12 Honey Benefits for Skin: Get Glowing Skin in 2 Weeks!

Honey benefits for skin
| Feb 01, 2023

Hundreds of tutorials and skincare videos about maintaining healthy and glowing skin can be found by browsing your social media platform. Honey offers numerous ways to maintain soft and glowing skin. There is a common element that appears in all of these commercials and videos; without it, having great skin is unlikely to become a reality. That’s Honey. For many years, honey has also been referred to as the nectar of the lords. It is regarded as a god’s messenger in many cultures. In this article, we will shed light on 12 amazing honey benefits for skin.


Honey is a sweet, sticky substance that has been used by people all over the world for its amazing health and beauty benefits since ancient times. Can honey be used on the face? Unquestionably, yes. Honey that is still fresh and raw is a gem for the face. Honey not only promotes the synthesis of collagen, but it also has remarkable anti-ageing properties. In addition, honey possesses potent antibacterial, antimicrobial[1], and anti-inflammatory properties that have been used for a long time to restore our skin health organically. Let’s read on to learn 12 major honey benefits for the skin.

Honey Benefits for Skin

Some vital honey benefits for skin are exhibited below- 

Honey Benefits for Skin

Helps Reducing Wrinkles and Fine Lines: Pure honey hydrates the uppermost layer of your skin and contributes to reducing lines and wrinkles when applied regularly to the skin. The first of numerous honey benefits for the skin is its nourishing effect on dull, damaged, fine skin and wrinkled skin. Additionally, it functions as an anti-bacterial, which slows down the ageing process and makes you look young and more radiant.

How to use: A teaspoon of honey can be blended with an equivalent amount of pure dahi, milk, and papaya to create a DIY honey mask. After spreading the mixture to your face, wait for 15 minutes before cleansing it. It can be massaged to increase blood flow and tighten the skin. Dry your skin with a washcloth after removing the mask using warm water.

Gentle Exfoliator: Honey improves skin in two ways by nurturing and moisturising it, thanks to its antioxidant content. It crystallizes when exposed to heat, such as the heat from our body or water. These small crystals gently cleanse your skin, removing debris and dead skin cells. Isn’t it one of the best honey benefits for skin?

How to use: Take 1 teaspoon of honey and start rubbing it between your palms to form crystallised honey; when done, apply it on your face and start massaging it in a circular motion. Wash your face with warm water after waiting for 5 minutes to feel the softness of your skin.

Scar Fader: The antioxidants in honey are fantastic in reducing scars and stretch marks on the skin. It provides nourishment for both the wounded skin and promotes the repair of scars. It aids in rejuvenating skin cells and accelerates tissue regeneration making it one of the significant honey benefits for skin.

How to use: For one to two minutes, gently massage raw honey into the affected region in a circular manner. For better results, add cucumber juice.

Lip Balm: One of the significant honey benefits for skin is that it can be used as lip gloss. It can heal severely cracked and dry lips the same way it can moisturise overall skin. Honey is the ideal lip balm due to its ability to moisturise as well as the abundance of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.

How to use: dab some unprocessed honey on your lips, let it sit for 5 minutes, and afterwards rinse it off.

Fights Acne: Honey’s inherent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics help mostly in the healing of skin problems and help in the prevention of secondary infections, which is another important honey benefit for the skin. Acne inflammation and oedema are also reduced with honey. It prevents dust from building up in skin pores and removes pollutants from them.

How to use: Apply raw honey in a thin coating to your neck and face. After waiting 30 minutes, cleanse your face with plain water. Apply honey on any acne that has recently broken out, let it sit for 15 minutes, and afterwards rinse it off.

Great Moisturiser: Since honey acts as a naturally occurring moisturizing agent, drawing moisture from the atmosphere into your skin, which is good for your skin, it is one of the substantial honey benefits for skin. Your skin becomes soft, vibrant, and shining after using raw honey to moisturise it. Supplying skin with constant moisture lessens dryness.

How to use: Directly apply raw honey to the skin, let it sit for a few minutes, and then completely wash it off with water.

Healing Properties: For decades, people have used honey benefits for skin healing for repairing wounded and damaged skin. It possesses anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial effects. When applied to wounds, honey’s acidic pH balance promotes your blood to release oxygen, which is crucial for healing. Honey’s sugar does have an osmotic effect. It indicates that the sugar takes water from bacterial cells and damage surfaces. Besides this, it lessens oedema and promotes lymphatic drainage for the healing process.

How to use: Dab a small but significant amount of honey on your fingertip and apply it lightly to the area that is injured.

Reduces Stretch Marks: Many women experience stretch marks after giving birth, which can also happen as a result of rapid weight increase or loss. Honey that is unprocessed and organic is a highly effective natural treatment for stretch marks. As a humectant, honey attracts and holds onto moisture, preventing moisture loss. Stretch marks can fade and lighten because of antioxidant characteristics that promote new cell formation.

How to use: When you suddenly want to scratch your stomach while pregnant, simply apply a thin layer of honey over it and begin massaging. It will lessen your stretch marks’ appearance as well as their itching. What a wonderful honey benefit for the skin!

Removes Tan: Honey benefits for skin is to treating and preventing sunburn and tanning of the skin. In addition to being a safe natural component for topical application that does not cause irritation or discomfort, honey is a veritable goldmine of skin-fortifying elements. Additionally, thanks to its exceptional moisturising and exfoliating qualities, dead skin cells and discolouration are removed, dry areas receive deep hydration, and dull, sun-tanned skin is brightened.

How to use: Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, 3 2 teaspoons of rose water, and 2 tablespoons of honey. Use this paste on the areas of the body and face with dark spots and tans. 15 minutes later, rinse it all off with lukewarm water. Utilize a fresh towel to dry. Follow this straightforward home cure thrice a week for one month to reduce sun damage.

Other Honey Benefits for Skin 

Some additional and significant honey benefits for skin are mentioned below- 

Other Honey Benefits for Skin 

Adds a Natural Glow: Utilizing honey to impart a hint of natural glow to the skin tops the list of honey’s many skin advantages. Extremely luminous skin will result whether you use it simply on the face or combine this one with milk or yoghurt.

Repair Cracked Heels: Another honey benefit for the skin is that it is an excellent healer and may be used to cure dry or cracked heels. It has been discovered that honey has potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. Additionally, it might help with internal wound and disease area cleansing. Additionally, honey moisturises the skin. One can also use honey as an exfoliator to remove dead skin, and if you want greater results more quickly, you can apply a honey foot mask.

How to use: Add gram flour, coffee, and a few drops of pure honey to a bowl. When you have cracked feet, apply the paste and leave it on for 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water.

Face Cleanser: Stop applying face wash every day, please. Honey’s antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antibacterial properties make it a go-to substance for treating acne. Additionally, honey benefits for skin are to nourish all day long while clearing out those pesky blackheads and opening up your pores. You’ll notice honey’s skin benefits after a week.


You should be thinking about whether or not these claims about honey’s skin advantages are accurate. So, yeah, it is the solution. Honey contains several skin-friendly qualities that can have unexpected results on the face. For instance, honey is effective in treating skin conditions because of its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Before using honey benefits for skin to treat skin conditions, a patient must talk about this with their doctor. Always make a small bit of honey on the skin before using a substantial amount.

Read our Article: 10 Incredible Benefits of Honey for Skin That Everyone Must Know


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