10 Reasons to Include Organic Milk Products in your Diet

Organic Milk Products
| Dec 08, 2022
A2 Milk

A bowl of fresh curd and a glass of warm organic milk is sometimes considered a complete meal because they each provide nine essential nutrients. Our mothers and grandmothers probably read you a list of the health advantages that organic milk products have while demanding you consume them. We’re here to let you know that the elderly folks in our life were right. It’s time to consider switching to pure and organic dairy products in place of those unhealthy cups of coffee, packed frozen yoghurt, and other regular dairy products. Let’s read about the numerous health benefits of consuming organic milk products.

Organic Milk Products: An Introduction

Since 8000 years ago, organic milk products have played a significant role in the human diet and are included in the official nutritional guidelines in many countries around the world. They offer a collection of essential minerals that are challenging to consume on diets that include few or no dairy products, such as vegan or dairy-restrictive diets. Organic dairy products do contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and protein. Depending on the consumer’s age, they contribute roughly 52–65% of the recommended daily intake of calcium and 20–28% of the daily requirement for protein. They also offer a bundle of vital minerals that are challenging to find in dairy-free or low-dairy diets. A dairy-free diet makes it impossible to meet regular calcium requirements. Despite the proven benefits for healthy bones and teeth, some people are avoiding dairy in their diet because they believe it may be unhealthy. 

10 Reasons to Add Organic Milk Products to Your Diet

Organic Milk Products
  • Good Source of Calcium: Every dairy product is indeed a good source of calcium. Let’s start by stating one obvious fact. Your bones aren’t the only thing calcium prevents from becoming brittle. According to a Harvard study, calcium significantly also improves the physical pumping of your heart by causing your muscles to contract. You won’t bleed to death every time you nick yourself since it makes blood coagulate[1]. It contributes to the health of your hair, nails, and teeth, in addition to improving your bone health. 
  • Reduces The Risk Of Obesity: This is for the fitness enthusiast. A cup of warm organic milk or a glass of pure buttermilk might make you feel satisfied, in comparison to all those protein and fruit drinks. Additionally, organic milk products can also satisfy different cravings by just adding your preferred fruits or flavouring powders. You’ve found the healthiest dish you can eat—just be careful not to add a high amount of sugar. However, it is far less costly than all those diet foods that individuals generally buy. You are less likely to overeat and consume too many calories, given that organic dairy products include a significant amount of protein, which has the effect of helping you feel fuller after eating. 
  • Help Fight Diseases: As previously mentioned, calcium assists in the pumping of your heart by enabling muscular contraction. In light of this, consuming organic milk products daily helps fight against severe diseases, including high bp as well as the risk of having a stroke. Additionally, the lactose in these foods helps your liver produce less harmful cholesterol. It enables your body to fight certain cancers and diseases in addition to improving your vision. Additionally, research suggests that eating routines that include dairy products lower type 2 diabetes risk and protect against heart disease.
  • Get a Better Night’s Sleep: For humans, getting enough quality sleep can be extremely challenging in today’s nonstop, around-the-clock lifestyle. Sleep serves a vital role in recharging our bodies and thoughts and preventing illness. Fortunately, several substances found in organic milk products are proven to help sound sleep patterns. Numerous studies have shown a connection between consuming dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and buttermilk and getting a good night’s sleep. It is thought that the chemicals tryptophan and melatonin, which are rich in dairy products, may help with sleep. Additionally, regular consumption of these products, along with your relaxing evening routine, is proven to be advantageous.
  • High nutritional value: Simply put, organic dairy products are incredibly nourishing. A cup of unadulterated milk (237 ml) has several nutrients in it. These include riboflavin (26% of RDI), vitamin B12 (18% of RDI), vitamin D (24% of RDI), and calcium (28% of RDI). Vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium are other important vitamins and minerals. It is important to note that dairy products from cows that receive grass and organic food will be healthier than those from other sources. Organic milk is also thought of as a complete protein, which means it incorporates all nine of the important amino acids. They often contain a lot of protein, a vital component for muscular growth, immune system control, and cell repair.
  • Improves Bone Health: Organic dairy products are an eminent source of calcium, as we all know. A calcium-rich diet helps to improve the overall health of our bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. A medical disease called osteoporosis can weaken bones and increase their susceptibility to breaking. A diet containing lots of milk and other dairy products can help this illness, which often takes years to develop.
  • Strengthens dental health: The high calcium and phosphorus content of organic milk products has already been mentioned. Together, these two minerals contribute to keeping our teeth strong and healthy by strengthening our enamel. Dairy consumption regularly is beneficial for our gum health and can reduce the occurrence of gum disease. Dairy items, including milk, cheese, and yoghurt, are promoted for youngsters to help with tooth development and health.
  • Prevent Heartburn: Indian meals are typically more spicy and acidic than we expected or are used to. These subsequently become the sources of stomach problems and painful acidity. It is recommended to consume organic milk products after one meal that has smoke blowing out of our ears to prevent such painful situations. According to health reports, curd and buttermilk have a cooling effect that protects the oesophagus and stomach lining from heartburn.
  • Makes Your Skin Glow: Even if it’s not always preferable to consume organic milk products, you can use them as one of the ingredients in many homemade facial masks to provide your skin with an unmatched glow. During medieval days, Indian royalty would take ceremonial baths in pure milk. It comprises a large number of moistening components and is supposed to have purifying qualities. Additionally, some studies claim milk and curd can lighten skin.
  • Helps Fight Depression: Serotonin is a hormone linked to mood, hunger, and sleep that is maintained by adequate vitamin D levels. A 2020 study has shown that a vitamin D deficiency in the body can occasionally be connected to the feeling of depression. Organic milk products have vitamin D supplements present in them, which can help people feel better.


A growing body of research shows that consuming organic milk products is associated with a variety of health advantages, from established ones like lowering blood pressure and promoting bone health to more recent ones like lowering the risk of diabetes and coronary disease. You may order organic milk products such as A2 Gir cow milk, A2 Sahiwal cow milk, A2 Paneer, etc., from SwadeshiVIP App and website.

Read our Article: Which Brand is Delivering the Pure Gir Cow Milk in Noida?


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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