10 Effective Home Remedies for Hiccups

10 Effective Home Remedies for Hiccups

Let’s face the reality: most of us have been in a situation where we suddenly found ourselves hiccupping nonstop, whether in the middle of a party with guests all around or during an important work meeting. However, hiccups are often harmless and temporary, and they can turn into genuine irritation, especially if they continue for several minutes or more.

 Hiccups arise from everyday actions such as eating too quickly or consuming carbonated beverages, which can irritate the diaphragm easily. That automatic contraction of the diaphragm catches us off guard, which intends a series of quick inhalations that produce that particular “hic” sound.

People have devised countless home remedies for hiccups when they arise. There’s no shortage of suggestions, from breathing into a paper bag to eating a spoonful of sugar. But do these remedies work?

Fortunately, several effective home remedies for hiccups can quickly relieve hiccups. In this blog, we will explore some of the most popular methods that people commonly use. We will discuss how these home remedies for hiccups work and provide insights on why they may help bring about instant relief from those annoying hiccup episodes. So, if you’re looking for ways to stop those hiccups in their tracks, keep reading!

What are the Symptoms and Causes of Hiccups?

The symptoms noticed explicitly in the internal body are a spasm in the diaphragm and the ‘Hic’ sound that comes out of the mouth. Also, there are situations when people experience tireless hiccups in the diaphragm, which don’t get the ‘hic’ sound.

Hiccups typically occur when there is irritation in the nerves that leads to the diaphragm contracting. The nerves involved, such as the vagus and phrenic nerve, create a pathway that spans to a reflex arc. Reflex arcs are responsible for flexible involuntary functions of the body. These functions, which include breathing, digestion, and heart rate, are not under your conscious control. When the nerves that regulate the diaphragm become irritated, it can result in a sudden contraction.

There are trigger activities that mostly create random hiccups:

  • Eating too much or too fast
  • Drinking carbonated beverage
  • Eating spicy foods or food very hot or cold
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Smoking Tobacco or Cannabis
  • Swallowing Excessive Air.

Natural Home Remedies for Hiccups

Here are several effective home treatments for hiccups that utilise essential ingredients such as pure honey, yoghurt, sugar, ice water, lemon, gripe water, and even peanut butter, which can help you eliminate them almost instantly. However, it’s crucial to mention that if hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

1. Vinegar for Hiccups

Mix vinegar and maple syrup in a glass of warm water. This drink should give you relief from hiccups with just one glass. It acts as an excellent remedy to stop short-term impulsive hiccups.

2. Peanut Butter for Hiccups

Take a spoonful of peanut butter and eat it directly; while eating this, the breathing pattern changes and is altered, ending the hiccups.  So, it can be so yummy!

3. Grape Jelly for Hiccups

Take one spoonful of grape jelly and eat it to give that slimy effect in the food channel and break the breathing process. Even if it is not properly clear, will this remedy be 100% effective?

4. Chamomile Tea for Hiccups

Make a cup of chamomile herb tea with a few drops of lemon juice. Chamomile helps in the natural process of muscle relaxant that also relaxes the muscles in the diaphragm to ease contractions and control hiccups. A cup of this tea can make the hiccups go away!

5. Asafoetida for Hiccups

Mix a 3-4 pinch of asafoetida powder and one tablespoon of butter and swallow it directly. Asafoetida is a ‘hing’, a powerful agent that relaxes the diaphragm muscles. And it comparatively works fast and gives relief from hiccups.

6. Ginger for Hiccups

Cut 2 to 3 small pieces of ginger and place them in your mouth, then suck on them for a few minutes. Ginger is an excellent remedy for getting rid of annoying hiccups. Its anti-inflammatory properties help relax the diaphragm muscle. Additionally, ginger is beneficial for hiccups that are caused by indigestion.

7. Water for Hiccups

Drink some cold water for severe hiccups. You will need 3-4 glasses, a simple yet effective home remedy for hiccups. With this system of swallowing the water, it relaxes the diaphragm muscles. The gap between the hiccups happens eventually and relieves you from the hiccups.

8. Lemon for Hiccups

Sprinkle sugar on a lemon wedge and bite into that, instantly stopping the hiccups in a few seconds. The sourness of the mouth saturates the mouth and the digestive tract. This way, the nerves causing the spasm get stimulated.

9. Cardamom Powder for Hiccups

Take one teaspoon of cardamom powder and boil it in water; the heat should be on a low flame. When the liquid cools down and strains, consume the resulting filtrate. Cardamom powder helps relax the diaphragm muscles and is believed to be effective against hiccups. It works by flushing out excess alcohol from the system, further aiding muscle relaxation. 

10. Ice for Hiccups  

Drinking cold water can quickly relieve hiccups by shocking the digestive system. You might gasp momentarily, but it’s nothing to worry about. Just take deep breaths to normalise your breathing.


While hiccups can be annoying, they don’t need to interfere with our everyday lives. By keeping these home remedies for hiccups handy, we can promptly tackle hiccup experiences and continue our usual work with minimal disruption.

Remember that prevention is essential, as steering clear of triggers such as eating too quickly, consuming carbonated drinks, or experiencing stress can help lessen the frequency of hiccups over time. If home remedies for hiccups don’t relieve after several tries, consulting a healthcare professional who can suggest further treatments or explore any underlying issues might be beneficial. With these straightforward yet effective home remedies, we can bid goodbye to those annoying hiccups and embrace a hiccup-free existence!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How to reduce hiccups immediately?

    Things you can do yourself to reduce hiccups:
    – Sip ice-cold water
    – Pull your knees up to your chest and lean forward
    – Breath into a paper bag
    – Swallow some granulated sugar
    – Hold your breath and look upwards, stretching the neck portion
    – Bite on a lemon or taste vinegar

  2. What is the immediate treatment of hiccups?

    Regardless of how, when, and where the hiccups begin. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds, then inhale twice before exhaling.

  3. What food stops hiccups?

    These six foods can give immediate relief from hiccups,
    – Honey
    – Vinegar
    – Sugar
    – Peanut butter
    – Lemon
    – Chocolate powder.

  4. What is the best drink to cure hiccups?

    Drinks to cure hiccups are mainly ice water.

  5. How to sleep during hiccups?

    Before sleeping, try breathing into a paper bag or holding your breath for a few seconds. Certain medications can also help with long-term hiccups, such as muscle relaxants and anti-spasmodic drugs.

  6. How long do Hiccups last?

    Hiccups resolve themselves after a few minutes, but prolonged hiccups that last for days or weeks may be symptomatic of underlying disorders.

  7. Can honey stop hiccups?

    Certain foods and drinks can also be effective hiccup remedies; remedies include consuming a spoonful of honey, chewing on a piece of fresh ginger, or drinking a teaspoon of vinegar.

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