10 Benefits of Ghee in winter that Make it a Good-to-go Winter Food

Benefits of Ghee in Winter
| Dec 01, 2022
Cow Ghee

The cold is around the corner, and keeping your body warm, fresh, and energetic is all we want. Imagine having chapped lips and dried or flaky skin, and that is such a big no. This is why paying close attention to your overall health, skin, and hair is always recommended during winter. Ghee is such an adaptable ingredient that the benefits of ghee in winter are innumerable. Ayurvedic professionals always suggest that you must entail it into your diet.

Benefits of Ghee in winter: Ayurvedic Amrit made by using Bilona Technique

Small-scale production of ghee ensures a high level of authenticity. In comparison to international varieties that make more milk, the milk from native cows only typically yields 2 to 3 litres each day and is more nutrient-rich. To increase milk supply, the cattle are neither pushed nor given fertility drugs. One of the substantial benefits of ghee in winter is that it is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties. 

It is 100% pure and is an outcome of the cruelty-free tactic of milking. Fresh A2 milk from Desi Indian cows is heated to make it curdle, and the yogurt is then gently hand-churned in a wood tool known as a bilona in both directions. To create Desi Cow Ghee, the butter acquired from this method is clarified and cooked gradually. It explains why it has a fantastic taste, heavier density, and a grainy feel.

Ayurvedic Superfood used by Rishi Munis

It is one element that frequently receives the most attention when we discuss religious food (conventional or innovative). Naturally, ghee was essential to culinary and cleansing rites. It is a popular element used in miniature havans performed at homes to resemble the Rishi Munis’ earlier fire ceremonies. When performing rituals that involve dipping a couple of cloves in ghee and watching them flare in fire, the purpose of the ghee is to keep the fire burning and to present food to the deities. But more importantly for this discussion, it is a component that must be present for the offerings to divine to be complete.

While contemporary Indian cuisine might not take such differences into consideration anymore, festive traditions ensure that we are still adhering to these customs, even though it is unintentional.

10 Benefits of Ghee in winter

Cold winters bring such beautiful weather but also brings a time to keep your body healthy and going. Winter can cause a cold, fever, cough, etc., due to the sudden decrease in temperature. However, you can enjoy this chilled weather if you follow some guidelines and use plenty of ghee. Let’s check out some benefits of ghee in winter.

Benefits of Ghee in winter

It keeps your body warm 

It is well-known for its capacity to retain warmth during the cold. It has a high smoking point, making it perfect for heating in cold climates. Additionally, it has a flavour that is moderate and lets the spices of your dish come through. It can be used in veggies, eggs, or meat or even as a teaspoonful on rotis.

Fights cough, cold, or flu

It incorporates anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, which makes it beneficial in curing colds and flu, according to Ayurveda. A few lukewarm drops of pure cow ghee applied to the nose can instantly relieve discomfort.

Moisturizes your body from the inside out

 It can hydrate your skin cells inside and out, in addition to being a great natural lubricant if used topically. It contains necessary lipids that maintain your epidermis nice and elastic. Additionally, it nourishes dry hair and the scalp.

Enhances digestion and intestinal health

There is substantial proof that the nutrient content of ghee contains gastric fluids that aid digestion. Enzymes included in gastric juices aid in the digestion of food into smaller molecules. So, one teaspoon of this golden food would not only make your roti softer but also make it easier for you to go to the bathroom.

Healthy Energy Supply

Have you recently questioned why you’ve unexpectedly begun to feel lethargic more frequently these days? The shift in weather may be among the causes. People are not at their most productive during the winter. It is an excellent fuel source. Lauric acid[1], one of the medium- and short-chain fatty acids found in it, is a strong antibacterial and antifungal compound. One of the key benefits of ghee in winter is that making delectable ladoos or other desserts by using it will give you a much-needed boost of power in the day.

Promotes healthy fat loss

It includes medium fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acids and short-chain fatty acids like Omega 3 and 6 in its 64% organic saturated fat content. These fatty acids are regarded as nutritious and can aid in healthy weight reduction when included in a meal in moderation.

One of the significant benefits of ghee in winter is that making it a regular part of the meal will keep your body’s overall health at a good level and acts as a refill due to its high-fat content. You might feel satisfied for more than normal. This pillar of the dairy industry is customizable; you can have it in the morning and also with milk in the evening.

Improves the flavour

It can be used in dishes and munchies to give them more taste and a creamier richness. Whether it’s a veggie or a hot curry, this Ayurvedic Amrit can be incorporated into any dish. Furthermore, it will provide you with a lot of calories in the cold. Its high caloric content acts as a remedy for cold discomfort.

For dark circles 

Not only winters but dark circles are an all-year-round problem. One of the influential benefits of ghee in winter is that applying it in place of your under-eye lotions and skincare products will help you get rid of dark circles.

Better without a doubt, and affordable. Every night prior to going to bed, apply ghee to the area around and beneath your eyes. The next day, rinse it with normal water.


It requires more time to prepare than a wide range of clarified butter, but because it is made using moderate heat, it maintains more nutrients and vitamins. It contains antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A, and other natural elements.

Speeds up metabolic activity

It can aid in reducing irritation and enhancing the digestive tract because it is high in butyric acid. Additionally, it encourages the production of gastric acid, which aids in sustaining a balanced digestive tract.

The Final Words

Each of these benefits of ghee in winter turns into a reliable source of virtue and energy. However, you must only purchase pure and natural A2 ghee. Your health and well-being are SwadeshiVIP’s top priorities so that you may stay healthy all winter long. Plus, including exercise or other beneficial lifestyle alterations in your routine to reap the full benefits of ghee in winter is also a great idea.

Read our Article: 7 Reasons to Consume Desi Ghee during winter: An In-Depth Overview


SwadeshiVIP is India's leading A2 milk brand that deals in A2 milk-based products. We are blessed with a team of 20+ researchers and content moderators from the dairy industry. We are aiming to enhance the knowledge of readers and make them understand the value of organic farming, sustainable agriculture methods, and dairy products. With over 40+ Years of combined dairy community experience, we provide the correct and relevant information as per industry standards.

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