15 Home Remedies for Snoring that ensures a Snore-free Life

home remedies for snoring
| Jan 16, 2023

If you snore, you unknowingly or unwillingly disturb your family members or partner’s sleep. The word snore stands for an unpleasant and sometimes unbearable sound generated while sleeping. In the world of medical science, it is viewed as the initial sign of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome[1]. This form of noisy breathing disturbs others and your sleep, leading to daytime yawning. There are several home remedies for snoring that you are unaware of. This write-up revolves around those home remedies only.

What is Snoring?

Snoring is a form of unbearable and disturbance-creating sound that can disturb your sleeping cycle and pattern. It occurs when air passes via a partially obstructed airway. It usually happens when there is a roadblock in the free movement of air through your throat and nose while sleeping. In the entire process, there is a vibration in surrounding tissues that produces the snoring sound effect.

If you snore occasionally, it’s not a matter of worry, but if you snore regularly, you must find home remedies for snoring. If the situation worsens, you have to visit the doctor.


The symptoms pertaining to snoring are mentioned below-

  • Sounds ranging from silent vibrations or low-volume whistling sounds to loud grumbling or excessive disturbance-causing sound
  • Feeling of tiredness or a sense of scarcity of energy
  • Frequent changes in sleeping position and inability to sleep properly 
  • Dry and persistent sore throat after waking up
  • Sleep deprivation may lead to mood swings and headaches in the morning
  • An experience of breathlessness and minor pause in breathing flow while sleeping
  • Chest pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Trouble Focusing or concentrating
  • Choking or gasping 
  • Lack of freshness after waking up 

Causes of Snoring

The reason for snoring varies from person to person. In order to find the apt treatment, you need to identify the real cause behind your snoring. In order to attain a peaceful, deeper sleep and march ahead to home remedies for snoring, you need to understand what makes you snore.

Some common causes of snoring are mentioned below- 

Causes of Snoring

Sleep Posture- Sleeping on your back may give birth to snoring. Also, lying on the back may even lead to an airway collapse known as sleep apnea. Thus, you need to change your sleeping position. As side sleeping is considered the best sleeping position, you should implement it while sleeping for an improved experience. It is effective as it reduces airway compression. 

Roadblock in Nasal Airways- A major chunk of folks snore when they have a sinus-related disorder or due to an allergy. The deviated septum can create blockage in your airways. The blocked nasal passage may lead to snoring. 

Alcohol Intake & Drug Use- Drinking excessive alcohol or increasing the use of muscle relaxers can put your tongue and throat muscles in relaxed mode. If you wish to get rid of snoring, limit the intake of alcohol & reduce drug usage. 

Smoking- One of the theories indicates that smoking leads to irritation in the upper airways. Also, it causes inflammation. 

Weight Gain- People who belong to the category of overweight are likely to snore more in comparison with people who are fit & fine. Neck fat may lead to compression of the upper airway. Being overweight puts you at a maximized risk for snoring & sleep apnea. It’s better to keep your weight under control. 

Age Factor- There is a decrease in the muscle tone in your throat & narrowing of your throat takes place when you reach the phase of middle age and move beyond. As growing old is a natural phenomenon and you can’t do anything about it, you can embrace lifestyle changes, start doing throat exercises and follow new bedtime routines. 

Natural Home Remedies for Snoring: How to Stop Snoring?

Snoring is a chronic issue that may not affect you much, but you must ask the person sleeping beside you to find out how irritating it is. If left untreated, snoring may cause maximum damage.

 Let’s learn about natural home remedies for snoring in order to enhance your sleeping pattern and keep the problem of snoring outside your bedroom.  

Natural Home Remedies for Snoring


As garlic clears the mucus and restricts its formation, it is one of the effective home remedies for snoring. The antibacterial nature of garlic makes it useful in the treatment of several health-related disorders. Rapid recovery from snoring is possible by making this kitchen king a part of your daily diet regime. 

Black Pepper

Nasal blockage is one of the main reasons behind snoring. Black pepper plays a significant role in opening the nasal blockage. Make a fine powder by mixing an equal quantity of cardamom, black pepper, cinnamon, and cumin seeds. In order to get relief from snoring, you must sniff this powder two to three times a day. It is one of the significant home remedies for snoring. 

Organic A2 Ghee

Organic A2 ghee prepared using the 3000-year-old Bilona hand churning method is a surefire cure for the treatment of snoring. Boil Brahmi herb along with A2 ghee. Apply a few drops of this significant mixture in the nostrils consistently for at least a week to experience relief. Regular use ensures peaceful sleep as well as eases the nasal pathway. 


Carom seeds or Ajwain is one of the successful home remedies for snoring treatment. Intake of Ajwain in the form of steam inhalation will provide relief from nasal obstruction. Crush carom seeds or Ajwain and put them in boiling water. Before going to bed during nighttime, inhale the steam. Also, you can store crushed Ajwain seeds tied in a cloth and proceed ahead with sniffing them. 

Chamomile Tea

It has entered the list of the world’s most popular & recognized herbal teas. Anti-inflammatory compounds such as Tymazoline and Alpha Bisabolol are present in chamomile tea. The presence of these two compounds and other healing features associated with this tea helps in the domestic treatment of snoring. Getting rid of congestion is no more a big deal by increasing the intake of chamomile tea. You can sip this tea early morning as well as before going to sleep. 

Ginger & Honey Tea

The ultimate combination of ginger & honey tea is the right treatment to get rid of snoring. Ginger portrays a part of anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory agent that boosts saliva secretion, which leaves a soothing effect on the throat and, thereby, helps you get rid of the snoring problem. This magical duo is one of the productive home remedies for snoring. 

Maintaining Distance from Alcohol 

Alcohol consumption is one of the significant causes of snoring. Reducing its intake and avoiding it, especially before going to bed, may control or minimize the occurrence of snoring. It’s a self-evolution treatment and remedy that is completely natural and totally depends on your willpower. 

Peppermint Oil 

This oil is known for its anti-inflammatory nature. As it clears the nose and respiratory tract, it is helpful in reducing the symptoms of snoring and won’t let it occur. Also, symptoms pertaining to sleep apnea can be reduced. Take a few vital drops of peppermint oil along with water and gargle it before sleeping. While implementing it, make sure that you don’t swallow this solution. Try this solution until you get the result you want. 


It is highly beneficial for those who want relief from nasal congestion. As we all know that nasal congestion is one of the key causes of snoring, and finding the right solution is important. Decoction of the bark must be taken along with some salt for relief. It is one of the recognized natural home remedies for snoring. 


Crush the whole spiderwort plant. Boil it properly in water and inhale it in the form of steam. It provides instant relief from respiratory issues, nasal congestion, cough & cold and thereby keeps snoring at bay. It is one of the proven home remedies for snoring treatment. 

Eucalyptus Oil 

This essential oil is known for its potential to break down mucus gathered in the sinuses & respiratory tract. Also, it is loaded with anti-inflammatory virtues. Therefore, it plays a significant role in clearing the airways & sinuses, leading to smooth breathing. Put eucalyptus oil in a bowl of hot water. Inhale the steam on a daily basis. In order to make this remedy workable, cover your head with a towel. While discussing home remedies for snoring, one just can’t ignore eucalyptus oil. 

Other Significant Home Remedies for Snoring

Some other home remedies for snoring are showcased below-

Significant Home Remedies for Snoring

Throat Exercises                                

Some miraculous throat exercises are effective home remedies for snoring. Such exercises work well on the throat & oral passage. Consult with a health expert before practising throat exercises for proper guidance. 

Olive Oil Therapy 

Discomfort caused due to snoring can be prevented by sipping olive oil every evening or at bedtime. The vibration takes place in the tissues of the nose & throat due to snoring. The disturbance-inducing snoring sound is produced due to snoring. Applying olive oil ensures the tightening of the muscles and leaves enough room for the air to pass, leading to less noise production or no noise. 

Turmeric with Milk

Turmeric is one of the proven herbal sources for getting rid of snoring. It is valuable as it acts as an antiseptic and antibiotic. After mixing turmeric with A2 milk that is obtained from desi Indian cattle breeds, the properties of this combination are amplified. This blend is a natural immunity booster. Take a cup of hot milk and mix two teaspoons of turmeric to form golden milk. Sip this combination daily before bedtime. It’s one of the natural home remedies for snoring. 

Nasal Cleansing Therapy

Making the nasal passage mucus-free is possible with the help of homemade saline water. Replace your commercial nasal sprays with homemade saline water and get rid of nasal congestion effortlessly. This therapy belongs to the league of effective home remedies for snoring. 

When to reach out to Hospital & Doctor for Medical Help?

Usually, snoring is linked with obstructive sleep apnea, a sleep disorder. This condition is not associated with everyone who is battling against snoring. Several medical conditions may give birth to this sleep-related disorder. You should immediately reach out to a healthcare provider if you face breathing-related complications while in rest or sleep mode or when you are exhausted and tired during the daytime. Always remember that timely treatment may help you permanently eliminate this issue. 

In a Nutshell

I hope you’ve learnt a lot about snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. From symptoms to causes and home remedies for snoring, we have covered everything for you. Regular exercising and following the above-mentioned home remedies will help you get rid of the problem of snoring and may prevent the worsening condition associated with snoring. You can try our organic and natural A2 ghee obtained at Brahma Muhurta by natural means and live a snore-free life. 

Read our Article: 6 Incredible Health Benefits of Cardamom Milk that one should know

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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