15 Proven Health Benefits of Makhana and its Nutritional Value

Health Benefits of Makhana
| Jun 03, 2023
Health Tips

Makhana, one of the highly nutritious and popular healthy snacks that originated in India, has recently gained a lot of attention from the health industry. These small and round nuts are obtained from the lotus flower and are mostly consumed raw or in roasted forms. These snacks are not only delicious but extremely healthy in nature, making them a popular dietary snack. It’s crunchy texture and nutty flavour have made Makhana an ideal choice for mindful eaters who are looking to satisfy their cravings while also nourishing their bodies with essential nutrients and vitamins. Let’s talk more about Makhana and health benefits of Makhana in detail in this article. Let’s get started. 


Is it necessary that healthy snacks are only to be consumed by those who are following a strict diet? No, Makhana is a snack type that will top your list once you explore its crunchy and nutty flavour. What is Makhana? Makhanas, popularly known as lotus seeds or fox nuts, are nut-like seeds that are usually consumed raw or in roasted forms. These small, round white seeds are a rich source of essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, fibre, calcium, and protein. But the health benefits of Makhana are what attract the consumers the most. There are many reasons why Fox Nut is a delicious escape for mindful eaters, even during their strict diet regimen.

The nutritional value these small seeds contain can blow your mind! With essential minerals, these seeds are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and other vital properties that lead to many health benefits. Well, these nuts are another addition to the vegan diet as they are a good source of plant-based protein. We will talk more about the nutritional value and health benefits of Makhana later in this article, so don’t leave us yet. 

There are numerous ways in which one can enjoy the taste and obtain the health benefits of Makhana at the same time. Fox Nuts are highly consumed in their roasted form, where it is properly seasoned with desi spices like red chilli powder, turmeric, chat masala, cumin powder, and more. Sometimes it is also used in a powdered form as a coating for dishes like cutlets, curries, and, obviously, sweet dishes. But one of my personal favourite ways to include Makhana in my diet is to incorporate it along with fresh A2 milk. This combination is not only deadly delicious, but it enhances the nutritional value of Fox Nut. It is a good balance of healthy fats, proteins, and other essential nutrients required by our body daily. 

Health Benefits of Makhana: Nutritional Value of Makhana

Well, we have seen many celebrities and fitness enthusiasts rank Makhana as their star snack. The nutritional value and benefits of Makhana will tell us why? 

As already mentioned, Fox Nuts are not only extremely healthy but also delicious, which makes incorporating them into our daily diet very easy. The health benefits of Makhanas are associated with their nutritional value, so let’s take a look:

  • Calories: Makhana is extremely low in calories, making it an ideal choice for those on a weight loss journey. 
  • Protein: Yes, it is indeed a good source of plant-based protein, making it an ideal choice for vegans and vegetarians. 
  • Fat: Fox Nuts usually contain unsaturated fat, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health. 
  • Carbohydrates: It also contains an adequate amount of carbohydrates, usually in the form of starch. 
  • Fibre: A good source of dietary fibre which promotes healthy bowel movement and satiety. 
  • Magnesium: Also a good source of magnesium, a mineral for muscle and nerve functions, and also bone health. 
  • Phosphorous: provides an adequate amount of phosphorus which is important for proper cell functions and energy metabolism. 
  • Potassium: a good source of another essential mineral, potassium, which is crucial for supporting heart health and maintaining healthy blood pressure. 
  • Calcium: Provides an adequate amount of calcium which is essential for bone development and growth and also overall bone health. 
  • Iron: Contains a healthy amount of calcium which is essential for transporting oxygen from one part of the body to another. 
  • Antioxidants: they are also rich in antioxidants that protect our body against cellular damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. 

Health Benefits of Makhana

Now that you have read the nutritional value of Makhana, you already have a slight idea about the health benefits associated with incorporating Makhanas into our everyday diet. We have mentioned health benefits of Makhanas below: 

Health Benefits of Makhana
  • Helps in Detoxification: Detoxification is the process of eliminating the harmful toxins present in our body. One of the health benefits of Makhana is associated with detoxification as it works on eliminating all the harmful toxins and substances from our body in the form of waste products. 
  • High Nutritional Value: Even you would agree to this point as you have already read about the nutritional value of Fox Nut. Every health benefit of Makhana is directly linked to its nutritional value. Every nutrient, mineral, and vitamin has a crucial role in maintaining a healthy body. All the above-mentioned component works to improve our cardiovascular health, weight management, immune system[1] and more.
  • Regulates Our Blood Sugar Level: Makhana contains a low glycaemic index, a property that works on reducing or slowing down the rise of blood sugar levels. Now, when the process of injecting glucose into our bloodstream is slowed down or delayed, a healthy blood sugar level is established, which makes it an ideal choice for those suffering from sugar levels and diabetes.
  • Promotes Digestive Health: A healthy gut is a synonym for a healthy body. One of the significant benefits of Makhana is that its regular consumption improves and heals our digestive health in a manner that leads to regular and smooth bowel movement, no inflammation, easy digestion, and more. It helps with the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which leads to a healthy digestive system and protection from digestive problems like constipation, gas, bloating, and even IBS.
  • Promotes Kidney Health: It is linked to kidney health as it is known as a diuretic, which means a process of producing urine in living beings. Regular consumption of Fox Nut sports our kidney health and also works on flashing harmful toxins out of our bodies. It also protects the kidney from failure and kidney stones.
  • Promotes Cardiovascular Health: We Indians are quite a foodie, and most of our food items are prepared in unhealthy vegetable oil. But Makhana is a healthy and delicious change that works on protecting our heart and keeping it healthy and beating. How? Rich source of potassium and low in sodium, that’s how. This combination works on establishing a healthy blood pressure level in our body. Also, the presence of flavonoids contributes to reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, two conditions that increase the risk of suffering from strokes, heart attacks, and major heart diseases. That’s not all. The low-fat content increases healthy cholesterol levels and reduces the possibility of plaque development or artery blockage.
  • Leads to Healthy Pregnancy: It is also proven to be a nutritious snack for expecting mothers as it contains vitamin B9, also known as folate, a vitamin type that is essential for foetus growth and development, along with preventing any defects. The fibre and protein content aids proper digestion and satisfies the nutritional requirement. 
  • Rich Antioxidants: Antioxidants are healthy substances that work to protect our bodies from harmful toxins and free radicals, which lead to cell damage and oxidative stress. Being a natural source of antioxidants, it is a great addition to our diet. The presence of these antioxidants in the blood helps eliminate the risk of developing chronic diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and more.
  • Boost Our Immune System: One of the less explored health benefits of Makhana is that its regular consumption can boost our immunity level. The presence of Vitamin C, iron, and zinc helps in promoting an overall immune response, protecting from viruses and infections, and also strengthening our immune response.
  • Weight Management: For every individual who is on a journey to reduce or maintain a healthy weight, Fox Nut is a snack for you. One of the substantial health benefits of Makhana is associated with weight management. Being low in calories, it keeps us full for a longer period with its protein and fibre content. Its nutritional value also helps in reducing unnecessary cravings, controlling long appetite, preventing overheating, and more. 

Milk and Makhana: A Healthy Mix

Everybody is aware of how healthy and beneficial milk is for our body, but did you know that it also enhances the taste and health benefits of Makhana? There are indeed numerous ways to consume it; nothing can enhance its nutritional value like milk, especially dairy superfood A2 milk. Its ingredients together create a wholesome and balanced approach that offers numerous health benefits. This combination provides a good balance of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and macronutrients which makes it a star choice for mindful eaters. In short, a combination that nourishes our body and promotes our overall health. Well, to give you a clear picture, we have mentioned five more health benefits of Makhana, but this time with milk. 

Milk and Makhana: A Healthy Mix
  • Anti-Ageing Properties: Milk, especially A2 milk, is highly known for its anti-ageing properties. Now both the ingredients are good sources of antioxidants, compounds that help fight free radicals and slow down the ageing process. By slowing down the anti-ageing process, these two ingredients also protect our bodies from age-related diseases. 
  • Promotes Cognitive Health: Milk contains vitamin B12, and Fox Nut contains thiamine; these two components are essential for promoting and maintaining healthy cognitive health. This combination also enhances our concentration level and memory. 
  • Keeps Us Energised: Another health benefit of Fox Nut and milk is that it leaves us feeling energised for a long period. The perfect blend of protein fibre, carbohydrates and healthy fats helps in sustaining high energy levels, which makes it an ideal pre-workout and post-workout drink. 
  • Muscle Growth and Repair: The blend of milk’s amino acid and Fox Nut’s protein content helps in repairing, strengthening, and growth of our muscles. 
  • Comfort from Anxiety and Stress: One of the vital health benefits of Makhana with milk is that its perfect blend helps in calming and relaxing our nervous system. The presence of tryptophan and magnesium works to improve our sleep cycle and quality, relaxing our nerves and reducing anxiety and stress. 

Can One Eat Makhana every day?

Now the question arises can one eat Makhana every day? Yes, one certainly can! These small and round nuts, which are loaded with nutrients and provide numerous health benefits of Makhana, should indeed be a part of our everyday eating regimen. As you already know, it is a low-fat, low-calorie, high-fibre, and nutrient-rich food item that also tastes amazingly well, so why not! Adding it to our daily diet will not only nourish our body but also keep us full, energised, and away from those unnecessary and stubborn cravings for a long time. But what makes it a healthy everyday food item is its versatility. As can be prepared in numerous ways, in ways that you can’t even imagine. It can be consumed raw, roasted, seasoned, soaked in milk or flavoured milk, curries, desserts, and whatnot. But remember the quote, “Too much of anything is bad”. If you have allergies to any short or a sensitive to new food items, make sure that you consult your health professional first before incorporating it into your diet. Otherwise, enjoy and be healthy.

What Is The Ideal Time To Eat Makhana?

Well, it all depends and varies on the personal preference and goals of an individual. Makhana is an extremely versatile snack that can be enjoyed throughout the day in different ways. In a few words, one can eat it at any time of the day and still enjoy all of its health benefits. It can be a mid-morning snack for some, and for some, it can be an afternoon munch. At any time of the day when the craving strikes, Fox Nuts are a healthy alternative to chips and oily snacks (which are not so healthy). One can also include them in their meals, like topping on your salad or smoothie bowl or in desserts and curries. So, the ideal time to eat Fox Nut is when you are hungry and looking for a snack that can satisfy your cravings along with nourishing your body with essential nutrients and vitamins. 


An incredible tasty snack which has been part of the fitness World for a very long time because of its nutritional value and health benefits, Makhana is indeed a star snack. Now that you know all the amazing benefits of Makhana, we are sure you will incorporate it into your daily diet from now. Fox Nut is indeed a versatile snack; there are numerous ways in which one can consume and enjoy all its health benefits, but for more enhanced nutritional value, be highly recommend Makhana with milk. Not just any milk pure and unadulterated A2 milk. Now that you know everything related to the nutritional value and health benefits of Makhana, along with additional information, what are you waiting for? 

Read our Article:15 Amazing Health Benefits of Rose Milk and Nutrition Facts


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