
A2 Desi Cow Milk(In Stock)

Pure and 100% Fresh

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Our A2 desi cow milk (Also known as A2 regular milk) is a powerhouse of nutrients as it is obtained from Top Desi cow breeds such as Sahiwal, Gir, Tharparkar and Rathi. It is a perfect blend of all the nutrients present in the milk of these indigenous cattle breeds. One glass of A2 Desi cow milk is equivalent to meals of two times.


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Product Description

Our A2 Desi cow milk (A2 regular milk) is sourced from indigenous cow breeds of India, such as Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, and Tharparkar. It is our commitment to preserving Vedic Indian culture and values and delivering the purest form of milk to our customers. It predominantly contains A2 Beta-casein protein in significantly higher proportion in comparison with A1 milk. Our A2 Desi cow milk is considered easier to digest and never causes digestive discomfort even after regular consumption. Various potential health benefits of A2 Desi cow milk are reduced risk of allergies and inflammation, lowering bad cholesterol, strengthened bones and teeth, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and arthritis, reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, immunity booster, aids in constipation, helps in maintaining glowing skin, improvement in the absorption ability of the small intestines, prevents gastrointestinal disorders, etc. are associated with A2 Desi cow milk.

Why SwadeshiVIP A2 Desi Cow Milk?

Powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals

Easier on the digestive system for lactose-intolerant individuals

We follow ethical and sustainable farming practices at our farm.

The use of antibiotics and hormones is strictly prohibited.

Richer and more Natural Taste than A1 milk or milk obtained from foreign cows

The CLA content in A2 Desi cow milk plays a significant role in weight management.

We follow proper hygiene guidelines from the point of milk production till successful delivery.

At SwadeshiVIP farm, we feed our divine moo creatures only with chemical-free fertilisers, natural and organic fodder and nutritious food.

It passes through 20+ rigorous quality checks by experts.

To increase the shelf life of amazing milk and prevent the development as well as the spread of harmful bacteria, we use a bulk milk chiller (BMC) machine to maintain milk at 4°C.

Nutritional Info


72 Kcal

Total Carbohydrates

4.5 g

Trans Fat

0 g

Saturated Fat

2.6 g

Total Fat

4.5 g


2.6 g


221 mg

Vitamin A

24 mg

Health Benefits of A2 Desi Cow Milk

Muscle Maintenance

The protein present in it is responsible for transforming muscular health and maintaining the muscle in the right state. Regular intake diminishes muscle function loss.

Promotes Strong Bones and Teeth

The presence of Vitamin D and Calcium in it promotes strong bones and teeth. It helps the body grow and repair bones. As it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it prevents bone ageing.

Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease

The presence of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D in A2 Desi Cow milk eliminates the extra body fats and cholesterol deposits. As per the observational studies, A1 milk consumption is linked with cardiovascular disease. Thus, switching to A2 milk is a great idea.

Boosts Brain Power

It contains Strontium and Cerebrosides, which are known for boosting brain power. The Cerebrosides present in it ensure consistent growth in brain functioning. Furthermore, it is known for improving cognitive function.

Boosts Immune System

Considered as healthy and nutritious as mother’s milk, it contributes significantly to building immunity. It ensures the smooth functioning of our immune system.

Encourages Good Sleep

The presence of Amino Acid Tryptophan in A2 Desi cow milk promotes good sleep. Tryptophan leads to the production of Serotonin, which eventually plays a substantial role in regulating sleep patterns and mood.

Regulates Blood Pressure

The Potassium present in it regulates the blood pressure and keeps it under control. A2 Protein in it is considered one of the essential components that balance blood pressure and won’t let it rise beyond a certain point.

Protect against Eye Disorders and Ensures Good Eyesight

The high levels of Iron and Vitamin B12 in it are helpful in improving eyesight and providing protection against eye disorders. It keeps your vision sharp and prevents the growth of cataracts.

Good Choice for People with Lactose Intolerance

Individuals with lactose intolerance find it difficult to digest the sugar (lactose) in milk fully. As a result, they face health issues such as diarrhoea, bloating and gas after consuming dairy products. The condition, which is also known as lactose malabsorption, is generally harmless, but its signs and symptoms can be uncomfortable. A2 Desi cow milk is an effective remedy for folks with lactose intolerance.

Nourishes Skin

The lactic acid in A2 Desi Cow Milk assists in preserving moisture and acts as a healing agent for dry skin. Applying it daily on the skin ensures the maintenance of youthful skin glow.

Excellent for Pregnant Women

Pregnant women must consume 1 glass of A2 Desi cow milk on a daily basis to fulfil the iron requirement of the body. It helps in maintaining hydration and assists pregnant mothers during their fluid loss in the delivery cycle.

Maintains Stamina, Energy, and Vitality

It is a natural source of carbohydrates for energy and vitality. With every glass of A2 Desi Cow milk, you consume about 8 grams of proteins, which elevates your energy level throughout the day.

Facilities Available at SwadeshiVIP A2 Sahiwal Cow Milk Farm

CCTV Equipped Farm
Hydroponic Technique
Care & Affection
Ethical Milking
No Machine Milking
24hr Veterinary Service
Genuine Trust
Farm to door Experience

Difference between A2 Desi Cow Milk and A1 Milk

A2 Desi Cow Milk

Entails A2 Beta-casein Protein.


Considered less allergic.


Obtained from desi Indian cows such as Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, etc.


It is easily digestible.


A2 milk type on enzymatic digestion does not produce BCM-7.


Boosts the immunity level


Enhances the performance of the digestive system and reduces gastrointestinal disorders


It reduces the symptoms of Autism and provides mental strength.

A1 Milkk

Entails A1 Beta-casein Protein.


Considered highly allergic.


Obtained from foreign cow breeds such as Guernsey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, etc.


It is not easily digestible.


A1 milk type on enzymatic digestion produces BCM-7 that causes an impact on neurological, cardiovascular, and endocrine frameworks.


Lowers the immune response of the body


Causes bloating, gas, ulcers, and stomach upsets


It has been linked with Autism in Kids.

Farm to Home Delivery Approach

Milking Bliss (Cows are treated with love and kindness during milking)


Chillaxing the Milk Way (Milk passes through Bulk Milk Chiller Machine)


Round-the-Clock Delivery Assistance



Special Features

A Family of 300+ Desi Cows 

Dairy Farm Encircling 20+ Acres Area

Forming an Eco-sustainable Environment

Well-equipped Shed Management Mechanism

Personal Hygiene of Divine Cows is taken into Consideration

Top Nutritionists of India recommend A2 Desi Cow Milk

25000+ Litre A2 Desi Cow Milk Delivered till now

Modern Waste Management Techniques are Adopted

FSSAI & ISO Certified for Milk Standards

Mentioned by Best News Portals as the Leading A2 Milk Brand


A2 Desi cow milk is Vedic and natural milk obtained from indigenous Indian cows such as Gir, Rathi, Tharparkar, Sahiwal, etc.

Some studies indicate that A2 Desi cow milk is healthier than regular milk. Individuals sensitive to A1 milk should switch to A2 Desi cow milk.

Yes, it can be suitable for infants and toddlers. However, you can consult with a paediatrician for better suggestions.

Yes, you can use A2 milk for baking as well as cooking.

Yes, A2 Desi Cow Milk obtained at our SwadeshiVIP Farm is 100% certified organic.

As per the observational studies, A2 milk is considered suitable for individuals with dairy allergies.

The shelf life of A2 milk varies in different circumstances. However, it is generally longer than regular milk.

A1 milk is obtained from foreign cow breeds, while A2 milk is obtained from Desi Indian cow breeds. A1 milk is difficult to digest, while A2 milk is easier to digest. A1 milk is linked with cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, skin diseases, nervous disorders, etc. On the other hand, A2 milk is considered an effective remedy for high BP, cardiovascular issues, skin diseases, and nervous disorders.

Infants, children, pregnant mothers, youngsters and senior citizens should drink A2 milk.

Yes, A2 Milk is farm-fresh and natural to the core.