10 Natural Home Remedies for Dark Circles: Bye-Bye Panda Eyes

home remedies for dark circles
| Feb 07, 2023
Home Remedies

Wouldn’t you simply hate waking up to discover big dark rings forming under your eyes after a rough day and sleepless night? Many of us struggle with this problem, so in this article, we’ve put together a list of quick, all-natural home remedies for dark circles. Please remember that while dark circles take some time to eliminate, anyone could still get rid of the under-eye circles permanently with the help of these eye packs, simple massaging techniques, and much more.


Don’t you just hate it when your entire appearance is flawless, and the only flaw is a pair of black, haunting circles under your eyes? We like to say that dark circles are indeed as common as common can be. Thus, you are not alone. However, this also raises the issue of why and how people obtain dark circles in the first place.

There are several reasons why we develop black circles around our eyes, from genetic causes and dietary inadequacies to stress and irregular sleep. Therefore, in addition to using home remedies for dark circles, it is also essential to have a well-balanced diet that includes fish, eggs, vegetables, leafy greens, dal, paneer, cheese, skimmed milk, curd, A2 ghee, unprocessed cereals, sprouts, salads, and fresh fruits. But adapting home remedies for dark circles is much more reliable to eliminate dark circles, improve eye health and more in just a few days, as diet may need several months to show benefits. 

To get quick and effective results, one should stick to home remedies for dark circles. Additionally, because of how delicate the area around our eyes is, it is advisable to address these issues at home rather than with products that contain harmful chemicals. To help you give the area around your eyes a breath of fresh air, here is a list of easy and simple home remedies for dark circles.

10 Effective Home Remedies for Dark Circles

Try out the following home remedies for dark circles to find which one is most successful for you. When introducing a new routine, keep in mind to be persistent and patient. For about 4 to 6 weeks, test these remedies every day. Continue with the following home remedies if you see any visible changes:

10 Effective Home Remedies for Dark Circles
  1. Cucumber: Cucumber is one of the best & natural home remedies for dark circles because it contains bioactive substances and nutrients that can suppress tyrosinase activity. Also, it can aid in lightening the pigmentation[1] around the eyes. All you need is one teaspoon of aloe vera gel and a cucumber. Prepare a thick paste by blending all the ingredients. Apply the paste on the dark circles for at least 15 minutes. Wash your face off with cold water. This paste should be used once a day.
  2. Almond Oil: Emollient qualities can be found in sweet almond oil. Enhancing your skin tone aids in minimising the appearance of dark circles around your skin. For using this home remedy, take a cotton ball with 3–4 drops of almond oil. Apply it to your skin and massage the area around your dark circles. Leave it on overnight, and wash it off with a cleanser in the morning. Do it every night before going to bed until the dark circles are gone.
  3. Lemon Juice: Vitamin C is abundantly present in lemons. It also has anti-pigmentary effects and could contribute to skin thickness beneath the eyes. It can lessen dark circles and hide blood vessels that have become evident as our body ages. Before using this home remedy for dark circles, conduct a patch test on a small area on your elbow skin to see if lemon juice stings. Take a bowl and extract fresh lemon juice; with the help of a cotton ball, apply it to your dark circles. Leave it on for at least 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water. It is one of the influential home remedies for dark circles.
  4. Aloe Vera Gel: Aloesin is a substance that is found in abundance in aloe vera gel, which helps in preventing tyrosinase activity. This substance can also help in treating skin pigmentation and cure dark circles forming around your eyes. Regular utilisation of aloe vera gel can leave your skin hydrated and smooth. For this home remedy, take a small portion of aloe vera gel on your fingertip and massage it around your eyes for 5-10 minutes. Leave it on overnight, and wash your face with your everyday cleanser in the morning. 
  5. Tomato: Lycopene and beta-carotene are two phytochemicals found abundantly in tomatoes; these substances protect the skin tissue around your eyes from oxidative damage and erythema. With frequent utilisation, you will notice your dark circle fade little by little. For this home remedy, blend tomato and lemon juice to create a thick paste. Apply the paste around your eyes and set it for at least 25 minutes before washing it off. It is one of the significant home remedies for dark circles.
  6. Ghee: Pure desi cow A2 ghee can help in removing dark circles and skin pigmentation because of its natural antioxidant properties. Ghee also contains vitamin A, which hydrates and nourishes skin by stopping tyrosinase activities. Simply apply a few drops of pure cow ghee on your fingertips and massage the area around your eyes for at least one minute before letting it sit for 15 minutes and later rinse it off with cold water. To get better effects, apply this cure every night before bed. It is one of the effective home remedies for dark circles.
  7. Honey: Polypropylene, a substance which is found in Honey, helps in blocking tyrosinase activities. It can help in reducing dark circles around your eyes by working on skin pigmentation. To use this home remedy for dark circles, mix one teaspoon of lemon juice and honey. Apply this concoction to your dark circles and let it sit for at least 20 minutes before washing it off. Make sure to use the remedy at least once a week for quick results. 
  8. Yogurt: Yogurt contains L-cysteine, a substance that also helps block tyrosinase activities which can further prevent the formation of dark circles and skin pigmentation. Take a bowl and add one teaspoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of yoghurt and mix it. Apply the paste on your dark circles and massage it for at least 2 minutes before letting it set for about 10 minutes. You should use this remedy at least twice a week for better and more effective results. 
  9. Potato Juice: Azelaic acid, a component that is found in potato juice, can help in treating dark circles and skin pigmentation by stopping tyrosinase activities. In a bowl, mix one and a half tablespoons of potato juice with one teaspoon of ghee. With the help of a cotton ball, dap the mixture around the eyes and let it sit for 10 minutes. You should use this recipe twice a week for better and quick results. It is one of the impactful home remedies for dark circles.
  10. Saffron: Riboflavin and carotenoids are two bioactive substances that are present in saffron which helps stop tyrosinase activities. These two bioactive substances can help reduce the appearance of dark circles and prevent excessive skin pigmentation around your face. Using this home remedy for dark circles, take a bowl with pure cow milk and soak three strands of saffron for at least 2 hours. After 2 hours, with the help of a cotton ball, apply it around your eyes and let it sit for at least 10 minutes before washing it off with cold water. 


Several factors might contribute to the development of dark circles under your eyes, including an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, anxiety, and perhaps even hormone imbalance. In addition to working on your food, sleep schedule, and—most importantly—your mental health, make sure you use these at-home remedies for dark circles as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Never use any of these DIY remedies, especially lemon juice, directly on your face without first conducting a patch test on your elbow.

Read our Article: Make your face Glow: Desi Ghee Benefits for skin!


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