at all to kill harmful bacteria. It can harbour dangerous bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, and others that cause foodborne illness, often called “food poisoning.” 

It is also an understated superfood produced by cows who are fed grasses and is considered to be raw as it skips the pasteurization process, a process in which milk is heated at high temperatures to kill harmful pathogens that are present because of contamination. It is loaded with enzymes and nutrients that boost our immunity and helps in alleviating allergies. It is also lighter than pasteurized milk which makes it easier to digest.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) does not recommend drinking raw form of milk as it has not undergone the pasteurization process. Many health enthusiasts believe raw milk offers many health benefits, and they claim that these nutrients and healthy bacteria are eliminated during the pasteurization process. These claims regarding this form of milk have not been scientifically proven yet.

Benefits of Raw Milk: Nutritional Value

Raw milk products are a good source of essential supplements like proteins and vitamins, which helps improve various bodily functions throughout our body, including bone and teeth health. 

Benefits of Raw Milk: Nutritional Value

As remarked above, it is a rich source of bioavailable minerals and vitamins which are easy to digest. However, it also contains questionable nutrients, which are usually eliminated in the pasteurization process.

It is a rich source of Zinc, Thiamine, Magnesium, and Vitamin A. Additionally, it is also an excellent source of protein and hundreds of healthy fatty acids, omega-3s, and conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA).

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Conjugated Linoleic acid have many health benefits. The nutrient value of this milk varies depending upon different factors like fat content, animal diet, and the environment in which the cow is raised. These factors organically increase the level of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). These components are found in milk that is only produced by cows that are fed natural fodder, which are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated Linoleic acid.

Also, the cows that are fed organic fodder contain high amounts of healthy antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and Vitamin E, which help in fighting oxidative stress and also reduce inflammation. These claims regarding raw milk have not been scientifically proven yet.

Incredible Health Benefits of Raw Milk

Regardless of its high demand, there are no scientifically demonstrated advantages of drinking milk in its raw form. Well-being organizations like the Federal Dairy Administration suggest consuming only purified or pasteurized milk.

Notwithstanding, there is a lot of research supporting its potential medical advantages of it.

Listed below are 10 health benefits of raw milk: 

Listed below are 10 health benefits of raw milk:

Loaded with Beneficial Bacteria 

One of the most debated health benefits of Raw Milk is that it is a rich source of beneficial microorganisms. Healthy microorganisms can be found in it, which are significant for our well-being, particularly in our stomach. They likewise assist our immune system by improving its functioning. We can receive the optimal level of healthy microbes in our gut system by drinking raw milk or any other significant dairy products. As pasteurized and homogenized milk does not contain any of these healthy microbes, one should practice consuming raw milk to achieve these.

Helps In Controlling Blood Pressure 

The other benefit of this milk that makes it an ideal choice is it helps in controlling blood pressure. It contains a high amount of proteins which can expand the retention of minerals as well as keep an ordinary pulse. Vitamin D and calcium that this form of milk gives are also known to be great specialists in controlling and lowering hypertension.

Health Benefits of Raw Milk: Contains Essential Vitamins

It contains healthy vitamins. It is also a good source of regular fat-solvent nutrients like healthy vitamins like K, E, and A. It also contains other vitamin types like vitamins B and C, which are water dissolvable. A large amount of these vitamins are sensitive and might get obliterated during the process of pasteurization.

Lightens Tans and Skin Tone

One of the benefits of raw milk is that it can help lighten tans and skin tone. Effective use of it is accepted to ease up tans and diminish skin darkening brought about by pigmentation. Also, it has a high lactic corrosive substance which is known for its skin easing up properties and capacity to clean dead cells off of the skin surface.

Health Benefits of Raw Milk: Doesn’t Contain Any Added Preservatives and Sugar 

Another health benefit of raw milk is that it has no added preservatives and sugar; it is 100% unadulterated milk form. Homogenization separates the fat in the milk into little particles, which, when exposed to heat, turn malodorous and oxidized. To conceal the surface, thickening agents are added to the drink. These have been connected to numerous diseases, including harmful cell growth. This milk is in its regular state and needs no augmentations.

Maintains Bones and Teeth Health 

As with all milk types, one of the health benefits of raw milk is that it strengthens our bones and teeth. The primary thing everybody learns about milk is it is an incredible source of calcium. Raw milk particularly has calcium in overflow in contrast with pasteurized milk. Calcium is the way of having healthy teeth and bones, and your body can accumulate calcium from raw milk without any problem.

Health Benefits of Raw Milk: Helps in Fighting Acne 

Another skin benefit of raw milk is that it helps in fighting acne and scars. With a lot of Vitamin A, raw milk can be an extraordinary method for lessening your skin troubles. Applying it on the face brings miraculous results. Aside from diminishing skin dryness, it can likewise prevent skin breakout. If an individual is suffering from skin inflammation, he/she can make use of raw milk to clear excessive dirt and oil and get relief from skin inflammation and redness. The lactic acid goes above and beyond and battles away the microorganisms that are answerable for stopping up your pores and causing the skin to break out.

Great for Exfoliating Bath 

Did you know that raw milk can act as an exfoliator if added to the exfoliating bath? As we know, Milk is among the Superfoods, and this form of milk has innumerable health benefits for our skin. The lactic acid found in it can disintegrate proteins and eliminate dead and dormant cells. This, thus, sheds your dead skin. In addition, it can likewise successfully calm your skin and safeguard it against dermatitis and other provocative skin conditions. The protein and the fat in organic milk can saturate the skin and lessen skin dryness and skin inflammation. 

Health Benefits of Raw Milk: Rich Source of CLA 

As mentioned earlier, raw milk contains good quality Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), which makes it beneficial for the human body. A2 milk from natural, grass-fed cows has a lot of CLA, which is known to have a lot of positive advantages. It can fight cancer cells, particularly in bone, breast, and digestive diseases. CLA can likewise control hypertension and obesity in patients.

It contains Healthy Food Enzymes 

Another health benefit of 100% pure and organic milk is that it contains healthy food enzymes. It contains healthy food chemicals like phosphatase, lipase, and lactase. These catalysts help our body digest and process the milk quickly and assimilate all the essential supplements. The chemicals lactase and amylase can process the sugar in the milk. Lactase compounds are the reason why lactose intolerants can process the raw form of milk easily. 

Health Benefits of Raw Milk: A Versatile Ingredient

Raw milk is a nutritious drink that provides various medical advantages. Also, it’s a versatile ingredient that can be effortlessly added to our eating routine. 

Raw Milk-based Recipes

Besides drinking raw milk, try to incorporate these recipes into your everyday eating practice: 

Besides drinking raw milk, try to incorporate these recipes into your everyday eating practice:

● Raw Smoothies: Raw milk can be used to make superb, delicious, and high-protein smoothies. By utilizing this form of milk instead of pasteurization milk, one can add extra raw Probiotics for better absorption. Try adding greens and a few organic fruits for nutritious snacks.

●   Oatmeal: It is a more delicious and nutritious choice than water while preparing your morning oats or cereal. Adding milk in raw form and butter is a simple method of adding healthy fats into our everyday eating regimen.

● Coffee: Using milk in its raw form instead of pasteurized milk for our morning tea or coffee can boost healthy and essential nutrients. One can find many recipes pertaining to this milk online. 

● Soup: Have a go at adding milk in raw form to your number one soup recipe for more added flavour and nutrients. Pouring in organic & natural milk or Cream is a superb and easy method for making any soup recipe thicker and creamier!


Raw Milk is considered a highly nutritious and healthy drink. It is a versatile drink; one can make ice cream, cheese, smoothies, yoghurt, and butter. This form of milk is usually enjoyed as a refreshing drink as it is filled with various health benefits. The majority of people in India have been drinking pasteurized milk because of its advantages. Many health enthusiasts believe the raw form of milk offers many health benefits, and they claim that these nutrients and healthy bacteria are eliminated during the pasteurization process. These claims regarding raw milk have not been scientifically proven yet. It is also an understated superfood produced by cows that are fed grasses and is considered to be raw as it skips the pasteurization process, a process in which milk is heated at high temperatures to kill harmful pathogens that are present because of contamination. It is loaded with enzymes and nutrients that boost our immunity and helps in alleviating allergies. It is also lighter than pasteurized milk which makes it easier to digest. I hope you have understood the amazing health benefits of raw milk. In order to purchase 100% pure and organic A2 milk, visit our website/app.

Read Our Article: Swadeshivip Is Delivering the Best A2 Cow Milk in Ghaziabad & Noida


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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