10 Surprising Health Benefits of A2 Pure Desi Cow Ghee for Babies

A2 Pure Desi Cow Ghee
| Nov 08, 2022
A2 Ghee

Taking care of the growing babies and serving them nutrient-dense food is necessary at the initial stage. A growing baby requires around 1500 calories a day. Thus, it’s the responsibility of the parents to fulfil this requirement of the body by providing the babies with calorie-rich foodstuff. These calories are required for reasonable growth and development of the body and are also helpful in strengthening the babies from within. Pure Desi cow ghee for babies is a perfect golden food loaded with nutritional and medicinal value.

Through this write-up, you will come across A2 Pure Desi cow ghee, its special features, and the benefits of pure desi cow ghee for babies.

                                                  Key Points Covered in the Blog
About A2 Pure Desi Cow Ghee
Special Features
Health Benefits of A2 Pure Desi Cow Ghee
The Final Words

About A2 Pure desi cow ghee 

  • A2 Pure desi cow ghee is a form of the organic golden secret of good health and well-being that is prepared by using A2 milk obtained from desi cow breeds such as Gir, Sahiwal, Badri, Tharparkar, Rathi, etc.
  • There was a time when Indian folks used to consume hand-churned desi cow golden amrit.
  • The health benefits were reflected in good health and longevity of the folks during that period.
  • A2 ghee stays in its purest and natural form when prepared with the help of the Age-old Bilona method.
  • It’s a healthier choice in comparison with regular ghee or A1 ghee as it contains A2 Beta-Casein Protein that is beneficial for the body while A1 ghee contains A1 protein that may give birth to sudden infant death syndrome, type-1 diabetes, autism, coronary heart disease, schizophrenia, etc.
  • It is free from all forms of adulteration, chemicals, and additives and is effective in treating and preventing diseases, it should be included in the diet chart.
  • On the one hand, regular ghee is not easily digestible. On the other hand, A2 ghee is easily digestible.
  • In the books of Ayurveda, pure desi golden amrit is termed as Amritam. It belongs to the league of Satvik or positive food.
  • As per the Ayurveda, it’s a Rasayana which is capable of healing the body & mind at the same time.

 Special Features

The special features of A2 ghee are mentioned below- 

  • The rich aroma and Daanedar look make it visually different and unique and best in taste as well.
  • The manufacturing process follows the Vedic technique without any use of machines throughout the process. Traditional Bilona technique is followed that ensures purity and authenticity factor.
  • The yellowish colour is because of the presence of Beta-carotene in A2 milk. It is basically a colouring pigment present in the milk obtained from Gir and Sahiwal cow milk.
  • Vital nutrients such as Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Choline, calcium, iron, antioxidants, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, etc., are present in the A2 cow milk.
  • It’s equipped with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.
  • Before vegetable oil became a part of Indian kitchens, food was mainly cooked in this Ayurvedic Amrit.
  • The ghee making process is considered auspicious during the period of Brahma Muhurta. This period is usually regarded as before the sunrise period. Organic ghee prepared during Brahma Muhurta is safe for consumption by babies and children.

Health Benefits of A2 Pure Desi Cow Ghee for Babies 

There are numerous miraculous advantages of pure ghee for babies. We are well aware of the medicinal significance of this Ayurvedic medicine. 

The miraculous health benefits of pure desi cow ghee for babies are showcased below- 

Health Benefits

Ensures Healthy Skin

A2 pure desi cow ghee is loaded with natural moisturizing properties. It is beneficial for maintaining the skin texture, keeps the skin soft and smooth, and ensures healthy skin. It is a significant source of bringing a glow to the face of babies. The combination of pure desi cow ghee and honey keeps wrinkles at bay. It eliminates the problem of dry skin during winter. 

Enhances Physical Health 

Massage done with this 100% Ayurvedic golden medicine will turn out to be excellent for the physical health of babies. It will take care of bone health and also play an influential function in the development of muscles. Also, it improves bone mass. 

Natural Immunity Booster

The immunity-boosting capacity of this golden Amrit is known by one and all as it includes Sphingolipids[1], one of the types of lipids. Nowadays, bacterial and viral infections are common due to weakened immunity structures in a major chunk of the population. Thus, consumption of this Ayurvedic liquid helps in fighting against various infections in babies as it enhances Ojas, which is our underlying strength. 

Reduces Eye-Infections 

Applying Sattvic liquid on the feet of babies and children minimizes the chances of eye infections. The presence of Vitamin A ensures the prevention of dry eye syndrome and uplifts the hydration level of the eyes as well. 

Light on the Tummy 

A2 beta-casein protein in A2 pure desi cow ghee makes it naturally tummy-friendly. That’s why it is easy to digest. Regular intake reduces gastrointestinal symptoms. 

Improves Brain Power

In the books of Ayurveda, it is considered as a brain tonic that improves brain power. It stimulates three significant aspects of mental functioning. The three aspects are learning, memory & recall.  

Nasya Therapy for Relief from Congestion

Nasya therapy is a therapeutic treatment in which the instillation of desi ghee, juices, or oils takes place in the form of a nasal drop. It is helpful in the treatment of chest congestion and disorders related to the nose, ear, and organs above the neck. Most parents in rural parts of India still use it as a nasal therapy treatment measure. 

Treats Eczema 

Eczema(Less commonly known as Atopic Dermatitis) is a non-contagious inflammatory condition pertaining to the skin in which the skin gets irritated, dry, red, itchy, as well as bumpy. It may lead to allergies & inflammation. As per the books of Ayurveda, it is effective in the treatment of Eczema. 

A Perfect Remedy for Dry Cough Treatment 

The combination of desi ghee and peppercorns works well in the treatment of dry cough. In order to prepare this combination, you need to heat a couple of teaspoons of this golden liquid and add 3 to 4 smashed peppercorns. Saute it properly and after some time, turn off the heat. Serve the peppercorn-enriched golden medicine to babies and infants. 

Get rid of Gas Trouble in Babies 

Trapped gas can create problems for your babies. One way to provide relief to your gassy baby is by ensuring that gas never initiates building or accumulating in the body. As it’s a known fact that it prevents acidity and stomach bloating, you must serve this Ayurvedic Amrit to your gassy babies on a daily basis. 

The Final Words 

A2 pure desi cow ghee for babies is a great diet supplement formula. It’s a complete package of multi-nutrients and multi-vitamins that will meet all the diet requirements of your baby’s body. Besides consuming it along with food and utilizing it on rotis and parathas, you can apply it on your body and do massage using it. I hope you’ve understood what this Ayurvedic Amrit is, its special features, and what are its benefits. To get insights on different topics related to cows, dairy products, diseases in cows, and businesses associated with the byproducts of cows, keep reading our SwadeshiVIP blogs. 

Read our Article: Buy Pure and Organic A2 Desi Cow Ghee for Your Family’s Well-Being

A cow cuddler
Margesh Rai

A cow cuddler, a nature enthusiast, a published poet, and a versatile writer. After writing blogs for diverse domains such as legal, fintech, IT, hospitality, humanity, business, etc., Margesh joined the league of dairy writers to deliver quality-rich blogs and spread awareness about the conservation of Desi Indian cows and their products and byproducts. He holds the experience of 2+ yrs in the dairy industry.

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