Ayurveda Recommends These 13 Natural Cooling Drinks for summer

Ayurveda Recommends These 13 Natural Cooling Drinks for summer
| Apr 27, 2023
Summer Drinks

The summer is accelerating, and thus, we are seeking natural cooling drinks to defeat summer. A wide range of fruits, herbs, and spices are known for their cooling properties. From bael sharbat to Pudina Sharbat, Buttermilk, Lassi, and Sattu Sharbat, you need these refreshing, natural cooling drinks to overcome the effects of summer.

The sweaty, hot summer is back. Finally, the time has come when mangoes and watermelons will visit the house like the NRI relatives. Litchis will also be welcomed in the house. It’s time to say goodbye to spicy and oily food items and high-calorie snacks and switch to organic and healthy drinks. Most people increase their intake of canned-soft drinks, ice creams, and carbonated drinks. Overconsumption of these items increases the risk of diabetes and obesity. Also, you must be aware of the harmful effects of the carbonated drink. It may deteriorate your oral health. In addition to this, soft drinks may lead to kidney damage and maximize the chances of heart disease. Thus, it’s better to embrace something that is naturally healthy and beneficial for the overall health.  

In summer, water content is released from our body in the sweat form. Consumption of plain water is the best option, but what if water comes along with the taste of delicious fruits? Let’s look at some of the awesome natural cooling drinks for summer.

Natural Cooling Drinks for summer

Heat cramps are normal on summer days, and it leads to painful tightening of muscles. Are you aware of the best way to get rid of heat cramps? Well, don’t worry. We are here to let you know. Keep yourself hydrated by increasing the intake of water and juices and prioritizing fruits over mouth-watering foods.

Some of the popular and natural cooling drinks for summer are mentioned below- 

Natural Cooling Drinks for summer

Indian Lemonade (Shikanji Nimbu Paani)

Can you name a sweet, thirst-quenching, and tangy refreshing drink that’s easy to make and give you relief from summer? Shikanji Nimbu paani is loaded with such properties. It will provide instant energy and help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Nutrients present in this cooler are Vitamin C, Antioxidants, carbohydrates, fiber, etc.

Ingredients Used in Making Indian Lemonade

  • Water
  • Mint
  • Lemon
  • Honey/Sugar
  • Black Pepper
  • Chaat Masala
  • Black Salt
  • Roasted Cumin

Coconut Water

Due to excessive sweating during summer days, electrolytes are lost and make you feel exhausted and low on energy. Coconut water is a treasured drink rich in electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and sodium. Popularly known as Nariyal Pani in India, it’s nature’s blessing to survive against the scorching heat.

Sugarcane Juice

Packed with iron, magnesium, Riboflavin, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and other essential electrolytes, its consumption boosts energy and prevents dehydration. Also, it’s excellent for the skin. Chilled sugarcane juice and a hot summer season are a great combination. This blend is nourishing as well as relishing. It’s one of the temperature-regulating natural cooling drinks.


In the books of Ayurveda, buttermilk is known for its healing and heat-relieving properties. Desi Chaach/Mattha is considered the Indian version of buttermilk. It keeps the body cool on the fiery summer days. The presence of lactic acid and healthy bacteria in buttermilk improves metabolism and aids in improving digestion. Buttermilk, if prepared by using A2 milk, will provide additional benefits to the body. It contains Vitamin D, Calcium, Carbohydrates, Riboflavin, Protein, Sodium, and other vital nutrients. It is one of the most acclaimed natural cooling drinks. 

Sattu Sharbat

It’s one of the most effective lip-smacking natural cooling drinks that you won’t be able to stop yourself from sipping during the summer season. It hydrates the body and also protects it from sunstroke. Roasted gram flour is used to prepare this evergreen liquid. Its demand is high all over India, especially in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. Sattu is considered a poor man’s protein. It contains Calcium, Fiber, Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, etc.

Orange Juice

This orange-kissed beverage is adored and preferred by fruit juice lovers due to its nutritional merits and easy availability. Adding lemon and mint to orange juice will enhance its taste and adds soothing value to it. It contains Folate, Carbohydrates, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Sodium, Fiber, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, etc. The presence of water content and minerals will fulfil the daily requirements of water by keeping you hydrated.

Bel Sharbat

The summer season calls for some thirst-killing and natural cooling drinks that will hydrate and energise your body at the same time. Try Bel Sharbat (Wood Apple Fruit Juice), as it prevents dehydration, keeps the belly cool and calm, and curbs your craving for sweets. The presence of Beta-carotenes, Riboflavin, Vitamin C, Fiber, Calcium, Zinc, Potassium, Vitamin A, and other essential nutrients makes it a nutritious beverage.


Nothing can be better than a glass loaded with fresh and natural lassi on hot summer days. Along with helping you stay hydrated, this age-old drink can prevent stomach-related ailments. It comes in different forms like Rose lassi, Mango lassi, Strawberry lassi, etc. It entails nutrients such as Fiber, Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamin D, Iron, Potassium, etc. You can try lassi made using A2 Dahi for an unusual and better experience. It is one of the most effective natural cooling drinks.

Aam Panna

Mango pulp, pudina leaves, and jeera are used in preparing Aam Panna. It is also known as Ambiya. The summer season is all set to torture us with excessive heat but consuming Aam Panna, popular for its heat-resistant attributes, will help us deal with climate change and dramatic temperature rise. It is rich in Pectin, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Choline, Folate, Iron, Carbohydrates, Vitamins A, C, B1, B2, etc.

Watermelon Juice

Watermelon juice is an upgraded version of water. It contains Protein, Carbohydrates, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamins A and C, Lycopene[1], and other powerful antioxidants. Along with keeping dehydration at bay, it aids in cooling the body.  

Nimbu Pudina Sharbat

The season has changed. We have stopped wearing coats and jackets to step out, and we can finally say no to the consumption of Kadhas on a daily basis. It’s time to increase the intake of natural cooling drinks for summer, and what’s better than the goodness of Nimbu and Pudina? Consumption of this Sharbat leaves a cooling effect on the body, and it’s a summer treat and the perfect source of hydration. It entails nutrients such as Protein, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamins A, B, and C, Folate, etc.


It’s a salty and tasty drink for health-conscious folks. It has been loved and consumed by a major chunk of individuals since the Vedic days. One glass of Jaljeera consists of 19 grams of proteins, 69 calories, 1.4 grams of fiber, and 5.5 grams of carbohydrates. The popularity of Jaljeera is due to its cooling properties. It can assist in combating high temperatures. A glass of Jaljeera in a day keeps dehydration at bay.

Khus Sharbat

Khus Sharbat is known for controlling the urge to drink more water. Consuming it on a daily basis will reduce the thirsty feelings and will work as a refreshment drink. Khus is a cooling herb packed with aroma and nutritional value. It entails Iron, Antioxidants, Manganese, Carbohydrates, Sodium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Fiber, etc.

What are the Types of Cool Drinks?

There are numerous types of natural cooling drinks. Vegetable juices, lemonades, summer coolers, dairy products, fresh fruit juices, punch-sugar & flavoured water, iced drinks, nectar juice and water mixture, and carbonated drinks. We suggest you choose vegetable and fresh fruit juices and dairy products such as buttermilk, lassi, etc.

How to Reduce Internal Heat on an Immediate Basis?

Internal heat is very common during summer days. Controlling it is a challenge. However, consuming some drinks daily will keep internal heat at a distance. The two popular natural cooling drinks that are helpful in reducing internal heat are coconut water and buttermilk. These two easily available drinks keep the body cool and hydrate it as well.

The Final Words 

Let’s create fun-filled and cool moments with our friends and family members by making the above-mentioned amazing natural cooling drinks for summer. After all, we don’t have to survive anyhow amid the fiery summer. We have to live every single moment and celebrate life.

Read our Article:16 Refreshing Summer Drinks to Sip On and Chill with Friends

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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