14 Home Remedies for Loose Motion in Adults: An Overview

home remedies for loose motion
| Jun 15, 2023
Home Remedies

Loose motion, commonly known as diarrhoea, are one of the common stomach-related problems and an incredibly uncomfortable one that many individuals experience at some point in their lives. Loose motion can be defined as the frequent passage of unformed or watery stools, which can lead to weakness and dehydration when not addressed promptly. The good news is that this condition can be effectively treated by simple ingredients placed on your kitchen shelves. In this article, we will explore 14 home remedies for loose motion that can provide quick relief, allowing you to regain your well-being and comfort in no time. 

Loose motions are common in adults and can be a cause of great discomfort and pain. There are several causes of loose motions in adults, including dietary changes, food and water contamination, bacterial or viral infections, food poisoning, medication side effects, anxiety and other underlying health conditions like IBS. The frequent appearance of this digestive problem can lead to abdominal cramps, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, and weakness. Loose motions are extremely common in others, especially senior citizens, making them uncomfortable and irritated. Fortunately, home remedies for loose motion work wonders and provide instant comfort. 

Home remedies for loose motions are effective, cost-friendly, and easily accessible. Some of the home remedies are simply lying on your kitchen counter, such as cinnamon, dahi, milk, and more. These home remedies for loose motions work on creating a bacterial balance in our gut, alleviating loose motions, and aiding in digestion. Other remedies include making dietary changes, staying hydrated, and including dairy products to soothe our digestive health. We will talk about the 14 incredible home remedies for loose motion below. 

Why Opt For Home Remedies?

Why should one opt for home remedies for loose motion instead of medical doses? There are many reasons why one should opt for home remedies for loose motions, as it not only provides instant relief but also works on the root of the problem. Firstly, home remedies are easily accessible, effective, and cost-friendly. They provide a quick and convenient solution, especially when someone is suffering from mild loose motions.

Secondly, home remedies for loose motions are mostly natural ingredients that are available in Indian households, making them gentle and safe for the body. These remedies directly address the underlying causes of loose motion, such as balancing the healthy gut bacteria and soothing our digestive system. In short, it addresses the root cause of the problem rather than masking the symptoms. Lastly, these home remedies help individuals to have control over the treatment, as one can tailor the treatment to suit their comfort and preference level. However, one must remember that if the problem persists or continue to get worse, he/she must seek medical attention at once. 

14 Home Remedies for Loose Motions 

Here are 14 home remedies for loose motions that one can try to get instant relief and also regain healthy digestion and comfort. 

  1. A2 Milk: One of the highly recommended home remedies for loose motion is none other than A2 milk. A2 milk is the only type that contains A2 beta-casein protein, a protein type that is gentle in the stomach and can be easily digested, given by individuals suffering from lactose intolerance1 or milk sensitivity. For those suffering from loose motions, this milk type works as an effective remedy as it calms our digestive tract and hydrates our inside by reducing irritation and inflammation. A2 milk provides essential nutrients and electrolytes, which help with loose motions. 
  • A2 Ghee: Not regular ghee, but only A2 ghee made from pure and unadulterated A2 milk contains soothing properties that work on calming our digestive tracts. It also contains butyric acid, an acid which is known to have anti-inflammatory effects on our intestines. A2 ghee can help in reducing inflammation, bind loose stool, and promote healing. 
  1. Dahi: Dahi contains probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that work on restoring the natural bacteria in our gut flora. These gut bacteria improve our overall digestive system along with strengthening our immune system. Consuming dahi daily can balance healthy bacteria in our guts which are essential for maintaining regular and healthy bowel movements, and reduces the chances of suffering from loose motions and other related problems. 
  1. Bananas: Bananas are another effective home remedy for loose motion as it contains soluble fibre and pectin, components which helps in firming loose and watery stool. Bananas are easy and gentle on the stomach and also promote healthy and regular bowel moment. 
  1. Rice: Suffering from loose motions, add a bowl of perfectly boiled rice to your diet, as it acts as a binding agent during the digestion process. It absorbs all the excess fluid in a digestive system which helps in forming a solid or firm stool. 
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar: Another effective home remedy for loose motion is apple cider vinegar, as it contains anti-microbial properties, which help in fighting infections causing loose motions. It helps in regulating the pH balance in the stomach, promoting healthy digestion and a regular bowel system. Simply consume a glass of warm water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar for instant relief from loose motions. 
  1. Ginger: Ginger contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing inflammation and eliminating unwanted bacteria or infections in our digestive tracts. It works on soothing our digestive tract and improving our overall digestion. By adding a cup of ginger tea to our diet, one can be free from digestive issues like loose motions, constipation, or gas. 
  1. Peppermint: It is another home remedy for loose motion as it calms our digestive system. A cup of peppermint tea can relax our intestinal muscles and also reduce our spasms which lead to loose motions. Drinking freshly prepared peppermint tea or chewing on peppermint leaves can provide instant relief from loose motions.
  1. Chamomile Tea: It is one of the effective and natural home remedies for loose motion. This tea contains an anti-inflammatory property that soothes our digestive system and promotes healthy bowel movement. It also relaxes the muscles within our digestive tract, which promotes healthy digestion and alleviates loose motion. 
  1. Carrot Soup: Another one is carrot. Carrot contains essential nutrients along with pectin, a soluble fibre that works on binding loose and watery stools. A bowl of warm and freshly prepared carrot soup can provide Instinct nourishment while helping in firming loose stools along with reducing the frequency of unhealthy bowel movements.
  1. Black Tea: It contains a component known as tannins, which are astringent properties that tighten the intestinal lining and reduce inflammation. It works on firming loose and watery stools, along with reducing the frequency of bowel movements. Consuming black tea can also help regain comfort level and easy motion system. 
  1. Fenugreek Seeds: It is one of the effective home remedies for loose motion. This ingredient is easily found in every Indian household and works wonders for individuals suffering from loose motions. The seed type contains anti-inflammatory properties that soothe and calms our digestive tract from the inside. Just soak a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and consume first thing in the morning. It will regulate healthy and regular bowel movements and firm stool.
  1. Cinnamon: It contains anti-microbial properties which help in warding off unwanted bacteria and infections that lead to loose motions. Cinnamon also contains anti-inflammatory properties that affect our digestive system. Simply consume cinnamon powder with lukewarm water, and you will get instant relief from loose motions and inflammation. It is one of the effective home remedies for loose motion.
  1. Pomegranate Juice: One of the delicious and effective home remedies for loose motion is pomegranate juice, as it contains astringent and antioxidant properties, which help in tightening the intestinal lining along with reducing inflammation. Consuming freshly squeezed pomegranate juice helps in promoting the digestive system and regular bowel movement. 

These home remedies for loose motions work on targeting numerous factors contributing to loose motion, such as bacterial infection, inflammation, and imbalance in gut flora. They also provide a body with essential nutrients, provide hydration, and also contribute to the overall digestive healing process. 

To Wrap Up

All of the above mention remedies work on targeting the root problems of the issue instead of simply masking the symptoms. With these remedies, individuals can find instant relief without the need for extensive medical attention. By incorporating these home remedies for loose motions into our daily diet, individuals can regain their comfort level, hydrate their bodies, and promote overall digestive health gently and safely. 

Read our Article:Benefits of A2 Milk for Gut Health: An In-depth Overview

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