Amazing Homemade Honey Face Masks for Every Skin Type

Amazing Homemade Honey Face Masks for Every Skin Type
| Jul 27, 2022

Honey has often been utilized in the form of home remedies and DIYs for a long time. That is because the advantages of honey for the skin are something everyone can rely on to treat various skin problems and diseases that generally appear to be minor yet are aggravating and inconvenient. Honey has many healing properties that can help you in achieving your ideal skin type. When it comes to home remedies and DIYs, honey acts as a natural healing agent that can give you huge results in treating different skin conditions. In this article, we have listed a few homemade honey face masks for your skin.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: About Raw Honey

Homemade honey face masks are best for the skin. Raw honey is packed with elements beneficial for our skin, particularly if you have skin breakout or auto-immune skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema. Indeed, even Candida overgrowth might be constrained by applying honey to your skin.

Raw honey balances the bacteria on our skin, which makes it an incredible product to use for skin inflammation and acne. Manuka honey has been studied as an anti-inflammation or anti-acne product and is viewed as significantly more effective than other skincare products.

Many studies have proven that raw honey can speed up the healing process of skin cells. Assuming you have an eczema outbreak or blemishes, unpasteurized honey could speed up the healing process along with reducing inflammation. Raw honey is also characterized as a natural exfoliator, implying that applying it to your face removes dull, dry skin and reveals new skin cells. Manuka honey is so powerful at mending wounds rapidly that it’s currently utilized by specialists in clinical settings.

What is Honey?

Honey is a sticky, sweet substance produced by bees and stored in their hives. In its natural form, honey is created by live bacteria, enzyme activity, and plant matter emerging together to form a powerful ingredient with hundreds of medical uses. This unique process by which honey is created makes it particularly valuable for cosmetic uses, such as healing scars, clearing acne, and creating an even skin tone.

Honey contains centuries-long credibility as a regarded ingredient beyond kitchen use. One of the major benefits of honey for the skin is its antimicrobial action; it helps in killing microorganisms living on our skin. It presumably makes sense how honey came to be utilized as a special healing agent in many skincare products. Raw, unpasteurized honey has the most potential for effective application on the skin. Continue reading to figure out how honey can be applied to your face and help your skin.

Benefits of Using Homemade Honey Face Masks on Your Face

Applying Honey to your skin is dependably a smart move. By mixing it with natural ingredients available in your kitchen, you can make inexpensive and effective beauty treatments. Applying honey routinely to your skin can give you unimaginable results and can go as far as giving you healthy, glowing, and younger-looking skin. Here are some of the blessings of applying homemade honey face masks:

Benefits of Using Homemade Honey Face Masks on Your Face

Moisturizes the skin: One of the main reasons to apply homemade honey face masks on your face is for deep moisturization. Honey is often utilized as a base ingredient in almost every skincare product because it provides deep moisturization to our skin. The enzymes found in honey facilitate it to saturate the skin while softening and conditioning it from the inside without any problem.

Gentle Exfoliator: Many artificial exfoliators might cause our skin to turn red and may also cause inflammation and irritation. Say goodbye to all these artificial exfoliators by simply switching to homemade honey face masks as your go-to exfoliator. Honey exfoliates your face and skin by delicately removing the dead skin cells. It leaves your face with a brighter complexion.

Acts as a pore cleanser: Did you know homemade honey face masks can be used to eliminate blackheads and cleanse pores? Since Honey contains antibacterial, antioxidants, and antiseptic properties, it helps our skin to get rid of blackheads by removing dead skin and dirt from our pores. It then tightens and hydrates skin pores for a brighter complexion.

Lighten Scars: One more advantage of homemade honey face masks is it helps our body’s mending process, which could help with blurring skin scars or acne. One can utilize honey as a scar treatment on skin inflammation, applying it every day as a spot treatment or paste on our scar can help with blurring them. Additionally, the antioxidants found in honey help repair our damaged skin.

Glowing Skin: As mentioned above, homemade honey face masks contain skin brightening properties, and it also gives us hydrated and glowing skin after their very first use. Another benefit of homemade honey face masks for our skin is that it treats dry skin along with treating combination skin, oily skin, and acne-prone skin types.

Homemade Honey Face Masks

Is your skin feeling dry or dull? Restore your natural glow by using these homemade honey face masks and DIY face masks that you can make at your residence in a jiffy. Honey has been viewed as a natural ingredient that helps in fighting different skin issues. As per different reports, Honey contains protein, amino acids[1], supplements, synthetic compounds, minerals, and antibacterial properties, which are fundamental in skincare products. Honey is a powerhouse of various ingredients that makes our skin look happy and radiant. These face masks are the best way to utilize the benefits of honey for the skin.

Multani Mitti & Honey Face Mask for Lustrous, Glowing Skin

This homemade honey face mask nourishes and brightens our skin. This mask is highly suitable for normal, dry, and combination skin.


Multani Mitti & Honey Face Mask for Lustrous, Glowing Skin

How to Make/Use

  • Take a bowl & proceed ahead for 2 tbsp Multani Mitti, 1 tbsp raw milk, and 1 tbsp raw honey and mix them well.
  • Don’t fail to remove your makeup and wash your face using this homemade honey face mask.
  • Apply this honey face mask on slightly damp skin and leave it for about 15-20 minutes.
  • After that, you need to wash your face with warm water & apply moisturizer immediately afterwards.
  • Apply this mask twice a week for better results.

Sandalwood and Honey Face Mask

This homemade honey and sandalwood face mask helps in removing dullness and tan. It is appropriate for both normal and oily skin.


Sandalwood and Honey Face Mask

How to Make/Use

  • Take a bowl. Then, add 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder, 1 tablespoon of orange juice, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix them all well.
  • Apply the paste completely over your face and keep it for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes span, wash your face with water and apply some moisturizer.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least two times a week for better results.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Tomato Face Mask

The honey and tomato homemade honey face mask is for glowing skin. This face mask helps in reducing good dark spots, reduces pigmentation, and is good for acne-prone skin types.


Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Tomato Face Mask

How to Make/Use

  • In a hygienic bowl, add 1 tablespoon of honey and tomato juice. Mix them well
  • Apply the paste all over your face and neck. Leave it for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes period, wash your face with cold or normal water.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least three times a week for better results.

Honey and Lemon Face Mask

Honey and Lemon face masks work wonders for crystal clear and glowing skin. This homemade honey face mask is suitable for combination, normal and dry skin types. Honey and lemon overnight face masks will give you glowing and crystal clear skin.


Honey and Lemon Face Mask

     How to Make/Use

  • Take a bowl and go ahead to add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ½ tablespoon of glycerin, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix them well.
  • With the aid of a cotton ball, apply this mixture all over your cleansed face.
  • Now, with light fingers, massage your face for 2-3 minutes.
  • Leave this face mask overnight, and in the morning, wash your face using the cleanser and warm water.
  • Apply moisturizer and sunscreen.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least three to four times a week for better results.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Almond Face Mask

Honey and almond face masks are for repairing and glowing skin. This homemade honey face mask is a rich source of minerals and vitamins that can help your skin glow and remain healthy. The face mask is suitable for rough, dry, and damaged skin.


Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Almond Face Mask

How to Make/Use

  • Soak 3 to 4 pieces of almonds overnight.
  • In the morning, peel off the almonds and grind them well to form a paste-like consistency.
  • Take a bowl, add almond paste and 1 tablespoon of honey, and mix them properly.
  • Apply the paste all over your cleansed face and neck. Leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, wash your face with warm water. Do this before going to bed.
  • Apply this homemade honey face mask at least two to three times a week for better results. 

Honey and Banana Face Mask

Honey and banana face masks are for younger and glowing-looking skin. This homemade honey face mask has anti-ageing properties that give our skin a nourishing and glowing look. This face mask is suitable for normal, ageing, and combination skin.


Honey and Banana Face Mask

   How to Make/Use

  • Take a bowl. Then, mash the banana with the help of a spoon. Then add 1 tablespoon of Raw milk and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Mix them all.
  • Apply the paste all over your face and leave it for about 10-15 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, wash your face with a cleanser and warm water.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least two to three times a week for better results.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Raw Honey and Wild Turmeric Face Mask

Raw honey and wild turmeric face masks are for glowing skin. This homemade honey face mask is suitable for all skin types and helps remove dark spots, dullness, and tan.


Homemade Honey Face Masks: Raw Honey and Wild Turmeric Face Mask

How to Make/Use

  • Take a clean bowl and add ½ tablespoon, ½ tablespoon of wild turmeric, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Mix them all.
  • Apply this face mask properly all over your face with the help of a brush.
  • Keep it for at least 15 to 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, wash your face with the help of warm water and pat dry.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least two to three times a week for better results.

Honey and Strawberry Face Mask

Strawberry and honey face masks are for clear and glowing skin. Regularly utilizing these homemade honey face masks can leave your skin spot-free and glowing. It is suitable for oily, normal, and acne-prone skin types. 


 How to Make/Use

  • In a clean bowl, add freshly grinded strawberry, 1 tablespoon of yogurt, and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Mix them well together.
  • Apply the thick paste all over your face and neck. Leave it for at least 20-25 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, wash your face with the help of a cleanser and warm water.
  • Apply this homemade honey face mask at least two to three times a week for better results.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Liquorice Face Mask

Liquorice and honey face mask is for cleansing and glowing skin. This homemade honey face mask is suitable for oily, combination, and normal skin types. However, people with dry skin can also apply this face mask, but instead of rose water, one must add raw milk. 


Homemade Honey Face Masks: Honey and Liquorice Face Mask

 How to Make/ Use

  • In a clean bowl, add 1 tablespoon of Liquorice powder, 1 tablespoon of rose water, and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. Mix them well together.
  • Apply this paste all over your cleansed face and neck evenly, and avoid the eye area. Leave this for at least 20-25 minutes.
  • After 25 minutes, wash your face with normal water and a cleanser. Pat your skin dry.
  • Apply moisturizer and serum immediately.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least twice a week for better results.

Honey and Baking Soda Face Mask

Baking soda and honey face are for deep cleansing and glowing skin. This homemade honey face mask is suitable for skin types.


Honey and Baking Soda Face Mask

   How to Make/Use

  • Take a clean bowl and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix these ingredients.
  • Apply the paste all over your face and leave it for at least 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, wash your wash with water and pat dry. Immediately apply moisturizer, serum, and sunscreen to your smoke. Do this before going to bed.
  • Use this homemade honey face mask at least two to three times a week for better results.

Honey and Oatmeal Face Mask For Skin Exfoliation

One of the major benefits of homemade honey face masks for skin is exfoliation; we bring you a perfect facial mask for the same. For making this honey face mask, you need 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of uncooked oats. Blend these two ingredients and gently apply the paste all over your face. Leave the paste without any hurry for about 15 to 20 minutes, and with the help of warm water and a cleanser, wash your face.

For the record, oats contain saponin that helps in absorbing all the harmful toxins and oil from our skin, and its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help in removing dead skin cells. When honey’s antibacterial properties are mixed with oat’s antibacterial properties, then the homemade honey face mask can remove excess dirt and oil stuck in our pores.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Cinnamon and Honey Facial Mask For Nourished Skin

Another benefit of homemade honey face masks for your skin is it makes your skin feel hydrated and soft. For preparing this facial mask, one requires 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 teaspoons of honey. Begin by mixing these two ingredients. Apply the paste properly over your face and let it sit for about 15 minutes. With the help of a cleanser and lukewarm water, gently wash your face.

As honey is packed with numerous supplements, cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory, antioxidants, antimicrobials, and antiparasitic properties. Thus, a homemade honey facial mask with these two powerhouse ingredients will make your skin radiate and bright.

Turmeric, Yoghurt, Honey, and Lemon Face Mask for Even Tone

This one is another homemade honey facial mask that helps in achieving clear skin and even tone. To design this face mask, you will need 1 teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, 1/4th of turmeric powder, and one teaspoon of yogurt. Mix all four ingredients in a bowl until it forms a thick paste. Apply this paste to your face and let it sit for up to 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

As we are deeply aware of all the major benefits of honey for our skin, the other three ingredients also contain various beneficial properties. Turmeric contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which make our skin glow. Lemon juice and yoghurt help with exfoliating our skin, disposing of dead skin cells and supporting the development of new ones.

Almond Oil, Green Tea, and Honey Facial Mask for Sensitive Skin

As we have cited above, one of the benefits of applying homemade honey face masks for skin is it helps in achieving glowing and sensitive skin. For preparing this homemade honey facial mask, one requires 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon of green tea, along with 1 tablespoon of almond oil in a clean bowl. Start by mixing all these three ingredients. Apply the paste gently all over your face and let it sit for up to 20 minutes. Later, wash your face with warm water.

As we are aware of the benefits of honey, when mixed with green tea, it can strengthen its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in repairing damaged fight free radicals and skin cells.

Homemade Honey Face Masks: Lemon, Honey, and Baking Soda Facial Mask for Acne

One of the benefits of homemade honey face masks for acne-prone skin is their antibacterial properties. To prepare this facial mask, you would need 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Start by mixing all these ingredients in a clean bowl and mix them well. Apply the paste to your face and avoid the areas around your eyes. Let the paste sit for over 15 to 20 minutes and wash it off with the help of warm water.

Baking soda incorporates anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which, when combined with the moisturizing properties of honey and the exfoliating property of lemon juice, help fight acne.

Other Facial Mask Ingredients

Other ingredients that one can combine with raw honey to absorb all the major benefits of honey for the skin are mentioned below. Lists of ingredients for homemade honey-based facial masks are:

  • Avocado oil
  • Yoghurt
  • Various essential oils
  • Egg whites
  • Olive and coconut oil

Applying these rejuvenating oils directly to our skin can cause irritation and inflammation. One can simply add one drop of essential oil with raw honey, or they can also dilute these essential oils with water. Spices, for example, cinnamon and turmeric, may likewise be an extraordinary addition to your homemade honey facial mask.


Honey is a powerful ingredient that can cure various skin problems and conditions. However, studies have shown that the advantages of honey for skin are more modest; for the most part, the utilization of honey as an antibacterial agent might help in curing chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis and acne. A person should always consult the dermatologist about alternative treatments and consult them regarding the skin condition. However, this article provides all the major information related to the benefits and 15 homemade honey face masks for various skin problems.

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