10 Anti-Anxiety Teas that will Make You Calm & Stress-Free

Anti-anxiety Teas
| Feb 28, 2023

When we talk about tea, it just lights up people’s faces; there’s a reason why tea is considered the most popular drink. Stress can make us do many things that are bad for our health, including unhealthy eating and drinking habits. Focusing on our health and adding some important lifestyle choices is very important. Teas have been a part of many people’s routines, especially herbal teas. Some people suggest that there are several Anti-anxiety tea which can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and some other mental health symptoms. 
Although Anti-anxiety teas are not like capsules and might not start the work instantly, they can be useful in the long run. 

Benefits of Anti-anxiety Teas

We drink tea sometimes just to knock off a day’s stress, but some Anti-anxiety teas are better off if taken under a routine. 

Some potential benefits of drinking Anti-anxiety teas include:

  • Soothing our upset stomachs and also help with digestive issues
  • Helps with menstrual cramps
  • Improves morning sickness or nausea if anyone faces it
  • Improves insomnia conditions and sleep issues
  • Improves blood sugar levels. 
  • keeps you calm 
  • The fragrance is also worth it

They are essential in our routine for a lot of different reasons; let’s look forward to some of the best Anti-anxiety teas that we can choose from for better health.

Below are 10 famous Anti-anxiety teas that you can choose from for the betterment of your health. 

10 famous Anti-anxiety teas
  1. Peppermint Tea 
    Peppermint is found in a lot of gardens, these classic leaves can always be underrated, and they can be used for more than just seasoning our dishes. A lot of studies suggest that the smell of peppermint can work wonders with frustration, fatigue, stress and anxiety. The aroma of peppermint[1] can calm you down in stressful situations. Some other studies suggest that peppermint spray works for a lot of people who have gone through childbirth or even a heart attack. Other than these benefits, Peppermint tea is quite useful in combating our stress-related feelings, which in turn can help with anxiety. It is also useful if you are tired. Peppermint tea can be one option for you to choose from all the other Anti-anxiety teas. 
  2. Chamomile Tea
    This Anti-anxiety tea has its name rhyming with calm. This Daisy-like flowered tea is another chai that can help out with your stress. It is well known for being helpful in soothing your stress down. A study done in 2016 suggests that if we intake chamomile tea for a long period of time, it significantly reduces or even makes the symptoms of GAD moderate which is generalized anxiety disorder. 
    Not only does chamomile tea have soothing and relaxing properties, but it also works as a sedative. It can be used for inflammation and easing pain if our stomach is upset. 
  3. Lavender Tea
    Lavender is used for a lot of products, especially in body lotions and perfumes, mainly because of its smell. As an Anti-anxiety tea, it is well known for stabilizing moods and having sedative properties. Researchers have found out that Silexan, which is an oral capsule, helps a lot of people with GAD. Intake of lavender tea can also work wonders. The smell of lavender just calms you down; imagine what all could a tea do. Lavender tea would not only help with anxiety, but it also is good for your skin. It helps you heal any skin-related issues like burns and acne and also soothes down if you have any pain in your body. Also, it has the potential to help you if you add it to your routine. 
  4. Valerian Tea
    The roots of valerian have been used as a herbal remedy for years. It helps with sleep and insomnia-related issues. While studies have been mixed, some suggest Valerian tea helps relieve sleepiness related to anxiety. Other researchers mean that women undergoing a medical procedure can have a lot of stress and anxiety; in this situation, if they take valerian extract, it helps a lot to calm down, but it is always better to ask a doctor first for any side effects of the surgery. If anyone goes through regular headaches or even heart palpitations, valerian tea might be helpful. As an Anti-anxiety tea, it is also helpful with insomnia. 
  5. Lemon Balm Tea
    Lemon Balm is a relative of the month family with a lemony fragrance which, in turn, is not a bad choice of thought about. This Anti-anxiety tea is used by people for sleeplessness, anxiety and even depression. It works by using GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps soothe stress. 
    Lemon Balm extract is also helpful for mild to moderate insomnia and anxiety. Research has also suggested that symptoms of anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression can be reduced in people who are suffering from a heart condition called angina. 
  6. Passionflower Tea
    If you come across passionflower tea packaging, just looking at it would calm you down. It’s just really refreshing. Passionflower has been used for a long time for improving sleep habits. It is also helpful in easing symptoms of anxiety. Research has found that passionflower supplements can be used for mainstream medications and reduce anxiety in people who are into dental work. Passionflower tea, just like other teas, helps improve stomach-related issues and also works as one of the effective Anti-anxiety teas. 
  7. Green Tea
    Who hasn’t heard about Green tea and its benefits? Green tea is one of the most underrated anti-anxiety teas; it is high in L- theanine, which is an amino acid; this amino acid helps in reducing anxiety. A study on students who used to drink green tea shows that it helps improve focus and lower stress levels. In short, this Anti-anxiety tea helps in lowering stress and anxiety in people who drink it regularly.  
  8. Holy Basil Tea
    Holy basil is widely known as Tulsi; the leaves are known to be medicinal and help with stress reduction and other stomach-related issues. Holy basil tea is beneficial for both physical and mental health problems. It includes anxiety, stomach pain, cough and arthritis pain. You can add pure honey to holy basil tea.
  9. Ashwagandha Tea
    Ashwagandha works a lot as one of the beneficial Anti-anxiety teas. Who has not heard about Ashwagandha? It is a famous Ayurvedic herb. This herb helps combat fatigue and stress. It is an adaptogenic herb which helps in managing anxiety. It is known for having anti-stress, Anti-anxiety and anti-oxidant properties. 
  10. Fennel Tea
    Fennel seeds are famous for soothing stomach issues and cooling your gut. It is a tall herb that brings out yellow flowers. It is native to the Mediterranean seeds and has been famous for calming anxiety. 

The Bottom Line 

Anti-anxiety tea has a calming effect and can help with a lot of other issues too. Pick your favourite among these anti-anxiety teas and start your plan today. Be it exam-related stress or any other problem, what can a cup of tea not do? So help yourself, go out, choose and pick one flavour and start your journey towards stress and anxiety-free days. 

Read our Article: Ashwagandha Herbal Tea: Everything you should know


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